Violence surges in Iraq, no progress seen



July 9, 2007
Around 150, Death Toll in Iraq Attack Among War's Worst
BAGHDAD, July 8 - The death toll from a suicide truck bombing in a remote
village in northern Iraq rose to around 150 on Sunday, making it one of the
deadliest single bombings, if not the deadliest, since the 2003 invasion.

The attack, in the impoverished Shiite Turkmen village of Amerli, 100 miles
north of Baghdad in Salahuddin Province, has highlighted fears that Sunni
insurgents facing military crackdowns in Baghdad and Diyala Province are
simply directing their attacks to areas outside the concentration of
American troops.

The police in Amerli said that the truck used in Saturday's attack concealed
4.5 tons of explosives beneath watermelons. The blast leveled dozens of
houses and shops, trapping and killing many residents beneath the rubble.

Casualty counts conflicted. Some officials put the toll between 130 and 150,
but Col. Abbas Mohammed Ameen, the police commander of Tuz Khurmato, a town
about 15 miles away, said the toll was 155 dead and 265 wounded.

If that is correct, the Amerli attack would be the single worst bombing in
the war, deadlier than the March truck bombing in Tal Afar that killed 152

Tahsin Kahea, a member of the provincial council and a prominent member of
the Turkmen community, said he believed that the insurgent group Al Qaeda in
Mesopotamia and religious extremists had "started to attack the Shiite towns
outside the main cities after they have been suffocated in Baghdad and

"This happened previously in Daquq, Tal Afar and Bashir, and now in Amerli,"
he said.

The American ambassador, Ryan C. Crocker, and Gen. David H. Petraeus,
commander of the American forces in Iraq, issued a joint statement on Sunday
in which they condemned the attack, praised the Iraqi security and emergency
services, and promised to help the investigation. "We send our thoughts and
prayers to the victims' families and those injured," the statement said.
"This attack is another sad example of the nature of the enemy and their use
of indiscriminate violence to kill innocent citizens."

Near the town of Haswa, about 30 miles west of Baghdad, another suicide
truck bomber killed more than 20 new Iraqi Army recruits and wounded 27
others on Sunday, Iraqi security officials said.

They said the recruits were killed as they were being driven to a
recruitment center in Baghdad from Anbar Province. They were joining the
Iraqi security forces as part of a drive by Sunni tribal leaders to fight
the insurgent group Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, which had seized control of
some areas of the overwhelmingly Sunni province.

Two nearly simultaneous car-bomb blasts on Sunday in the eastern Baghdad
neighborhood of Karrada killed at least eight Iraqis and wounded 12, the
United States military said.

On the outskirts of Amerli on Sunday, fluttering black flags bore the names
of the dead - in some cases more than half a dozen from a single family.

In the middle of the sprawl of rubble that was once the town center, a
12-foot crater gaped. Villagers said 50 houses and 55 shops had been
destroyed and scores more badly damaged, with debris piled alongside
shattered buildings - a testament to where rescuers, their efforts now
ended, had tried to dig out survivors. The town has been cut off from
electricity and water since the blast.

The village's medical services - one small treatment center - were
immediately overwhelmed after the attack, and many of the wounded were sent
to Tuz Khurmato, Kirkuk and Sulaimaniya. Some were even flown to Turkey.

The governor of Salahuddin Province, Hamed Hamoud, arrived along with his
police commander to console residents on Sunday. But the villagers refused
to meet with them, instead throwing stones and cursing them for failing to
protect Amerli.

As he arrived at work in Amerli on Sunday, Imad Abdul Hussein, a policeman,
said: "I came to do my job and to take revenge for my uncle killed
yesterday. We will fight Al Qaeda organization to the last drop of our
blood; we will destroy them or they will destroy us."

No group claimed immediate responsibility for the attack, but Abu Omar
al-Baghdadi, leader of the jihadist group Islamic State in Iraq, issued an
audiotape warning Iran to stop supporting Iraq's Shiites. The tape, posted
on a Web site, said, "We are giving the Persians, and especially the rulers
of Iran, a two-month period to end all kinds of support for the Iraqi Shiite
government and to stop direct and indirect intervention." He added,
"Otherwise, a severe war is waiting for you."

The attack on Amerli came 12 hours after a blast in a Shiite-dominated
farming district in neighboring Diyala Province, close to the Iranian
border. That attack, in Zakoosh, killed 17 people, and came as further
evidence of the bombers' ability to attack outside Baghdad and Baquba, where
tens of thousands of American troops have been waging an offensive to reduce
insurgent activity.

American commanders conceded that 80 percent of the insurgents' leadership
in Baquba evaded the siege and are thought to have escaped the city.

It is rare for insurgents to mount such large attacks in remote villages
like Amerli, often preferring to strike in crowded city centers and at
religious sites and Iraqi security forces. But since the start of the
Baghdad security plan in February, they have frequently struck outside the
capital within major cities or targets that are less well defended.

In May, for instance, two truck-bomb attacks in the Kurdish region -
including one in the center of Erbil - killed at least 69 people. In April,
two suicide car bombings about two weeks apart killed 42 and 71 people well
south of the capital, near Shiite shrines in the holy city of Karbala. A
month earlier a double car bombing in the Shiite town of Hilla killed 90
pilgrims, with 28 more killed elsewhere on the same day.

All these bombings came after the Feb. 14 start of the new Baghdad security
plan, which brought tens of thousands more American troops into the city as
part of the latest crackdown aimed at restoring order to the capital.
In article <B3qki.25504$>,
"Sid9" <> wrote:

> July 9, 2007
> Around 150, Death Toll in Iraq Attack Among War's Worst
> BAGHDAD, July 8 - The death toll from a suicide truck bombing in a remote
> village in northern Iraq rose to around 150 on Sunday, making it one of the
> deadliest single bombings, if not the deadliest, since the 2003 invasion.


and this just in;

ZNet Top
The New York Times & the "Anti-War" Turn
by Anthony DiMaggio

July 09, 2007

The New York Times has finally come out in favor of withdrawal from
Iraq, although it is about four years late. While the majority of
Americans have favored a phased withdrawal since at least mid-2005, the
media's contempt for public opinion (evident in its long-standing
opposition to withdrawal) has long relegated majority opposition to
little more than a footnote of history.

The pro-withdrawal announcement from the paper of record came rather
begrudgingly in a July 8 editorial titled "The Road Home." Having "put
off" advocating withdrawal, the Times editors long preferred to "wait
for a sign that President Bush was seriously trying to dig the United
States out of the disaster he created by invading Iraq without
sufficient cause, in the face of global opposition, and without a plan
to stabilize the country afterward." Those are tough words, but they
would have meant a whole lot more if they were expressed by the Times at
the time of the invasion, rather than nearly 52 months later. Despite
the paper
Sid9 wrote:

> The police in Amerli said that the truck used in Saturday's attack concealed
> 4.5 tons of explosives beneath watermelons. The blast leveled dozens of
> houses and shops, trapping and killing many residents beneath the rubble.

4.5 tons of explosives? That might be a NRA dream state but where the
heck do these people get 4.5 tons of explosives?

Is this part of the 400+ tons of explosives missing from an arms depot?
On Jul 9, 11:48?am, salad <> wrote:
> Sid9 wrote:
> > The police in Amerli said that the truck used in Saturday's attack concealed
> > 4.5 tons of explosives beneath watermelons. The blast leveled dozens of
> > houses and shops, trapping and killing many residents beneath the rubble.

> 4.5 tons of explosives? That might be a NRA dream state but where the
> heck do these people get 4.5 tons of explosives?
> Is this part of the 400+ tons of explosives missing from an arms depot?

Iraq Seeks To Attract Investors To Increase Oil Production
April 2007 | Industry News

Violence surges in Iraq, no progress seen

According to investors in Iraq's new oil policy to privatize the oil
fields for American and British oil companies, GREAT progress is seen.
Isn't that what this alleged war on terrorism is all about? Violence
is just a necessary unpleasant side issue to making profits for the
patriotic oil for America.

Iraq has invited 15 oil companies (IOCs) to drill 100 new wells in
southern Iraq. According to an official from the Iraqi oil ministry,
Asim Jihad, the new wells will increase Iraqi production by an
additional 50,000 to 60,000 barrels per day (b/d) of oil. Iraq has
been seeking to attract as much as $20 billion in foreign investment
to increase its oil production capacity and upgrade oil
infrastructure. ...Iraqi Minister of Oil Hussein Shahristani said
that, with the American's help, Iraq will increase oil production to
reach more than six million barrels per day by 2010.

The Minister added that Iraq is looking forward to being one of the
leading exporting countries in the world by adopting a national plan
to develop production.

Call your broker now. Get in on the profits that will be out there for
investors in America's agressive oil policies throughout the world
Encourage your representatives to invade Iran for more oil and more
hugh profits for the wiser investors who aren't that concerned with
surges and talk of withdrawals, etc, etc....Dividends and profits are
the more important issue at hand.

A presidential advisor said the oil industry is seeking to attract
foreign investments mainly in oilfield development projects.The
presidential advisor on energy affairs said that the development plan
(2005-2010) has given priority to investments in the oil industry,
adding, however, that Iran still lags behind some regional countries
in terms of investments in this sector. American oil companies can
change that.lagging in the Iranian oil industry. Contact your
representatives to invade Iran SAP. America needs the oil and the
Iranian people need democracy similar to the new democracy of their

God Bless President Cheney and his assistant Mr.Bush. Oil investors
are having their greatest years since the discovery of oil in the
Middle East, It's cudos and thanks for the concern of these two
giants for more oil production at any cost.

Let us prey
salad wrote:
> Sid9 wrote:
>> The police in Amerli said that the truck used in Saturday's attack
>> concealed 4.5 tons of explosives beneath watermelons. The blast leveled
>> dozens
>> of houses and shops, trapping and killing many residents beneath the
>> rubble.

> 4.5 tons of explosives? That might be a NRA dream state but where the
> heck do these people get 4.5 tons of explosives?
> Is this part of the 400+ tons of explosives missing from an arms
> depot?

Before we arrived it was well known that Iraq as a country was a munitions
There was not "one" muntions dump...there were many
When we arrived we failed to secure the Iraqi munitions.
They have all they need.
Sid9 wrote:

> salad wrote:
>>Sid9 wrote:
>>>The police in Amerli said that the truck used in Saturday's attack
>>>concealed 4.5 tons of explosives beneath watermelons. The blast leveled
>>>of houses and shops, trapping and killing many residents beneath the

>>4.5 tons of explosives? That might be a NRA dream state but where the
>>heck do these people get 4.5 tons of explosives?
>>Is this part of the 400+ tons of explosives missing from an arms

> Before we arrived it was well known that Iraq as a country was a munitions
> dump.
> There was not "one" muntions dump...there were many
> When we arrived we failed to secure the Iraqi munitions.
> They have all they need.

It would be ironic, to say the least, if the US was the supplier of some
of those munitions.

One would think that with UN inspectors going around the country we
would have had the intel to know where ammo dumps were located. And
they should have been secured as we seized control of the land.

This war seems to have been waged by fantasy and wishful thinking.
Reality is now biting us in the ass.
salad wrote:
> Sid9 wrote:
>> salad wrote:
>>> Sid9 wrote:
>>>> The police in Amerli said that the truck used in Saturday's attack
>>>> concealed 4.5 tons of explosives beneath watermelons. The blast
>>>> leveled dozens
>>>> of houses and shops, trapping and killing many residents beneath
>>>> the rubble.
>>> 4.5 tons of explosives? That might be a NRA dream state but where
>>> the heck do these people get 4.5 tons of explosives?
>>> Is this part of the 400+ tons of explosives missing from an arms
>>> depot?

>> Before we arrived it was well known that Iraq as a country was a
>> munitions dump.
>> There was not "one" muntions dump...there were many
>> When we arrived we failed to secure the Iraqi munitions.
>> They have all they need.

> It would be ironic, to say the least, if the US was the supplier of
> some of those munitions.
> One would think that with UN inspectors going around the country we
> would have had the intel to know where ammo dumps were located. And
> they should have been secured as we seized control of the land.
> This war seems to have been waged by fantasy and wishful thinking.
> Reality is now biting us in the ass.

The whole thing is a mess
because bush,jr is an
incompetent leader who
refused to listen to those
who knew better.

bush,jr is a "shoot from the hip"
gambler...trouble is he gambled
with America's future and lost.
Sid9 wrote:
> salad wrote:
> > Sid9 wrote:
> >
> >> The police in Amerli said that the truck used in Saturday's attack
> >> concealed 4.5 tons of explosives beneath watermelons. The blast leveled
> >> dozens
> >> of houses and shops, trapping and killing many residents beneath the
> >> rubble.

> >
> > 4.5 tons of explosives? That might be a NRA dream state but where the
> > heck do these people get 4.5 tons of explosives?
> >
> > Is this part of the 400+ tons of explosives missing from an arms
> > depot?
> >

> Before we arrived it was well known that Iraq as a country was a munitions
> dump.
> There was not "one" muntions dump...there were many
> When we arrived we failed to secure the Iraqi munitions.
> They have all they need.