WAIK RTM Bug Adding Packages


Adam Leinss

I believe I've found a bug in the RTM version of the WAIK for Windows 7 or maybe someone can explain to me what I'm doing wrong. I had the RC version of Windows 7 and the RTM version of the WAIK and kept getting "The system cannot find the path specified." when trying to add a package to WinPE. Thinking it was a mismatch between the RC and the RTM versions, I formatted my work PC, installed the RTM version of Windows 7 Enterprise and the RTM version of the
WAIK. Again, I ran into the same issue. However, once I converted the name of the CAB files to be all lowercase, then it works?!

See below...only thing that is different between the two command lines is the case of the package name:
The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs
C:\winpe7>Dism /image:C:\winpe7\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\Program File
s\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_FPs\WinPE-HTA.cab
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385
An error occurred trying to open - C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x8
6\WinPE_FPs\WinPE-HTA.cab" Error: 0x80070003
Error: 3
The system cannot find the path specified.
The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log
C:\winpe7>Dism /image:C:\winpe7\mount /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\Program File
s\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_FPs\winpe-hta.cab"

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package WinPE-HTA-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7
The operation completed successfully.

The interesting thing is that the CHM file supplied has all CAB file names in lower case. So if you are copying and pasting from the CHM file, you may never run into this issue.

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