Violence Looms In Wake of Zimbabwe Elections



Zimbabwe is standing on a "precipice" as official results from
Saturday's general election start to trickle in, the opposition has

Leading Movement for Democratic Change official Tendai Biti says party
leader Morgan Tsvangirai has won 60% of the vote, against 30% for
Robert Mugabe.

Official results show both sides have 12 parliamentary seats so far.
Mr Biti says the results are being rigged.

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There was a further bit in the article about officials
arguing over just WHO is going to tell Mugabe that he's
lost the election ... apparently the bringing of bad
tidings may not survive :)

Regardless, this has the makings of another Kenya - but
far worse. Mugabe has been a real tyrant - brutal, corrupt.
He's not going to give up his power easily, if at all. The
only route I can see to a smooth transition would be if a
western government offers Mugabe a DEAL ... a subsidized
mansion in France and a generous yearly allowance perhaps.
Might be worth it ...

As for Zimbabwe/Angola ... it's pretty much a total loss
regardless. Mugabe authorized piracy against the remaining
europeans - which included farmers and technical people.
As a result, the economy, food supply and entire tech
infrastucture has crumbled and we now have a "4th-world"
country, a total disaster, like Haiti but twenty times