Ok, being Greek and living these riots first hand (well, not too first-hand, I wasn't IN the mob of enraged ***** who were running around breaking everything) I have to tell you that the thing is simply this: Since the specific government was elected there have been numerous attempts by the rest of the opposition to overthrow it. And by attempts I mean that they tried and dug up all kinds of political, religious etc scandals, even fake ones, in order to tarnish the image of the government, especially the Prime Minister. I'm not saying the government is flawless, but those scandals still existed many years ago, why didn't anyone say anything about them whan the leaders were different? So, now, taking advantage of the tragic incident, namely the 15-year-old student's death, the leftists found the perfect opportunity to stirr things up and started urging their followers to fight in order to eliminate the "government of killers" as they typically say. There have been rumours too that the eye witnesses who testified that the policeman aimed directly at the kid to deliberately kill him were all paid to say it. But that was concealed of course and no one paid attention. As for the students... It's not the student's fault guys, the problem is that students always start peaceful demonstrations and then a bunch of anarchists with stockings and hoods and makeshift bombs and weapons mingle with them and find the opportunity to break, burn and just cause chaos. Because it's chaos they seek..not justice... But who can say anything? The plot is so well-set that now the police are collectively bastards and fascists who go around killing people. I'm just saying this. During the time the anarchists went around destroying innocent people's property the police had orders not to touch anyone cause then everything would get worse. Their hands were tied, they were just standing there watching some lunatics burning the cities and were unable to protect us!! Is that democracy? Who's the fascist now?? I'm sorry but I'm terribly ashamed of us as a nation right now. This isn't fighting for a better world...this is called taking advantage of innocent victims to benefit politically and in other despicable ways...