Virginia's Bloody Soil


Thomas Keske


He was wearing a Boy Scout uniform
sporting a logo of Robert E Lee
He was planting flags on headstones,
and hit by lightning at the Jamboree

Where miscegenation was a crime
On the bloody soil of a state
Where sodomy laws were kept on books
in cruel effort to intimidate

Old Virginia was frightened thru and thru
when John Brown raided Harper's Ferry
where Sharon Bottoms lost her child
and soldiers filled the cemeteries

Wholesome, proud and sadistic
where country boys love to hunt and fish,
bravely blasting at squirrels and rabbits,
living as if they had a Death Wish

The Civil War still fought, states divided by secession
traffic jams from lines of cars in the funeral processions

28. He was a normal looking kid in a Boy Scout-type outfit
.... that most students at Virginia Tech heard of the shootings
was a round-robin

"He was just a normal-looking kid, Asian, but he had on a Boy
Scout-type outfit. He wore a tan button-up vest and this black
vest, maybe it was for ammo or something.

"I saw bullets hit people's bodies. There was blood everywhere.
People in the class were passed out. My professor, Herr Bishop -
I'm not sure if he's alive."


Four Boy Scout leaders were killed in Virginia on Monday, the
opening day of the organization's national Jamboree, when a
metal tent pole they were holding hit a power line and
apparently ignited the canvas tent above them, according to
Scout officials and witnesses.

Scout Snipers Break in New Rifles

Scout Snipers Break in New Rifles Ft. A.P. Hill, VA. - Scout
Snipers from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit's Battalion
Landing Team, 2nd Bn., 2nd Marine Regiment, fired their new
rifles for the first time on a range here today. The BLT Marines
will use the new MK-11 semi-automatic sniper rifle
simultaneously alongside the bolt-action M40A3, a descendent of
the Vietnam-era M40.

Rumsfeld Receives Scouting's Highest Commendation

WASHINGTON, May 26, 2006 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
received scouting's highest honor from the Boy Scouts of America
here today. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld (right)
receives the Silver Buffalo Award from the Boy Scouts of America
in Washington, May 26.

Boy Scout Connection Found in War Zone

U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. David Tarnowski (right), 746th
Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, was once the Boy Scout leader of
Airman 1st Class Ian Zerby, 379th Civil Engineering Squadron.
For 96 years, the Boy Scouts of America has provided a common
ground for thousands...

Scout's Honor

When I was a boy, yep, I was a Scout, And whole time I was, no
Scoutmasters came out. Nope, they stayed in the closet, if any
were there, And no parents protested our Scout meeting prayer.
We believed in our creed, truly honored our oath, Our duty to
God in those years was not loathe. No, we pledged our young
lives that we'd do our best, To honor traditions behind our
Scout crest.

Cub Scout crawls grave to grave, honoring the dead

Sunday, 05/25/03 Cub Scout crawls grave to grave, honoring the
dead By HOLLY EDWARDSStaff Writer10-year-old ditches wheelchair
to plant flags in front of headstones Pivoting his body with his
right arm and holding a neon-green ruler in his left hand, James
Milam, 10, crawled from grave to grave at Nashville National
Cemetery yesterday morning, carefully placing an American flag
exactly one foot from each gravestone.The energetic fourth-
grader took the task seriously.''I don't think that's straight
at all,''


( - A California legal group has pledged to defend
judges who oppose a recent decision by the San Francisco
Superior Court to prohibit its members from associating with
organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America. The Superior
Court judges and commissioners recently adopted a policy that
prohibits participation in any organization that "discriminates
on the basis of sexual orientation by excluding members on the
grounds that their sexual orientation renders them 'unclean,' '
immoral' or 'unfit.'" Brad Dacus, an attorney and president of
the Pacific Justice Institute, a legal organization specializing
in religious freedom and parental rights, said the...

BOWLING GREEN, Va. - Four adult Boy Scout leaders were killed
Monday afternoon in an electrical accident during the opening
day of the organization's 2005 Jamboree.

The Jamboree runs through Aug. 3 with President Bush scheduled
to speak Wednesday evening. Scouts ages 12-18 are to spend 10
days camping in tents and doing activities that include archery,
fishing and a GPS-based scavenger hunt.
72. - Police: Driver and 3 Boy Scouts Die in Fiery
Car Crash in Virginia -

.... Driver and 3 Boy Scouts Die in Fiery Car Crash in Virginia,
An adult and three ... Another driver with the Boy Scout group
looked in her rearview mirror and saw,2933,227617,00.html
.... from leading Scout troops unofficially on their own time,
and Scouts will still ... Boy Scouts, such as money used to
prepare a Virginia military base for the Boy,13319,FL_scouts_111...

38. Survivor says gunman in shooting dressed 'like a boy scout'
.... who killed at least 32 people in Monday's shooting rampage
at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., was dressed 'almost like a
Boy Scout,'

Beware. The deer, rabbits and squirrels roaming the Montgomery
County mountains? Just a word of warning: Virginia Tech football
recruit Sergio Render will be heading your way soon.

"I'm a country boy who just loves to hunt and fish," said Render,
a 6-foot-4, 310-pound defensive lineman from Newnan, Ga., who
signed with the Hokies earlier this month.

"I'm a pretty good hunter, yes sir! On the last day of hunting
season this year I killed two deer with one shot. I was shooting
at the doe, the momma, and there was a fawn behind it. I really
wasn't paying attention. I was just trying to shoot the one, and
when I shot, both of 'em dropped."

The Hokies can only hope that Render will be just as successful
when it comes to bagging opposing quarterbacks and ball-carriers.

"I love to play defense," said Render, who played defensive
tackle and offensive guard the past two seasons at Newnan High.
"Virginia Tech is known for defense and I want to be a part of
that. I watched a lot of their games this season and that
defense was just nasty, especially in the Miami game.
It was fun to watch."

Well, she won't have to worry about girly-men in the Virginia
legislature. Richmond is chockfull of moral macho men like Del.
Marshall who chase senior citizens with aneurysms to Maryland in
the name of family values. As Virginia drives out more college
professors and long-term families, it can expect more mean-
spirited yahoos like Letourneau to settle in the state, turning
Tidewater into a backwater.

March 20, 2003

COLLEGIATE TIMES (Virginia Tech): Column: Homophobia runs
rampant at Tech and must be addressed..

We quote:

"Yesterday in my human sexuality class, we watched the first
half of the film "Boys Don't Cry." For those of you who haven't
seen it, it's the Academy Award-winning true story of a young
woman who wants to be a man and is hoping to have a sex change

"There are a few sex scenes in the film in which two women make
love. During the scenes, however, several members of our class
made snide, homophobic comments and derisively voiced their
disapproval of the non-straight sex.

"It was, in fact, one of the most visible displays of hatred and
ignorance I have witnessed in my four years here at Virginia

"Was this an isolated incident? Absolutely not. Cases of
discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual transgender people
are far more common than one might think.

"Members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Alliance
have told me their office door has been vandalized with
homophobic messages recently, and most members of that
organization have encountered discrimination firsthand on a
number of occasions.

"Also, our esteemed Tech Board of Visitors refused last summer
to hire an award-winning lesbian professor after a "poison pen"
e-mail was sent to board members, lambasting her because of her
sexual orientation.

These incidents indicate the campus climate is not healthy


or hot, not registered or something...the NRA has nothing to do
with these murders..dont blame them...GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE..
PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!!...i almost forgot..there was also a
shooting at Virginia Tech not to long ago where two men were
killed...what does

And then there is the universal question in the minds and on the
lips of most: "Why did God allow this tragedy?"

The religions of men cannot correctly answer this. At best they
can offer only a mixture of truth and error. While religious
opinions will vary, most will utter meaningless words of
"healing," which serves as nothing more than spiritual junk food?
filler disguised as substance; tastes sweet, but leaves you
wanting for something more substantial. They will assert that
God "acts in mysterious ways," implying that blind faith is
expected from His followers.

But this is NOT what the God of the Bible teaches. He considers
His servants "friends," and reveals to them His great purpose
for mankind. Take note of what Jesus Christ said to His
disciples: "Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant
knows not what his lord does: but I have called you friends; for
all things that I have heard of My Father I have made known unto
you" (John 15:15).

Millions claim to serve Him, but who are Christ's friends? "You
are My friends, if you do whats
54. Anti-gay message spread in Virginia Tech bookstore

A religious pamphlet intentionally left in the gay studies
section of Volume Two Bookstore is being criticized by gay
Virginia Tech students .

BLACKSBURG -- Virginia Tech officials unveiled a new anti-
harassment program Monday to address concerns that the
university had failed to adequately respond to discrimination
against gay and lesbian students.

Within several weeks, Tech plans to launch a new Web site that
will allow people to file confidential reports of harassment on

While the new efforts will focus on combating all types of
harassment -- whether based on race, sexual orientation or other
factors -- the program appears to be a direct response to
concerns raised by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
Alliance of Virginia Tech.

Members of the LGBTA launched a campaign earlier this semester
to pressure the administration to more aggressively enforce Tech'
s policy banning discrimination based on a person's sexual

The LGBTA compiled a report detailing more than a dozen acts of
harassment, intimidation or violence against members of the Tech
community in recent years.

59. Virginia Tech drops nondiscrimination policy
-- Queer Lesbian Gay ... > News > Virginia Tech drops nondiscrimination policy --
During a closed-door meeting, the governing body at Virginia
Polytechnic .

Campus Culture Wars - With a Twist.
March 17, 2003

The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in
Blacksburg, Virginia, known more colloquially as "Virginia Tech,"
has unleashed a storm of controversy over recent actions by its
governing board. As the Washington Post reported, Virginia Tech'
s board voted to (1) end race-based preferences (i.e.,
affirmative action) in admissions, hiring, and financial aid, (2)
eliminate a policy of barring discrimination based on sexual
orientation, and (3) bar advocates of extreme political views
(that is, who espoused breaking laws) from speaking on campus,
in the wake of a controversial talk by a militant "Earth First"

Not surprisingly, most liberal groups have condemned the board's
actions -- although if a conservative speaker had triggered the
ban on espousing extreme views, I somehow doubt these groups
would have found that to be unwarranted.

Some of us, however, happen to oppose both discrimination based
on sexual orientation and all discrimination based on race,
including the "reverse" discrimination of race-based preferences.
Thus, we break with both the pro-preference liberals and the
anti-gay right in arguing, consistently, that individual merit
or need, and not group membership, should be what matters.

October 23, 1995

Colleges Struggle to Balance Free Speech, Cybersensitivity

By Michael D. Shear
Washington Post Staff Writer

When a message of hate was posted last month by a Virginia Tech
student on a gay men's Internet home page, the university was deluged
with demands that it punish the writer.

This month, Virginia Tech officials did so, though they refuse to
release details of the sanctions or the student's identity. But by
disciplining him, administrators at the 25,000-student state
university in Southwest Virginia have run headfirst into the First
Amendment and the newly emerging debate over freedom of speech in

The student's message -- which included calls for gays to be castrated
and to "die a slow death" -- may have been distasteful, some civil
libertarians say, but it was clearly protected.

: What's the difference between a Virginia fan and a carp?

A: One is a bottom-feeding, scum sucker, and the other is a fish.

Q: What's the hardest thing about being a Virginia Cavalier fan?

A: Telling your parents that you're gay.

guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, "Wanna
hear a good Virginia joke?"

The guy next to him replies, "Well before you tell that joke,
you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs., and I am a
Virginia grad. The guy sitting next to me is 6' 2" tall, weighs
225, and he's a Virginia grad. And the fella next to him is 6' 5"
tall, weighs 250, and he's a Virginia grad. Now, you still wanna
tell that joke?"

The first guy says, "No, not if I'm gonna have to explain it
three times."

My two favorite teams are Virginia Tech and whoever plays Virginia!


Virginia is not alone in its rush to attack same-sex couples. On
Election Day, 11 states passed Constitutional Amendments banning
marriage for same-sex families. But even in this conservative
environment, Virginia stands out for not just buoying
discriminatory marriage laws, but bullying its gay citizens. The
state has been nothing short of aggressively anti-gay, making
life increasingly intolerable for gay Virginians:

- In 1997, the Virginia Assembly passed a law forbidding
marriage between gay people and voiding marriages of gay couples
performed in other jurisdictions.

- In 2004, Del. Robert Marshall sponsored the so-called Marriage
Affirmation Act, a draconian law that not only bans civil unions,
but may also strip gay people of their basic right to enter into
private contracts, such as wills and medical directives with
their life partners.

- Virginia is the only state that forbids private companies from
adding any household member, aside from a spouse and dependent
children, to a group health plan.

- Even though the U.S. Supreme Court's Lawrence v. Texas ruling
overturned sodomy laws, Virginia has defiantly kept its "crimes
against nature" law on the books in an effort to intimidate and
harass its gay citizens.

Obviously, there is already a glut of anti-gay laws in existence.
The spectacle of grandstanding delegates tripping over one
another to add a superfluous Constitutional Amendment is beyond
political pandering - it's persecution. This heavy-handed
overkill sends the message that gay people are not wanted - or
even tolerated - in Virginia. As a result, many gay people are
choosing to bring their talents and spend their tax dollars

For example, after the Marriage Affirmation Act was passed,
Virginia Tech biology professor Lynn Adler left the school to
work at the University of Massachusetts. In her letter to
Virginia Tech's president, Adler said she was "sad and sorry" to
be going, but the laws of Virginia made it too difficult to live
in the state.

The whole thing has been a nightmare," Barbara, told the Star.
"The law has already accomplished what it set out to do - to
squash us and to hurt us."

"They wouldn't let me in the [hospital] room," said Schall,
according to the Richmond Times Dispatch. "My partner couldn't
speak for herself, and I was literally clawing at the door. It
was the worst day of my life."

If people have to continue to claw at hospital doors to see
loved ones, it is only a matter of time before this cruel and
invidious discrimination causes the best and the brightest, gay
or straight, to claw at Virginia's exit door.

Tech students say gay marriage a civil rights issue, not

More members of the clergy joined the third "Freedom to Marry"
rally at Virginia Tech this year. By Greg Esposito 381-1675

BLACKSBURG -- While Virginia Tech's third-annual "Freedom to
Marry" rally drew a smaller crowd than past years, the number of
local clergy involved increased from one to five.

And they were called upon Tuesday, as some in the group squared
off in a lengthy, but civil, religious debate with four
protesters after the rally.

The rally -- which was organized by the school's Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender Alliance and attracted about 150 last year --
drew about 60 students this time.

The protesters, who would not give their names, stood on Tech's
Drillfield and held three signs about marriage, including one
that quoted Scripture.

"The Bible says: 'Men committed indecent acts with one another
and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.' "

The Rev. Catherine Snyder, Presbyterian campus minister at
Virginia Tech, was worried that the sign quoting the Bible could
be interpreted as judgmental or hateful.

47. Exodus: Live Out Loud:
Fake wedding at Virginia Tech held to support ...

Fake wedding at Virginia Tech held to support gay marriage ...
Thursday in front of one of Virginia Tech's main campus
buildings, Burruss

Massacre at Virginia Tech: 29 Confirmed Dead
Body count up to 32 per Fox News reported just now.

putupjob (#1)

It's Bush's fault.
LeoCon Trotskite Motto

Perpetual War - Nobel Lies

Illuminati Motto

Out of Chaos...Order

Thesis Antithesis Synthesis ...Hegel

Social Change Through Crisis Management...NWO

"Men must be governed by God, or they will be ruled by tyrants...."

William Penn

A good End cannot sanctify evil Means; nor must we ever do Evil,
that Good may come of it.

William Penn

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn

How far can you go without destroying from within what you are
trying to defend from without? - Dwight D. Eisenhower

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier,
just so long as I'm the dictator. - George W. Bush

In 1993, a Virginia judge ruled that Sharon Bottoms was an unfit
mother because she was a lesbian, and awarded custody of her 20-
month-old son, to her mother, who had sought custody of the boy
when she learned her daughter was a lesbian, and in love with
another woman.

Until 1993, Virginia had laws on the books authorizing the
revocation of an alcohol license from establishments that had
become "a meeting place or rendezvous for . . . homosexuals"
and prohibiting holders of alcohol licenses from employing "any
person who has the general reputation as a . . . homosexual."
Va. Code - 4-37, 4-98.10, 4-114


As we have suggested previously, the Rutherford Institute is an
ultra-conservative legal foundation associated with various
Religious Right causes, particularly prayer in the schools. It
is based in Charlottesville, Virginia and like so many other
conservative legal foundations is a recipient of funds from
Richard Mellon Scaife. John Whitehead, the institute's founder
and head, is a disciple of Rousas John (R.J.) Rushdoony, head of
the Chalcedon Foundation

After all, if it eventually comes to killing (and most hard-core
Reconstructionists believe that it will; for example, Rushdoony
has said, "In winning a nation to the Gospel, the sword as well
as the pen must be used") what they are killing are demons, not
human beings, which is exactly what participants in the death
squads of South and Central America believe as well [please see
"Death Squads: Bringing in the Kingdom of God Death Squad Style

Reason Magazine - Invitation to a Stoning
Among Reconstructionism's highlights, the article cited support
for laws "mandating the death penalty for homosexuals and
drunkards." The Rev. Rushdoony

Virginia Tech
Invent the Future

Dr. Thomas Inzana, the Tyler J. and Francis F. Young Professor
of Bacteriology, has developed vaccines for swine
pleuropneumonia and is working on one for tularemia - an
organism deemed a likely bioterrorism agent by the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta.

13. Veterinary College Researcher Awarded
$1 Million Military Grant to ...

Pneumonic tularemia may have about a 30% mortality rate,
according to Inzana. ...

Virginia Tech - University of Maryland

The Virginia Tech Research Division

Science and society must prepare together for 'worst case scenario'

Ann La Berge was reading 19th century French news papers at the
time of the anthrax outbreak in the United States. When she
received a package that had been shipped through the Brentwood
post office, she threw it out and washed her hands.

"I was reading about the cholera epidemic," La Berge,
a Virginia Tech historian of medicine and faculty member in the
science and technology studies program. "Government officials
and physicians were being quoted as saying, 'There is nothing to
worry about. We are the most civilized nation in the world.
What is happening in other places will not happen here.' Then,
within a few months, 18,000 Parisians out of a population of 750,
000 died of cholera."

During the Civil War, most deaths were not battle deaths, but
were caused by disease. "Microorganisms have been major
historical actors," La Berge says.
55. Bioterror CSIs Target Germs -
.... of the FBI Laboratory and now associate director of research-
program development at Virginia Tech, at ... Obscure threats,
like the disease tularemia , remain largely unexamined, and re.,66899-0.html

Virginia Tech experts available to speak on the possible
discovery of Asian Soybean Rust spores

The presence of spores does not mean the infection is present.
It means that the scouting for the disease will be intensified
until the crop progresses through the most vulnerable stages
15. CrimeBlog.US " Campus Shooting at Virginia Tech

.... O'Dell, reported that the shooter was an Asian male in his
twenties, clad in a ... Apr.16 Campus Shooting at Virginia Tech .

The sign on the laboratory door is hard to miss. Bubblegum pink
and taped at eye-level it warns, "Experiment in progress: please
use other door." Dr. Ken Alibek, a swarthy, soft-spoken man with
distinctive Asiatic features

The deadly nature of Alibek's endeavors was brought home to him
personally in 1983. In a book he wrote about his Soviet career,
he recounts a moment of sheer panic when a maintenance problem
caused tularemia to leak onto a laboratory floor. The germ,
commonly found among wild animals, can cause debilitating
illness - chills, nausea, fever, headaches - and death if left
untreated. And the strain Alibek encountered, souped up by
Soviet scientists, was more potent than anything found in nature.
"When I finally hit the switch and looked down, I found I was
standing in a puddle of liquid tularemia. It was milky brown -
the highest possible concentration. The puddle at my feet was
only a few centimeters deep, but there was enough tularemia on
the floor to infect the entire population of the Soviet Union."
After a crash dose of tetracycline, which he took to cover up
his illness, Alibek recovered.

And so Ken Alibek has come full circle. He moves ahead with
Hadron, planning to open a new laboratory in Rockville, Md., to
expand the research. Perhaps the promise of biodefense, though,
is best seen through the eyes of the young.

Chris Bradburne is a 30-year-old biochemist and a 1995 graduate of
Virginia Tech who joined Alibek's team six months ago.

"When I first came here, I had some questions about the science,
because it's a very lofty goal," he says. "But the way Ken has
put it together, it's a good approach. I feel like we're on the
front lines of this whole terrorist war."

.. bubble gum pink -
bubble gum pink ... At the depth of the AIDS epidemic, when gay
South of Market seemed to be dying, "The Hole" became a joyous
retreat for our community .
5. Column five: Race is on for pink wedding pound | Cash clinic ...
Here at the Gay Wedding Show in Brighton, there is a palpable
sense of an ... Over at Sunville Holidays, Chris Wright (dressed
in a bubblegum-pink PVC air,,165...
13. Homophobes Wear Pink - Associated Content
.... pink vortex are the same ones who are blatantly homophobic
or against ... be "cool" to add a splash of bubblegum pink to
Hamilton's bland, faded greenback.
30. Germ Threat
Virginia Business magazine is the leading statewide source for
in-depth news about Virginia's ... Bubblegum pink and taped at
eye-level it warns, "Experiment in progress: please use .

Robert E. Lee logo removed from Virginia Boy Scout uniforms

The Washington Times has this report, which quotes the state's
NAACP director as saying "It's a funny thing here in Virginia,
because the Confederate side is still fighting the Civil War."

Confederates in the Collegium:
The Influence of J.E.B. Stuart's Leadership
on the Development of Virginia Tech

by Patrick W. Carlton, Ph.D.

The Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College, now Virginia
Tech, was created during the aftermath of the American Civil War
and Reconstruction, a time of turmoil and dislocation among the
populace of the state. Many young men, former Confederate
soldiers, were at that time searching for meaningful life's work
in what must have been an atmosphere of dismay and sorrow over
immediate past events. A number of these men migrated to
Blacksburg in 1872 and the years immediately following, drawn by
the opportunity for service with the newly created land grant
college of Virginia.

MG Stuart's connection with the Virginia Agricultural and
Mechanical College, (now Virginia Tech), is based upon the men
who he trained and with whom he served during the Civil War.

The enclosed diagram illustrates the positions held by various
persons of interest during the Civil War and, subsequently, at
VAMC. MG Fitzhugh Lee, a nephew of GEN R.E. Lee, commanded a
division of Cavalry under Stuart, as did MG W.H.F. "Rooney" Lee,
GEN Lee's son. Another serving Cavalry commander was MG Lunsford
L. Lomax, commanding a brigade in Fitz Lee's division and, later,
a division of cavalry under LTG Jubal Early during the 1864
Shenandoah Valley campaign. MG Stuart's brother, William
Alexander Stuart, a resident of Saltville and provider of
supplies for the Confederate army, also figures in the future
activities of the fledgling college. (He did not serve in
uniform during the war.)

At a more subordinate level, one encounters LTC William W.
Blackford, who served as company commander, assistant adjutant
and engineering officer with Stuart and, later, as second-in-
command of the 1st Regt., Engineer Troops, ANV. Also associated
with Stuart's command were a lay Methodist preacher, CPT Thomas
Nelson Conrad, who performed duty with the 3rd Va. Cavalry, in
Fitz Lee's Division; and CPT Charles L.C. Minor II, a volunteer
aide with the 2nd Va. Cavalry and, later, chief ordnance officer
of the Dept. of S.C., GA, and FL reporting to MG Samuel Jones.
Representing the Confederate enlisted force is Private John M.
McBryde, who served, initially, in the 1st South Carolina
Infantry and, subsequently, with the 1st South Carolina Cavalry,
a unit associated with Stuart's Cavalry Corps of the Army of
Northern Virginia. All these men would appear at VAMC following
its creation in 1872.

Other prominent "Confederates in the Collegium" include Dr.
Harvey Black, who served as one of LTG Thomas J. "Stonewall"
Jackson's surgeons, and who participated in the amputation of
the General's arm following the battle of Chancellorsville; BG
Joseph R. Anderson, who commanded an infantry brigade during the
Seven Days (1862); and BG James H. Lane, a Brigade commander in
LTG A.P. Hill's Corps and participant in Pickett's charge at
Gettysburg. (1863) This group by no means exhausts the list of
former Confederates who served at VAMC, but does provide an idea
of the degree of participation by such veterans.

Following the war and, with the readmission of Virginia to the
Union in 1870, the state applied for and received Morrill Act
funds for the establishment of a land grant institution within
the state. Following considerable debate and "wrangling", it was
decided to divide the funds between the Hamption Normal and
Industrial Institute, a historically Black school, and a newly
formed college to be established in Blacksburg, VA. The latter
would be established in the donated building of a Methodist boy'
s school, then headed by former CPT Thomas Nelson Conrad. The
Preston and Olin Institute building, along with a $20,000 pledge
from the citizens of Montgomery County, constituted a "sweetener"
which apparently exerted a considerable influence on the state-
level decision makers. Dr. Harvey Black, then president of the
board of trustees of the Preston and Olin Institute, was among
those influencing the decision to locate the new college in

The newly constituted board met at the Yellow Sulphur Springs
resort , near Blacksburg, in August, 1872, at which time they
appointed the staff members of the new college. These were: CPT
Charles L.C. Minor,II, as President; BG James H. Lane, as
Commandant of Cadets and Professor of Military Science;Gray
Carroll, as Professor of Mathematics and Modern Languages; and
Charles Martin as Professor of English and Ancient Languages.
Serving as College Phyician was local doctor and former
Confederate Corporal William Wm. B. Conway, M.D.

CPT Minor held A.B.and LLD. degrees from Univ. of Virginia. A
native of Hanover County, he had taught school prior to and
following the end of the Civil War. He saw service, first, as a
volunteer aide to CPT Charles Blackford, with the 2nd VA.
Cavalry, part of Stuart's command, apparently with no rank
whatsoever. Commissioned CPT of Ordnance in 1862, he saw service
with a cavalry brigade in S.W. Virginia and, in 1864, was
assigned duty as Chief Ordnance officer of the Dept. of S.C., GA,
and FL, reporting to MG Samuel Jones. He served in that capacity
until cessation of hostilities, returning to the profession of
teaching at that time. Minor was a member of a prominent family
which numbered among its members Professor John Minor, who
taught law at UVA. His aunt Mary Minor married Wm. Blackford,
one of whose five sons, LTC W.W. Blackford taught at VAMC from

The writer and reader now return to a claim made at the outset
of the paper; to wit, that service with MG J.E.B. Stuart, CSA,
positively influenced the development of half a dozen ambitious
and intelligent young men, whose later service to the Virginia
Agricultural and Mechanical College was both useful and
noteworthy. Of course, the question of "nature versus nurture"
figures in the leadership equation . All were scions of fine and
accomplished families, with "good blood in their veins." They
were energetic and hungry for success, having just endured
agonies of war which most contemporary Americans , happily, have
been spared. Clearly, these men were success oriented and deadly
serious about their work. These qualities they brought to the
professional table. Yet, most young men, it can be argued, tend
to develop their leadership patterns through observation of role
models during early years. Most of these men had close and
favorable contact with. MG Stuart and, one may surmise, later
emulated at least some of the general's leadership and
managerial practices. While "Beauty" Stuart built no reputation
as a scholar during student days at West Point, he was clearly a
charismatic leader-the kind of man that others would follow into
"the cannon's mouth", and whom they would support in deadly
earnest, even at the risk of their lives. The "work ethic" and
high order personal qualities that JEB Stuart modeled for his
subordinates came , I believe, to be part of their daily
behavioral patterns, serving them well during their subsequent
service at Virginia Tech. For this contribution it is argued
that present day "Hokies" can justify giving a nod of thanks to
the "beau sabreur" of the Confederacy, Major General James Ewell
Brown Stuart.

Patrick Carlton was associate professor of Educational
Leadership and Policy Studies, College of Human Resources and
Education, at Virginia Tech


There have been two bomb threats at the university this month,
the latest of which came Friday. (Watch gunfire on the campus )

.. Energy Task Force Resources - Fossil Fuels
Virginia Tech is establishing a Nuclear and Radiation
Engineering and Science Task Force to help integrate research,
teaching activities, and expertise in

Trinity Atomic Web Site has moved to a new primary web server
courtesy of the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture at
Virginia Tech University.

The Nuclear Weapon Archive, maintained by Carey Sublette, is a
sister site to this one. It can be found at this location: www. Carey and I are actively collaborating
to provide the broadest variety of nuclear weapon information,
in the most convenient form that we can. The two sites each have
a different focus. The High Energy Weapon Archive provides
current information, technical data, and informative write-ups.

50. Scholarship Domain: Discovery |
Office of the President | Virginia ...

.... interest both nationally and in Virginia in nuclear energy,
where Virginia Tech can play a substantive role in developing
safe and reliable


Gunman's Writings Were Disturbing

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) - The gunman suspected of carrying out the
Virginia Tech massacre that left 33 people dead was identified
Tuesday as a English major whose creative writing was so
disturbing that he was referred to the school's counseling

There was some concern about him," Rude said. "Sometimes, in
creative writing, people reveal things and you never know if it's
creative or if they're describing things, if they're imagining
things or just how real it might be. But we're all alert to not
ignore things like this."

Lucinda Roy, a co-director of the creative writing program at
Virginia Tech, taught Cho in a poetry class in fall of 2005 and
later worked with him one-on-one after she became concerned
about his behavior and themes in his writings.

Roy spoke outside her home Tuesday afternoon, saying that there
was nothing explicit in Cho's writings, but that threats were
there under the surface.

One play attributed to him, called "Richard McBeef," describes a
13-year-old boy who accuses his stepfather of pedophilia, and
ends with the boy's death.

In another, called "Mr. Brownstone," three high-school students
face an abusive teacher.

"I wanna kill him," says one character.

"I wanna watch him bleed like the way he made us kids bleed,"
says another.

8. All Write at Virginia Tech! June 26-30, 2006 - Blacksburg, VA
Come and be a part of the Virginia Tech creative writing
community this summer. Write about your wildest dreams, your
favorite sport, your fears and hopes,
Virginia Tech is one of the original grottos (chapters) of the
NSS, the national caving organization, and the one with the most
rigorous training program.

I am not suggesting that the perpetrator of the Virginia Tech
incident was gay. It is not clear what were the motives.
Even if the media were to pronounce motives, it is not clear
that we would necessarily be getting the truth, any more
than in wartime reporting. For political expediency, sometimes
fictions are generated, or certain facts minimized, or
certain facts exaggerated.

For example, when Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon,
the papers made little mention how this had a connection
to right-wing Christian fanaticism, including the
Beatle-record burnings in the South, over Lennon's statements
comparing the Beatles' influence among youth to that
of Jesus.

Probably, the fact was under-reported, so as not to
stir up resentment against the Christian political
machine that is so dear to the GOP.

The same consideration was certainly not given in the
Columbine High School incident. Immediately, right-wingers
were trying to blame gays, even though it appeared
more likely to be a case of straight kids who hated
gays, killing other straight kids who also hated gays.
If there was any real connection, it was the hatred
that the straight kids felt in reaction to being
called "gay" as a taunt.

In the Virginia incident, I read that the killer
might have been motivated by a breakup with a girlfriend,
but another report contradicted that. Apparently, the
killer had written a story about a father sexually
molesting a son. It easy to imagine that he might
have been talking about himself, and this was part
of the reason for his emotional trouble.

The Right would probably try to exploit the tragedy,
in that case to stir up hate against gays, for which
the Right rarely misses an opportunity. Many of them would
like to have a pogrom against gays, believing that
this would eliminate sexual molestation.

Statistics showing that most molestation consists
of males who are family members, against females,
are inconvenient to the far-Right. It is similar
to whites are much less upset by white-on-white
or white-on-black crime, but feel threatened
on a primal level by black-on-white crime.

I do not have to look to see is any figures on
the Right are already exploiting the "pedophilia"
story. It is a given.

I also did not need to search to see if there
were any anti-gay incidents at Virginia Tech.
I considered that also to be a given. I merely
had to find what I knew would be there.

A person who has been molested and who has
homosexual feelings will feel all the more
upset by their own feelings, and all the more
violated. The hate saturating society will
only compound that, even more.

The Right will use this incident with glee
to stir up hate, hate, hate, like white
racists using a rape case to whip up
anti-black fever. It is a long tradition.

The cheapness of the world seems such that
there is only a slight intersection between
people who commit the most violence and people
who have the most legitimate grievances.

If you try to encourage people who really
cannot use peaceful means, that they should
rise up and fight- such as against dictator
Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, they will likely
be afraid, passive, unwilling.

On the other hand, if you try to tell a gung-ho
soldier that he is abetting what most of the
world would consider an unwarranted
act of aggression that violates every international
norm, he will probably shower you with hatred
for the suggestion.

In researching for this poem, I read a description
of a gay person in Virginia who was not allowed
to see his own partner in the hospital. Last year,
I was told a story by travelling companions of a
similar case in North Carolina, where the
access was denied, even in spite of power of
attorney papers. The partner died without
so much as a visit.

We have been asking for remedy, peacefully,
long enough for that kind of thing.
If power-hungry politicians prefer to pander
shamelessly to the hate vote, it is adequate cause
to take up arms, to drive home the point.

People will wonder "Why is there such violence?",
but there is an ironic flip side to that question.
It should be wondered in other cases why there has
not been violence. The lack of violence is,
in other cases, nearly miraculous.

It is easy, and preachy to say that a moral cause
should never use "immoral means". The wisdom
of that sentiment fades when basic and obvious matters
of justice are ignored over decades and centuries.

Cynicism can grow sufficiently until even the most
ardent supporters of a cause can lose faith in
the ability to achieve their goals by any means-
peaceful or otherwise. At that point, people
can decide that nothing really matters. They might
act simply in vengeance, not as a means
to accomplish an end.

The kinds of people who commit violence the most
quickly seem typically to do so for the least compelling
reasons - the kinds of things are the ordinary
trials of life- losing a girlfriend, losing a job,
general failure in schooling or career.

There will always be small numbers of such people.
However, in the final analysis, it is conditions
of genuine oppression that represents the greatest
long-term threat, because it produces potentially
thousands or millions of people who have deep and real
grievances. These will not be people who are
merely unbalanced. When people are completely
unbalanced, they are somewhat less dangerous
because they cannot organize into groups,
find sympathizers, find financing, patiently
and quietly plan on as large of a scale.

I am certainly threatening no violence, personally,
in this world. I do not believe as a practical
matter that I could feasibly do so, no matter
how inclined. I am upfront in controversial
opinions, and am sure that our government
is aware of where I live. What I do here is
to attempt to offer a few insights and observations
that might be the only kind of benefit that is possible
after events such as those, yesterday.

I would hope that anyone who reads the above web
material could be honest enough to admit that an
atmosphere of hate and injustice has existed
in Virginia, as in much of the country and
much of the world. No matter what the ultimate
explanation for yesterday's events, which
might be long debated and never really known
for sure, I cannot help but feel that this
overall climate is somehow a major factor
at its root.