Videos of Torture, Recall of FDIC Murder and Abuse


Kurt Brown

Here are some scenes and writings from <a href="">Mobile Audit Club</a>'s Quatrains 5 page.

Segment 9-8-2007: Like the outer core of the human brain is that which
reflects the ultimate in divine knowledge for that being, I also believe the
outer core of the creators essence is best reflected.   Things and
events are foretold and seen and reflected not only for any man or animal at
this outer point, but also for the divine and top being in the manifested form. 
It is not too much for a mere mortal man to sometimes experience that outer core
of the divine beings essence or to envision in the purest form, albeit briefly. 
Some may say it is deja vu, some may call it a mystical experience.

I at one time recalled or dreamt of a place that is so foreign and alien to
our current lives in this era that it seemed surreal.  It is now common
scientific knowledge that the outer core of our current space where we see our
earth and outward beyond all of the stars is what appears to be a wall of sorts
where the nature of nature changes, where the laws of physics may even seem to
change.  I believe time is infinite in this shell.  We, and our mass
and that of the stars circulate within.  But at one time, on  the
outer wall or just beyond was a huge central colony or planet like mass. 
And in its perimeter of its gravitational pull are many other planets.  I
see Saturn as having mimicked this idea, with the huge planet once containing
water on its surface and its largest moon, Titan, containing methane, a very
convenient power source for travel, a sort of filling station for rudimentary
propulsion and temperature control.

But I do not think we or I will ever get to that point as mankind as I see
it, is too primitive and uncivilized to itself and everything around it.. 
How will it ever deal with some of the other life forms in direct contact when
they do not resemble man but are in fact far superior in all aspects except one,
simple beauty.  Just as we see a mockingbird hopping around and singing, it
is more beautiful than an old man who resembles a wild razorback hog, such as
that fake governor, Schwarzenegger.

Videos are linked in this paragraph to Youtube. 
<a href="">
Torture in Afghanistan</a> of children.   Torture recollections in
<a href="">Abu
Gharib</a>.   And here is the plain vanilla propaganda that
<a href="">CNN
officialdoms of the government want us to see, non-torture</a>.  And t<a href="">his
is the way the USA government regime in power and their men or technological
manifestations of men treated me, like a god</a>.  It is just a dog, but I
know the feeling and would have either killed the suffering dog with a bullet to
the back of the head or given it assistance.  Do not torture us, do not
torture me.  I hope God is watching over his dog(s).   I was a
disabled veteran who went to work for the FDIC.  I had physical problems on
one assignment that was way beyond the true nature of the job and it was in
training, and they gave it the name, the Zanadu Project at the FDIC's Seidman
training center near Washington D.C.  What they did not expect is that I
would stand back up.  Now, I await global crushing like the most honest and
obedient beings likely did while on Saturn in their suffering. 

The FDIC management in San Francisco, some of them, were not right, as one
Asian woman told me who was leaving the agency after 18 months, and who was one
of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and obviously extremely
intelligent and polite.  The management seemed to push out those who had
high intelligence at the bottom of the ranks.  As one lovely and
intelligent Asian woman told me as she was packing, "You will see things are not
right here".  She had another job, I did not.  I thought if I filed an
EEOC complaint for being terminated for the express statement by Sue Carol,
Assistant Regional Director, to the FDIC Director, George Masa, "If you drop the
EEOC complaint you can keep your job."  I did not know the EEOC complaint
would be refused to be heard.  Those in power in much of the USA government 
are like those hurting that dog.  Sue Carol and one of their labor
negotiators or attorney was in the room and made me promise not to tell. 
She or Masa knew I would tell.  She or Masa knew I would take the complaint
to the EEOC.  She or Masa or the attorney knew that the EEOC is no friend
to the working class.  Now I feel like a soldier, like a dog, and 
unlike that dog, I will walk again and again and I will chew those who have
crossed me into pieces and spit part of them out.

I am angry now.  I am only human.  I am animal like that dog. 
And like that dog, I have my own beauty and should not be mistreated in that
manner by men who look like feral pigs with distemper in their mistreatment of
other beings.  In the book of Enoch is talk of new weapons and wars that
were discredited.  I have even come across writings that seem to decipher
genetic code in a more complex nature and understanding than current popularized
dogma in the United States. 

The thing is though, when I remove the anger and the horror, I see technology
coupled with collusion.  I see a dead regional FDIC director in his office
as the inhumane step over his corpse to promote themselves.  I see those
few who came to my side as I left the FDIC wanting me to have agreed to the
management's terms.  I see myself, testing the system. Now the tests are
run and I do not see my allies in control of my native city in Alabama.  I
await the crushing of planet Earth and I hope that not of my people live through
it, as I do not want them to suffer like a dog. 

My name is Kurt.  My fathers name is Brown.  When I am in Mobile
often the friends of the regime will see me and say I am ****.  Perhaps it
is because my name is Brown.  They spit on me from high places and anyone
around me, including my loved ones.  My name is Kurt, not cur, I am not a
dog, I am not a god, but perhaps I am god's watchdog.  I found the mongrels
in the highest seats of man.  We are screwed, but as one sympathetic VA
guard told me in Los Angeles after I had been tortured for 10 days at the
facility and was being shipped off for 102 more days to LA County jail, "Every
dog has his day."  These are the dog days of Sumer.