Victim NAFTA Countries Try To Stop North American Union

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... at least some of their patriotic citizens do..

For educational purposes:
" NAFTA Countries to Introduce Simultaneous Legislation to Stop SPP "

"Elected representatives from Canada, the U.S., and Mexico have agreed
to a plan to introduce simultaneous legislation in an effort to stop
the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America. This
cross border cooperation will go a long way in further exposing the
North American Union agenda.

In addition, legislators have agreed to launch a Task Force to
renegotiate NAFTA that will be chaired by NDP Trade Critic Peter
Julian. It also includes U.S. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), the
Honourable Yeidckol Polevnsky (Senator of Mexico State and Vice-
president of the Mexican Senate) and the Honourable Victor Quintana
(Deputy of the State Chihuahua, Mexico). This is all in an effort to
overhaul NAFTA and make it a more fair trade deal. Julian will also be
working with Kaptur and Mike Michaud (D-ME) to try and defeat the
Colombia Free Trade Agreement.

Julian said, "The NDP has been campaigning across Canada to expose and
stop the SPP. We've held over 20 public forums in more than twenty
cities and a dozen more are being planned for the spring of 2008.
These forums have been held to speak out on the grave concerns
surrounding the SPP and to help ensure that Canadians from coast to
coast to coast get informed and have their say. This trinational
initiative with colleagues from the U.S. and Mexico takes us to a new
stage in our fight to stop the SPP."

Discontent towards NAFTA is festering in Mexico, which has seen huge
protests by farmers. Since 1994, one quarter of the rural population
of Mexico and two million jobs have left the country. Mexican Senator
Polevnsky said, "It is indispensable that legislators from all three
North American partner countries work together to design an
alternative project that takes into account each nations sovereignty,
environmental protection, economic competitiveness, migration, and
labor rights."

With all this talk about renegotiating NAFTA, the U.S. ambassador to
Canada, David Wilkins recently acknowledged that he believes that it
is too important to do away with or make any dramatic changes to. He
pointed to the fact that, regardless who wins the American
presidential election, NAFTA will stand. The SPP is an expansion of
NAFTA, and is essentially the framework for a North American Union. On
the heels of the next SPP Leader Summit that will be held in New
Orleans on April 21 and 22, opposition towards a North American Union
is growing in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.

The citizens of all three NAFTA countries must demand more
transparency in regards to the SPP. Some believe that it might be
better to scrap NAFTA and just start from scratch. The reality remains
the same - in a North American Union, Canada, the U.S., and Mexico
would cease to exist as sovereign nations. This is a decision that
should not be left up to corporate elites, bureaucrats or politicians,
but to the will of the people.

"I do this for the love of my family and humanity. If it sparks debate
and leads people searching for the truth then it is all worth it. Keep
up the fight against the NWO."