Vote wisely - get educated! - part 1

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Vote wisely - get educated!

Please think carefully about these statements and research them before
you make decisions concerning your voting rights and responsibilities.

Just because a majority of people are anti-war and tricked into voting
for an anti-war candidate doesn't mean that war will end. Wars are
started and ended, mostly, by evil people who have an agenda - whether
it be a religious one or the manipulation and control of people, land,
national resources, governments, money - whatever. If you want to end
war, you have to destroy those who make war and profit from it. Those
who think they are in control of the world are deluded with evil, yet
they proceed to use their control of banks, corporations and
governments to manipulate everything and everybody towards their new
world order - a world under governmental, economic and political
control of centralized powers, ruled by an elite and with considerably
less population achieved through conventional warfare, germ warfare,
famine, etc. Some of these things they think they can control, others
they will not be able to.

Now that machines are controlling much of the world and making it
easier for commerce, government, law enforcement, etc. to maintain
records and track everyone, the problems being addressed now are peace
in the Middle East and overpopulation, among many others.
Unfortunately, the two mentioned are slated for solutions that may
only be achieved through war and the most horrific wars the world has
ever seen. Israel, I believe rightfully, believes it has a God-
granted right to their nation - they have even given up much of it for
peace to no avail. The original Biblical "land grant" extended from
the Mediterranean coast to the Euphrates river and from well into
Lebanon south into Jordan. The malicious Arab nations and Islamic
forces seek nothing less than the total destruction of the Israeli
people and they confiscation of their land. Russia has been allied
with many Arab nations for many years when it comes to the fate of
Israel and the United States. Through providing arms and other
material and financial support, the former Soviet Union and present-
day Russia has allied with not only Arab nations, but also many
hispanic nations south of the U.S. border and certainly with certain
Atlantic island nation knows for its cigars. China holds a lot of
paper and could economically damage the U.S. very easily. It has a
formidably growing military presence, along with North Korea, although
recent diplomatic activity may be at least temporarily softening the
North Koreans who need financial support and food. The region along
the southern Russian border along with Pakistan, Afghanistan and India
is a hotbed of Islamic fanaticism with the added dangers of nuclear

A shocking truth - whomever of the three leading candidates is elected
will be a servant of the wealthy and powerful special interests who
wish to lead us into a one-world confederation, with the United
Nations and its associated organizations as the governing body. NAFTA
dictates an economic and political joining of the U.S., Canada and
Mexico with a common currency called the Amero. The current economic
troubles in the world, focused on the falling and shaky dollar and
U.S. economy, are all contrived to lead us to this major change.

Consider voting independently by writing in a candidate! The current
three front runners are clearly bad news for the U.S.

Obama has ties to alleged Chicago mobsters. Obama may be a closet
Muslim and a racist. The Chicago church he is a long-time member and
supporter of (along with Oprah, who did a program that was soft on
Islam) has been called a universalist and racist church that is pro-
Islam and anti-white. Jeremiah Wright, the former leader of the
congregation is clearly a black supremacist, a racist, anti-Israel and
pro-Palestinian. Wright's comments right after 9/11 about the
"chickens coming home to roost," referring to U.S. support for Israel
and not for the Palestinians, bordered on traitorous. Obama is at
least an acquaintance with Louis Farakkhan, who is clearly a black
racist and Islamist. Any white people who are voting for Obama are
very naive (too young to see reality or just living in a dream) to
think that he and his administration would not favor blacks and Islam
and work to undermine any white power structures. The support of the
Kennedy family is only because of Obama's political style that is
reminiscent of both JFK and RFK - to take power from the wealthy
special interests and bring it to the people. To be more correct, it
is a major power-play for black voters to once again be firmly under
the control of the democratic party. Good luck. Remember what
happened to JFK, RFK and MLK when they tried to go against the
international financiers, global corporations, military establishment
and other wealthy and powerful interests.

Hillary Clinton will say or do whatever is necessary and possible to
get elected. Her lust for power and to be the first woman president
is disgusting. But, the political and economic power behind the
Clintons is enormous. Their vision for the U.S. is one of socialism,
even communism, with government ruling over us all, including the
corporations and the bankers. She wants to be president and he wants
to be secretary-general of the U.N. Bill Clinton allowed China access
to military and industrial technology that has enabled them to
accelerate nuclear weapons development and defense strategies. Isn't
it strange that Bill Clinton only had two main incidences during his
presidency when he engaged the military and government security
forces? This is not counting the African skirmish started by the Bush
administration just before leaving office. Numerous A+ opportunities
to capture or remove Osama bin Laden, according to intelligence
sources, were ignored. Under Clinton, the military attempted to bomb
a suspected weapons storage area in Sudan which the Sudanese said was
a drug manufacturing and storage facility. Late in his presidency,
the military bombed Baghdad during Ramadan - this was a blatant
attempt to incite the wrath of Islam against the United States. And,
with hatred, Clinton called out the ATF to assault and burn down the
Koresh compound near Waco. This is not to affirm the sometimes
despicable and abusive behavior of the cult leader, but you can expect
more discrimination towards Christian groups under another Clinton
presidency. Socialism and Communism thrives on an atheistic mindset -
no God, no hope - except in the false God of tyrannical government.

John McCain is a very moderate republican. For a while, back when he
did Saturday Night Live, it appeared he was preparing to switch to the
democratic party. But, he obvious was just playing for the youth
vote. McCain is unquestionable a war hero - he suffered greatly as a
POW in Vietnam. It certainly may have affected his physical and
mental condition for life. It certainly makes him a strong candidate
when it comes to defending this nation against our enemies, foreign
and domestic. He is a bit of a hothead and that could get us in
trouble in a time of war. Although he would continue to favor the
wealthy corporate power in the U.S., he is the undisputed best choice
of the three for a nation at war and in peril of attack from enemies
within and without.

Another possibility is a revolt by the people of the U.S. if their
candidates are not elected for whatever reason. The power of the
federal government to put down a rebellion would probably be mind-
boggling. Although, many in the armed forces and the national and
state guards would probably not be willing to fight their own, unless
threatened to do so. The civil war was a national disgrace. Slavery
was only a banner issue - the war was more of an economic war between
the north and the south. Southern plantation owners were outpacing
their northern competitors and some were contracting with foreign
governments. The idea was to bring the south into line with the
economic and political aims of the northern states to preserve the
economic union as well as the political one. Few people believe that
slavery is a good thing, but many would rather have seen the financial
capital of the U.S. in Atlanta rather than New York. Did you know
that Irish and many other immigrants who arrived on ships at New York
were immediately sent to the war fields of the south if they were not
able to pay a tax that would have exempted them from the draft?
Needless to say, these poverty-stricken refugees were forced into
yankee blues because they were too poor to avoid it.
In article
<>, wrote:

> If you want to end
> war, you have to destroy those who make war and profit from it.

A ludicrous notion, of course.

For 7,000 years, those who make war and profit from war have been
destroyed again and again and again.

And yet, for 7,000 years, war has been the norm, and spaces between wars
all too brief.
