WAAAH that hell is wrong with me???


Aug 8, 2004
Murdaland, USA
Ok, Now I liked megan not as much as stephanie but i liked megan. So i asked her out. That lasted one damn day. So i deiced Id see if steph woul ever show anything back..She finnaly did. But today. We broke up!!! My god!!!

I mena not even a damn week went by!! And i really liked this girl alot.
This pisses me off. Ok, i was hopin soooooooo damn badly it wouldnt happen between me and stephanie. Cuz i liked her..i rele liked her. Is it becuase the past two girls i asked out were very good friends of mine???? MY GOD i hardly even got to know them. Before we break up. Steph says its not my fualt but BS. Seriously. I dont mind being dumped. I dont care about that. BUT at least i could last a week. I suck man...**** this pisses the living **** outa me. :( man im so ****in damn upset. Its not funny. **** can any one relate to me on this ****?????
im sorry to hear that. I cannot relate but it must suck. If the girl was telling you that it wasnt your fault then it definitly wasnt it could be she likes someone else. Did you try asking her what the deal was? well sorry i couldnt be more help, hope everything gets better.

well wb friend...um yeah....but u know.....it doesnt even really matter if i hold it in...i hold loads of **** in. Im just a guy who usually tries to keep in my emotions...and it usually works good for me in most cases

ive never really had sum1 to talk to....so im used to it :rolleyes: pathetic i know but i dont give a damn..i talk to myself..ive grown used to it lol...i just dont show it.....im usually calmn...but inside....i got 1 million words to say
I know it cant possibly be easy to keep **** inside. I do it to. I dont talk to people about me or how i feel or anything i keep to myself and like you it works but it takes its toll. Well if you ever want to talk and no one is around you can talk to me ( cheesy yes i know but its true) I know i dont know you but i found it easier to talk to a complete stranger.

Pyro_Storm said:
I know it cant possibly be easy to keep **** inside. I do it to. I dont talk to people about me or how i feel or anything i keep to myself and like you it works but it takes its toll. Well if you ever want to talk and no one is around you can talk to me ( cheesy yes i know but its true) I know i dont know you but i found it easier to talk to a complete stranger.

thanks for being there...im kinda drunk and i dont think itd be bes if i tulk right now. i might be irrational in my thinkin
Pyro_Storm said:
no problem, i do have a question, how old are you? i doubt your old enough to be drinking legally.

sorry if its pestering :(

i definately am not...and i stopped becuase....drinkin is not good. it goes against my rightoues morals......i havent drank in two month...even before that i dont drink much....just tonight.....yeah im a hyporite
Well, I write stories. Listen to music. Um, music isnt helpin...i keep listenin to the song "Before I forget"...uhh, not really...usually i watch Austin Powers....but..its not helpin me any bit...if u didnt know..AP is somehting i love to watch i cry like a baby cuz i luagh so much during it...but its not workin strangley


wait im playing LIL BUT by 50 cent :thumbsup: