Virginia Tech



Virginia Tech
April 16th 2007
(The Scripting of Cho)

(250 miles from Washington DC)

Gunman kills 33 including self

Cho Seung-Hui, 23
Senior and English major
Born in South Korea, came to the U.S. through Detroit in Sept., 1992

7:15 West Ambler Johnston Hall
Girlfriend: Emily Jane Hilscher, 18, Killed
"They had a big quarrel and he shot her ... then the RA [resident
assistant, Ryan Clark, 22] came, and he shot the RA,"

>Received a speeding ticket from university police on April 7th for going 19 miles an hour over the speed limit on campus
>Police found a receipt for a purchase of a Glock .9 mm pistol in the backpack he was carrying during the rampage
>He was found with the words "Ismael Ax" written in red ink on an arm
>Cho Seung-Hui greeted his victims with the words "Hello, how are you?" before opening fire, a witness has said

Survivor on Oprah: Gunman did not speak
>Police are denying reports that the gunman left a suicide note!?

Apr, 17 2007 - 6:20 PM (AM640)
>A typed eight-page rant against rich kids and religion
>According to court papers, police found a "bomb threat" note - directed at engineering school buildings - near the victims in the classroom building
>items seized include a folding knife; two computers, a hard disk and other computer disks; documents, books, notebooks and other writings; a digital camera; CDs; and two Dremel hobbyist tools

7.15am (local time) - The police department at Virginia Tech in
Blacksburg receives an emergency call over an incident at the West
Ambler Johnston Residence Hall.
A rescue squad arrives to find a man and a woman have been shot dead
in a dormitory. The hall is closed off and students are told to remain
in their rooms while police begin collecting evidence and identifying
The deaths are "an isolated incident, domestic in nature", college
authorities believe.
7.30am - Leads are followed about a "person of interest" regarding the
shooting of the man and woman.
8.25am - The Virginia Tech Leadership Team, including the university
president, meets to assess the situation.
9am - Virginia Tech police chief Wendell Flinchum briefs the team on
the ongoing investigation.
9.26am - Staff and students receive an email informing them of the
killings and are asked to report any suspicious activity. An emergency
recording and a telephone message is also transmitted.
9.45am - A second emergency call to go to Norris Hall, an engineering
building containing offices, classrooms and laboratories, is received
by police.
On arrival, officers find the front doors are chained shut from the
inside. As they break down the barricades, gunshots are heard as they
enter the building.
The sounds are followed to the second floor when the gunshots suddenly
stop. The body of the gunman, who has taken his own life, is found.
9.55am - Staff and students are notified by email again about the
second shootings.

Cellphone video submitted to CNN by Jamal Albarghouti
Nokia Corp. handset, 41 seconds of video, e-mailed to CNN through the
news network's I-Report service.

A blogger claimed to have transported someone who had witnessed the
"Then this one girl runs up to my car and asks me if she can come with
me. I look at the two kids that are with her and they're talking to
the cop and she's freaking out so I say okay. She gets in my car. I
turn around and get off campus and take her to the police station.

She was -completely- shaken up. I mean, completely. She had blood on
her arms. Her name's Erin. God. So I dropped her off at the Police
Station and didn't leave until after I saw them take her into one of
the back rooms to calm her down. I offered to stay but since she was
probably gonna be there for a while and she said I could go."

One student blogger posted a message saying
"I got another email saying it was too dangerous for me to leave my
dorm. So no classes this morning, yay."

AP: 16 Apr 2007, 12:13 PM
A government official with knowledge of the shooting said the gunman
had been arrested.

School email
- email sent at 9:26 a.m.:
Subject: Shooting on campus.
''A shooting incident occurred at West Amber Johnston earlier this
morning. Police are on the scene and are investigating.
''The university community is urged to be cautious and are asked to
contact Virginia Tech Police if you observe anything suspicious or
with information on the case. Contact Virginia Tech Police at 231-6411
''Stay attuned to the We will post as soon as we have
more information.''

- 9:45 a.m.: First 911 call about the second shooting at Norris Hall.

- e-mail sent at 9:50 a.m.:
Subject: PLease stay put
''A gunman is loose on campus. Stay in buildings until further
notice. Stay away from all windows''

- third e-mail sent at 10:17 a.m.:
Subject: All Classes Canceled; Stay where you are
''Virginia Tech has canceled all classes. Those on campus are asked
to remain where there are, lock their doors and stay away from
windows. Persons off campus are asked not to come to campus.''

- fourth e-mail sent at 10:53 a.m.:
Subject: Second Shooting Reported; Police have one gunman in custody
''In addition to an earlier shooting today in West Ambler Johnston,
there has been a multiple shooting with multiple victims in Norris
''Police and EMS are on the scene.
''Police have one shooter in custody and as part of routine police
procedure, they continue to search for a second shooter.
''All people in university buildings are required to stay inside
until further notice.
''All entrances to campus are closed.''

>Chastity Frye told local TV station WSLS that Cho, 23, paid her to meet him at a motel in Valley View
>FBI traced her through Cho's 'credit card' receipts
>She wishes she'd done more to reach out to Cho

Dale Spencer