I've seen you recommend Avira AntiVir® PersonalEdition Classic - Free in
prior post and I looked into this Virus software. I also see it tied with
two others in a ProtectStar Test Lab test and wanted to see the other two it
ties with. However, looking through their website I can only find it
available in German.
Do you know of a English version of the above link? perhaps I missed it at
their site, but I don't see anything.
All the best,
Is your computer system ready for Vista?
"Kayman" <kaymanDeleteThis@operamail.com> wrote in message
news:%23p5wo2fnIHA.1768@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...<span style="color:blue">
> On Sun, 13 Apr 2008 20:58:00 -0700, Nancy M wrote:
><span style="color:green">
>> I had something come up on my screen warning me about 2 trojans and I
>> need
>> to install XP antivirus protection..is this part of windows? It is
>> trojan
>> MYtob.mailer and Zlob.z. Is this for real? It has the microsoft logo,
>> and
>> looks official, but I'm always a bit skeptical of these things..I was
>> afraid
>> to click on install, not knowing what it was. I thought it would have
>> already
>> been installed. I have Vista. Thanks,</span>
> Ignore the message "need to install XP antivirus protection"; It'll get
> you
> on more trouble!
> 1. Download and execute
> CCleaner - Free
> Cleans temporary internet files, cookies, history, recent urls,
> application
> MRUs, etc. ...
> 2. Download and execute
> SuperAntispyware - Free
> After the software is updated, it is suggested scanning the system in Safe
> Mode.
> How do you boot to Safe Mode?
> By pressing/tabbing F8 (or F5 on some keyboards) during re-boot.
> Alternatively:
> click onto Start==>Run, type "msconfig" (without quotation marks), click
> OK. Then click onto BOOT.INI tab and 'check' /SAFEBOOT then OK and click
> Restart. To go back to Normal Mode, you must access the System
> Configuration utility again and click the General tab then click/check
> the radio button 'Normal Startup'- load all device drivers and services'.
> A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP
> 3. Download and execute
> David H. Lipman's MULTI_AV.EXE from the URL:
> English:
> To use this utility, perform the following...
> Execute; Multi_AV.exe {Note: You must use the default folder C:AV-CLS}
> Choose; Unzip
> Choose; Close
> Execute; C:AV-CLSStartMenu.BAT
> {or Double-click on 'Start Menu' in C:AV-CLS}
> NOTE: You may have to disable your software FireWall or allow WGET.EXE to
> go through your FireWall to allow it to download the needed AV vendor
> related files.
> C:AV-CLSStartMenu.BAT -- {or Double-click on 'Start Menu' in C:AV-CLS}
> This will bring up the initial menu of choices and should be executed in
> Normal Mode.
> This way all the components can be downloaded from each AV vendor's web
> site.
> The choices are; Sophos, Trend, McAfee, Kaspersky, Exit this menu and
> Reboot the PC.
> You can choose to go to each menu item and just download the needed files
> or you can download the files and perform a scan in Normal Mode. Once you
> have downloaded the files needed for each scanner you want to use, you
> should reboot the PC into Safe Mode [F8 key during boot] and re-run the
> menu again and choose which scanner you want to run in Safe Mode. It is
> suggested to run the scanners in both Safe Mode and Normal Mode.
> When the menu is displayed hitting 'H' or 'h' will bring up a more
> comprehensive PDF help file.
> Additional Instructions:
> Once you cleaned you OS consider this:
> Remove your existing AV application and replace with:
> Avira AntiVir® PersonalEdition Classic - Free
> You may wish to consider removing the 'AntiVir Nagscreen'
> (scan regularly)
> Windows Defender - Free (build-in in Vista)
> WD monitors the start-registry and hooks registers/files to prevent
> spyware
> and worms to install to the OS.
> Interesting reading:
> "...Windows Defender did excel in behavior-based protection, which detects
> changes to key areas of the system without having to know anything about
> the actual threat."
> (scan regularly)
> Keep on using SAS - (scan regularly)
> Routinely practice Safe-Hex.
> Hundreds Click on 'Click Here to Get Infected' Ad
> Good luck style_emoticons/ </span>