Waiting for the Electrician


Thomas Keske


I have a dramatic confession.
I am not gay.

I am an Ohmosexual.
A member of the Resistance. I have studied Voltaire.

I am the Assistant Assailant to the Electric Chairman
of the Board of Directors of the National Assassination Association

I am plugging electrical safe sexual sockets
and testifying on behalf of Tesla Transformer Reform

Fascists rig the Vote. We rig the Volts.
We are the Force behind many Current Events
and we are Fighting the Power

2. Tesla Transformer
The dramatic performance of Tesla's transformer depends on this
phenomenon. His invention pre-dated the amplifying valve, and
the only means he had of .



I think your consoles are operating as designed.

In homo decoupling mode, ( f1 = 1H AND f2 = 1H ) your preamp
module (in the 3-slot dog-house) is routing the f2 signal
through a 1 watt, 560 ohm resistor (R29 on my 300 schematic) to
bring the power down to a level consistent with during-
acquisition, time-shared, single-frequency homo-decoupling.

If Bruker-Fremont can no longer supply you with the decoupler
option, you can replace your f2 synthesizer with a manually-set
PTS (or other systhesizer) that is 5/10MHz locked to your

In polyacetylene, but not in most other conductive polymers,
this creates degeneracy in the frontier molecular orbitals (the
highest occupied and lowest unoccupied orbitals named HOMO and
LUMO respectively). This leads to the filled (electron
containing) and unfilled bands (valence and conduction bands
respectively) resulting in a semiconductor.

(1999) A US Navy safety publication describes injuries incurred
while doing don't's. One page described the fate of a sailor
playing with a multimeter in an unauthorized manner. He was
curious about the resistance level of the human body. He had a
Simpson 260 multimeter, a small unit powered by a 9-volt battery.
That may not seem powerful enough to be dangerous? but it can be
deadly in the wrong hands.

The sailor took a probe in each hand to measure his bodily
resistance from thumb to thumb. But the probes had sharp tips,
and in his excitement he pressed his thumbs hard enough against
the probes to break the skin. Once the salty conducting fluid
known as blood was available, the current from the multimeter
travelled right across the sailor's heart, disrupting the
electrical regulation of his heartbeat.

He died before he could record his Ohms.

I'm a former Navy petty officer, enlisted for six years as an
electrician aboard a US Submarine. I got a lot of training. This
story was used frequently during my training in the US Navy as
an example of what can happen when procedures and safety
measures are not followed. I considered the story an urban
legend until I found the incident report referenced in the
official Navy electrical safety guidelines. I now know it is

The actual event is slightly different than described above, and
even more deserving of a Darwin award. This sailor stuck the
sharpened ends of the probes through his thumbs intentionally.
You see, he had just taken a course that taught a critical
concept called "internal resistance."

Internal resistance is resistance to electrical power flow that
exists inside any power source. It causes the terminal voltage
to drop when load (current) increases. You can demonstrate this
concept, if you're careful, by monitoring your car battery's
terminal voltage, while someone starts up the engine. The
reading will be ~13 volts while the engine is off, but during
the period where the starter is cranking it will drop to 8-9
volts. The voltage drop is due to the internal resistance of the

When we did the experiment in the electrical safety class to
determine our body's resistance, we found a resistance of 500K
Ohms. Using 9V and 500K Ohms in the equation, we come up with a
current of 18 microAmps, below the "feel" threshold of 1mA.
However, removing the insulation of skin from our curious sailor
here, the resistance through the very good conducting
electrolytes of the body is sharply lower. Around 100 ohms, in
fact, resulting in a current of 90mA - sufficient to stop our
sailor's heart and kill him.

As my electrical safety instructor said, "The reason we now have
to teach the electrical safety course to all electricians at
least twice per year is because some joe was bright enough to be
the one person in the world who could figure out how to kill
himself with a 9V battery."


OHM Remediation Services Corp. ("OHM") is a diversified services
firm for government and private sector clients and provides a
broad range of outsourced services including environmental
remediation and project, program and construction management
services. OHM is submitting comments, questions and requests for
clarification to the DOE because the continued viability of the
Act is crucial to OHM's core business. However, the Act needs to
be modified to reflect the current state of the nuclear industry
which currently has a stronger focus on decommissioning and low-
level radioactive waste than it did at the time the Act was
initially contemplated.

OHM respectfully requests that the DOE address the concerns
raised below in an attempt to maintain the overall viability of
the Act while updating the Act to address the current realities
of the nuclear industry


Georgia Tech Reactor Deactivation and Decommissioning
- IT/OHM Corporation
Atlanta, Georgia

Georgia Tech Reactor Deactivation and Decommissioning-
IT/OHM Corporation

Bluegrass diamond wire cut the reactor shield plug just below
the lead liner. The concrete aggregate was steel punchings, and
weighed 280 lbs per cubic foot. The shield had a 1" thick
stainless steel liner.

36. Dr. Drown's Homo-Vibra Ray
Dr. Ruth Drown, Dr. Albert Abrams, Upton Sinclair and the
strange history ... It contained an ohm-meter, rheostat,
condenser, and other electrical gadgets all

10. Current and reliable Electrical Connectors news stories

Electrical Connectors. Sub-Categories ...

Available in female-female, female-male, and male-male combinations,
N Adapters provide MIL-STD-348 interface,

38. Electrical connector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are hundreds of types of electrical connectors. ...

Plug and socket connectors are usually made up of a
male plug and a female


27. Modular connector - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Modular connector is the name given to a family of electrical
connectors examples of ...

instead, people use male-male cables and female-female couplers.

15. Joint MRI Bias Removal Using Entropy Minimization Across Images
Division of Electrical Engineering. University of California,
Berkeley. Berkeley, ... in which we simultaneously eliminate the
bias from a set of images of

4. Marriage and Couples Counseling, Austin
Working with Dr. George Pazdral, M.D., I provide collaborative
counseling for couples, partners and families that helps
eliminate gender bias

Sponsored by: www.annmcintosh.com
.. Fast Optoelectronic Crosspoint Electrical Switching of GaAs ...
to eliminate the common-mode bias signal from the output, ... of
the electrical bias, whereby a variable delay is introduced.
between the

.. An electrical pumping approach to eliminate sample bias in ...
An electrical pumping approach to. eliminate sample bias in
capillary. electrokinetic injection. A general pumping injection
(PI), which involves the use of


Yes, even among the brethren of The Brotherhood Of The Firebottle,
there are many schisms. Paper in oil caps versus plastic film
caps. Vintage carbon composition resistors versus fancy metal
foils and metal films. Vintage amp designs versus modern amp
designs. Grid bias versus cathode bias. And then there are
various, very adamant "splinter groups." Here, you'll find the
"Power Mongers" branch of the Brotherhood.

Vikings began life as Power Mongers, but were lured by
the seductive sounds of SET, and became Triode Junkies.
They do however still retain some of their old Power
Monger ways

No "girlie man" amps for them! Sadly, many Power Mongers wind up
in jail, after finally getting busted for the racketeering and
smuggling operations they had operated in order to pay their
electric bills.
Anagrams for "your mum is a fat homo"




21. Waiting for the Electrician or Someone Like Him
- Firesign Theatre - Song Listings

Be the first to tag Waiting for the Electrician or Someone Like
Him! Write a Review ... Waiting for the Electrician or Someone
Like Him by Firesign Theatre!



Union denies benefits to gay couples

A Boston labor union representing some 6,000 members has amended
its benefit plans to exclude gay married couples from receiving
health and pension benefits, evoking fear in some labor unions
in Massachusetts that the move will set a dangerous precedent
for other unions and employers throughout the state.

The union's move has roiled many labor leaders in Massachusetts,
several of whom, including those at the Service Employees
International Union, have been aggressively fighting for
benefits for gay partners, including marriage.

Another IBEW local denounced the move yesterday.

"That's just not the right way, that's not what America was
founded on," said Miles Calvey, business manager for IBEW Local
2222 of Quincy.
.. AC/DC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In some cultures, "AC/DC" is a slang term for bisexuality; the
band have said that they were not aware of this usage until it
was brought to their attention

28. AC/DC on tour - ac/dc live - electric Shock
On more than one occasion, AC/DC truly makes you feel that your
are listening to what is happening inside a nuclear reactor


Navy Nuclear Electricians Mate Sample Resume

Don Hite
5903 North Campbell Road
Otis Orchards, WA 99027
Home Phone: (509) 921-0497
Home Fax: (509) 921-0498
Email: dha@donhite.com


Possess 22 years of progressive training and experience in
nuclear power plant operations, maintenance, training, and
management. Completing tour of service as a Navy Nuclear
Qualified Senior Chief Electricians Mate (E-8). Qualified as
Engineering Officer of the Watch, Prototype Instructor, Master
Training Specialist, Radiological Controls Shift Supervisor, and
Quality Assurance Supervisor.


Electrical Maintenance
Radiological Controls
AC/DC Theory Engineering
AC/DC Motors Plant Operations
Quality Assurance
Industrial Safety


Outside design basis" event reports filed by utilities indicate
that serious problems with safety systems have existed for years,
if not decades. These reports indicate that reactors operating
"outside design basis" have undermined the NRC s regulatory
philosophy of "defense-in-depth." Rather than having multiple,
redundant barriers to the release of radiation, i.e. defense-in-
depth, reactors have failed to maintain their design basis for
significant safety systems such as the emergency core cooling
system and the electrical cables that control the nuclear

Although not every design basis issue is of high safety
significance, a preliminary review by the NRC s now defunct
Office of Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD)
conducted in June 1997 found that:

34% of all event reports contained design basis issues.

42% of these events involved four risk significant systems:
emergency core cooling, primary reactor systems, emergency ac/dc
power and containment isolation.


name: jeff

comments: The red wire is for three way switch circuits- i.e.
lights that can be turned off and on from more than one location.
I installed one of these at my house and it was confusing as
hell but if you just look at a diagram it's not so bad. But make
sure that if you're not using the red wire that you cap it off
properly. -(gay electrician)

name: re because he would benefit from the chapel's shows being
covered in mland, which he could do as a writer for said
publication. comments: but all he would have to do to avoid a
conflict then is not review his own shows. thats why the story
doesnt add up. i think he was canned.

name: re where the heck is everyone today?
comments: tonights the gay electricians ball. everyone who is
cool was invited and is spending today getting the prom dresses
and hair done.

name: wait....
comments: nevermind, gay electrician. yr still going to hell.

name: good news for the gay electrician


Nikola "Mr. T" Tesla is one bad mofo and also the
god of electricity. Worship him for you cannot win, he shall disarm
your weapons, destroy your human civilization as you know it and
burn you to a crisp! He also tried to save the world with his
sidekick Mark Twain during his mortal life.

Tesla defeated Thomas Edison in the much-touted "jab in the lab"
middle-lightweight boxing match held at Harvard university in 1928

Tesla claimed that Prince's conversion to Dark-Side Mormonism
caused him to babble incoherently and inadvertently start this
myth. Prince denies all connections to the Dark-Side Mormons,
and will not comment on the origins of "Darling Nikki".

Though commonly believed to be human Tesla was actually born
from a lightning storm, and is to this day the only known
individual to ever randomly be spawned from lighting. In
Colorado Springs, Colo., where she was born in May 1899, until
early 1900, Tesla wasted his time skateboarding and hanging out
at the mall. There, he proved that the Earth could be used as a
semiconductor and would be as responsive as a Cray Computer to
electrical vibrations of a certain frequency.

During his time her life, Nikola Tesla commonly refferred to his
birthplace, Colorado Springs, as "the gay communist regime of
america," and would often protest at funerals for American
soldiers who have died in Iraq.

One time he received secret signals from aliens. (True)

One time he received secret signals from heterosexual aliens. (False)

"He invented light, nothing more, nothing less."
~ Albert Einstein on Nikola Tesla


In the 1920s, Tesla became a close friend with George Sylvester
Viereck, and according to Tesla, George Sylvester Viereck was
the greatest contemporary American poet. Tesla occasionally
attended dinner parties held by Viereck and his wife. Tesla also
wrote a poem which he dedicated to his friend Viereck. It was
called "Fragments of Olympian Gossip" in which he ridiculed the
scientific establishment of the day.

Viereck's memoir of life in prison, Men into Beasts, was
published as a paperback original by Fawcett Publications' Gold
Medal Book line of paperback originals in 1952. The book is a
general memoir of discomfort, loss of dignity, and brutality in
prison life, but the front matter and backcover text focuses on
the situational homosexuality and male rape described in the
book (witnessed, not experienced, by Viereck). The book, while a
memoir, is thus the first original title of 1950s gay pulp
fiction, an emerging genre in that decade.


As you may have seen, the web is all abuzz today with news and
commentary on the 150th birthday of the scientists and inventor
Nikola Tesla. Tesla is probably best known as the inventor of
the modern radio, but he had his hands in almost every area of
electronics and magnetism research in his day. Because of his
many inventions in the area, he is often called "the man who
invented the Twentieth Century", a title that is surely well-

Since my Ph.D. research is on protein NMR (nuclear magnetic
resonance), I would be remiss if I didn't mention Tesla's
connection to my field--particularly since the unit for the
strength of a magnetic field bears Tesla's name!
1. Scotsman.com News - Latest News - Bowie brings magic to new film role
Rock idol David Bowie has landed a new movie role, playing the
inventor and electrical genius Nikola Tesla. Bowie, 58, will
star alongside Hugh Jackman,

5. Nuclear Industry Ignores Safety of Tesla Pumping Technology

"Reactor owners argue that an. accident would probably involve a ...
"Safety of Adding to Nuclear Plants' Capacity is Questioned"
Tesla "Nuclear" Pump


Lab Notes: Research from the Berkeley College of Engineering
The first female nuclear engineering department chair of a Top
10 school in the nation, Jasmina Vujic is also the vice
president of the Tesla Memorial

22. Red Alert2
.... side to the Nuclear Reactor is that it replaces Tesla
Reactors, which can crowd ... A Nuclear Reactor provides the
energy equivalent of many Teslas, and after you

2. Tesla's Death Ray machine
Tesla's sexuality, however, has always remained a mystery.
Margaret Cheney suggests in her biography that Tesla may have
been a homosexual,

24. Newsvine - cheney
VP's Plane Has Minor Electrical Problem ... decision to become
pregnant and raise a child with her female partner was not
political, Mary Cheney


"There was an electrical problem involving a generator, but no
safety issue," White House spokeswoman Emily Lawrimore said.
"The plane is fine."

Australian Prime Minister John Howard said earlier that he had
received a report that Cheney's plane was being diverted after
it took off from Sydney, but that he did not have any details



Bowie in line to play Tesla in 'Prestige'

George Takei, 'Trek's' Sulu: I'm gay

Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy Systems

Is there another world in the mirror, Case physicist asks

Amazing - Lightning Pictures

Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human 'Paranormal' Events

The Tesla Conspiracy - the Movie


The Blog of Scott Aaronson

Welcome to an occasional new Shtetl-Optimized series, where
physicists get to amuse themselves by watching me struggle to
understand the most basic concepts of their discipline.

Today's topic is Understanding Electricity

Charge is the q in kqq/r2. Twice as many electrons, twice as
much charge. 'Nuff said.

Energy - Alright, even I know this one. Energy is what we fight
wars to liberate. In our case, if you have a bunch of electrons
going through a wire, then the energy scales like the number of
electrons times the speed of the electrons squared.

Power is energy per unit time: how much energy does your
appliance consume every second? Duh, that's why a 60-watt light
bulb is environmentally-friendlier than a 100-watt bulb.

Voltage is the first one I had trouble with back in freshman
physics. It's energy per charge, or power per current.
Intuitively, voltage measures how much energy gets imparted to
each individual electron. Thus, if you have a 110-volt hairdryer
and you plug it into a 220-volt outlet, then the trouble is that
the electrons have twice as much energy as the hairdryer expects.
This is what transformers are for: to ramp voltages up and down.

Incidentally, the ability to transform voltages is related to
why what comes out of your socket is alternating current (AC)
instead of direct current (DC). AC, of course, is the kind where
the electrons switch direction 60 times or so per second, while
DC is the kind where they always flow in the same direction.



Both are genuises, Sasuke's Chidori is more poiwerfull than
Killua's electric shock, but I still go for Killua, he is
quicker, expert killer, and after removing the needle from his
head, he doesn't hesitate.

keske vous lui donnez???
Title:Water tree resistant insulating composition
Document Type and Number:United States Patent 6521695
Link to this page:

Abstract:The present invention is an improved electric
insulation composition of a polymer and an additive that reduces
water treeing due to electrical aging in water. The polymer
additive is a hydrophobic/hydrophilic material with good
compatibility with the polymer. The present invention is also a
method of preventing electrical breakdown due to the formation
of water trees by forming electrical cables with the insulation
containing the disclosed anti-treeing additive

Water treeing refers to the degradation process of the
insulation resulting in the formation of microchannels or tubes
having a tree-like appearance. A water tree is initiated at
stored areas of water, for examples a defect in the insulation
material and may become significant when an electrical field is
applied to the electrical insulation. In order to prevent early
failure during the operation of the hardware, it becomes
necessary to minimize the formation of water trees in the
insulator surrounding the electrical hardware.

Prior art insulation materials were often modified by the
addition of a material which bonds with water to avoid high
local water concentration within the insulation.

As it is known in the art, an electrical insulation of a cable
through which an alternating current flows is the seat of losses,
so that the vector representing the current is out of phase by
an angle .PHI.=90.degree.-.delta. on the vector representing the
voltage. In fact, in an electrical circuit of the reactive type,
that is containing inductances and capacities, real power P
(watt) is defined P=V I cos .PHI., where .PHI. is the out of
phase angle between current and voltage

Other embodiments of the invention will be apparent to those
skilled in the art from consideration of the specification and
practice of the invention disclosed herein. It is intended that
the specification and examples be considered as exemplary only,
with a true scope and spirit of the invention being indicated by
the following claims

1. Weed Instrument Co., Inc. - Fiber Optic Networking
High grade electrical isolation between stations ...
The Weed Instrument nuclear qualified analog fiber optic data
link is designed


Peninsula Art Academy

The Academy includes a wonderful gallery featuring works in all
mediums by regional artists, award winning custom picture
framing, working artists studios, and houses the Fiber C.A.F.E.
center for alternative fiber experience

Fiber Show Entry Form
ArtTalks at PAA
Beginner/Intermediate-Level Weaving w/ Adams

Beginning Wheel Spinning
Divine Vines Bracelet w/ Hodous

So you always wished you could draw /Keske Talmadge
You too can Paint /Keske Talmadge
9. DOE Document - Fiber-optic shock position sensor
.... measure the location of a shock front in the neighborhood of
a nuclear explosion. ... the Defense Nuclear Agency`s interest
in replacing as many electrical sensors as


This report describes work performed for the development of a
fiber-optic shock position sensor used to measure the location
of a shock front in the neighborhood of a nuclear explosion.

Such a measurement would provide a hydrodynamic determination of
nuclear yield. The original proposal was prompted by the Defense
Nuclear Agency`s interest in replacing as many electrical
sensors as possible with their optical counterparts for the
verification of a treaty limiting the yield of a nuclear device
used in underground testing. Immunity to electromagnetic pulse
is the reason for the agency`s interest; unlike electrical
sensors and their associated cabling, fiber-optic systems do not
transmit to the outside world noise pulses from the device
containing secret information.
22. Fiber optic networks vulnerable to attack
.... of equipment needed to sniff data off of glass an optical/
electrical converter. ... substations, nuclear power plants,
water purification and storage facilities,

17. About Fiber Planners
Rodney has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech. ...
nuclear engineering from the U.S. Navy, where he served as a
nuclear submarine officer.



Mr. Edgar has served as lead counsel for industry clients in a
variety of high-profile nuclear power matters, including the
ECCS rulemaking proceedings; NRC licensing proceedings and
federal court litigation concerning the Clinch River Breeder
Reactor Plant; the post-TMI investigations; the General Electric
Test Reactor Seismic Show Cause Order hearings; the NRC's Severe
Accident Rulemaking;

Mr. Edgar served as an officer in the U.S. Navy from 1964 to
1969 on assignment as a nuclear engineer

Mr. Edgar is admitted to practice in the District of Columbia
and before the United States Supreme Court.


Steinmetz dissembled, though a poor and obvious thing it was. He
frowned thoughtfully, pulled at his beard, finally said, "Well,
Mousie, I've been reading to them from the Book of Knowledge."

"That's not what I mean, and you know it."

"No?" he said, wide-eyed with spurious innocence.

"You've been telling them blood-curdling stories about bats and
vampires and all sorts of terrible things."

"Oh, that!" he said dismissively.

"Yes, that! Edgar's mother tells me he had nightmares for a week
after hearing your stories. Now, Daddy, you just have to stop
scaring the children."

We want to hear about Dracula," they chorused.

"Mousie says those stories scare you too much."

"They do not," Billy cried. "I don't get scared, hardly at all."

"Edgar did," Steinmetz said.

They giggled. "He wanted to sleep on the island," Midge said.

"We shouldn't scare Edgar." Steinmetz said.

"But he's not here," Joe exclaimed. "He's all the way back in

Midge sat straight up in bed, her face bright with excitement.
She said, "Let's scare Edgar."

"Yes . . . " chorused her brothers. "Tell the story, Daddy, and
scare Edgar."

Steinmetz dropped his voice to a whisper. "You mustn't tell

"Noooo!" they whispered back.

He put down the Book of Knowledge and pulled up a chair.
Henceforth, the secret code between them all was
"Let's scare Edgar."

Steinmetz eventually made his most spectacular electrical
discovery, one for which the world press dubbed him
"The Modern Jove."

The nation's power industry, employing the alternating current
in which Steinmetz was so interested, now had many thousands of
miles of high-tension lines stretching across the country.
However, there was an implacable enemy that struck without
warning and caused great damage - lightning.
1. TV ACRES: Spy/Spies & Secret Organizations > Good Guys
> Lightning Force

TV Acres: The Web's Ultimate Subject Guide to TV Program Facts
and Trivia ... leader US Army Lieutenant Mike "Lightning" Rodney
who was killed on their first mission.

Peter Marshall Ministries
Former Senate Chaplain Dr. Peter Marshall. Reverend Peter
Marshall ... Through violent thunder and lightning Rodney rode
all night, and reached

9. Urbaniacs - Funky Superheroes From Urbanville

In a revealing one on one interview, French Urbaniac,
Warrior De Jour openly ... mention that last month,
Electric Lightning Rodney copped to being terrified of

.. Restructuring America's electric grid | Virginia Tech
This Virginia Tech Electricity Grid and Market Simulator "is a
robust tool for educational case studies in the field of power
systems design, engineering,

7. Vulnerability of US power grid identified
.... inadvertently built into the US power grid have been
identified by researchers at Penn State. ... Vulnerability of
the North American Power Grid," was

2. Arc Lamp in the Sky
Imagine the Sun not as a nuclear bomb in the sky but as an
electric arc-lamp plugged into a galactic power grid. The
Electric Universe theory promises to .

5. The History of AIDS and ARC
Terms such as GRID (gay-related immunodeficiency disease) were
considered but rejected in favor of the more neutral AIDS.134
The CDC promulgated a broad


Task D research is supported by the DOE Office of Nuclear
Physics and College of Arts & Sciences and the Office of the
Vice-President for Research at IU.

Task D also collaborates closely with Prof. Adam Szczepaniak and
his students from the Nuclear Theory Center and with Prof.
Geoffrey Fox who heads the Community Grids Lab
of IU's Pervasive Technology Lab.


Indiana U.: Anti-gay protests prompt response from campus groups,
Indiana U. police

Last week, anti-gay protesters exercised their right to free
speech twice, convening near the Indiana University law school
Tuesday and in front of Franklin Hall Friday. Tuesday's protest
featured slogans such as "AIDS cures fags," and "Christ is our
only escape from hell," according to a Nov. 10 Indiana Daily
Student article.

The protest Friday also featured signs people might have found
objectionable, according to IU Police Department reports. Most
of the protesters hailed from Old Paths Baptist Church in
Campbellsburg, Ind.

These messages were met by counter-protests led by Bloomington
United and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender
representatives and supporters both...
2. Arrests Made on Notre Dame Campus; Young Adult Activists Taken ...
The six Soulforce members were joined by two Notre Dame students, ...
Indiana, community with a film screening of "In Good Conscience,"
the story of a .

17. University of Notre Dame
campuses are at an all time low and the continued prevalence of
anti-gay behavior create a ... contact and anti-gay prejudice.

8. Where the Bells Toll, He Keeps Time
"Some call me the Hunchback of Boston College," the 25-year
veteran of the ... The veteran electrician known as the
Keeper of the Bells has left his own .


Some call me the Hunchback of Boston College," the 25-year
veteran of the campus electrical shop said, with a laugh

History is written inside the tower - literally

The veteran electrician known as the Keeper of the Bells has
left his own scrawl in at least four places inside the tower.
"Who knows how long our names will be up there?" Croft said.

The mark he has left on the school, as when tolling the bells at
noon on 9/11, is similarly unseen by most. "A lot of stuff is
done behind the scenes and nobody knows who does it," he said.
"When you hear the bells toll, no one asks how it's done.

It is nice to be part of the history of the college. It's


The Hunchback of Notre Dame

"Look! see that sickly creature asking alms!"
Any one who has thrown a stone into a frog pond,
or fired a shot into a covey of birds,
can form an idea of the effect produced by these incongruous words,
in the midst of the general attention.

It made Gringoire shudder as though it had been an electric shock

The prologue stopped short,
and all heads turned tumultuously towards the beggar,
far from being disconcerted by this,
in this incident,
a good opportunity
for reaping his harvest

A jest is always understood in Paris,
always applauded.

Let us add that Coppenole was of the people,
and that the auditors which surrounded him were also of the people.

Thus the communication between him and them had been prompt,
to speak,
on a level.


Great intro to the life of Charles Proteus Steinmetz
I looked for a book on Charles Steinmetz after running into
mentions of his name in regard to historical advances in the
use of electricity.

Steinmetz made a number of contributions, but one of his most
noted was his unraveling of the laws of alternating current.

His findings spurred on the advancement of electrical devices
and the distribution of electricity during the turn of the
20th century. The book is aimed at "young readers,"
but I found it enlightening nonetheless. It goes into great depth
about his hunchback deformity and the troubles that
caused him in life. His response to his ridicule
because of his physical appearance is amazing and wise.

I would recommend this book to anyone interested in
electrical inventors. This book was also published under
the title The Man Who Tamed Lightning.

Steinmetz suffered from dwarfism, hunchback, and hip dysplasia,
as did his father and grandfather.

He drew attention from the authorities due to his activity in a
Socialist University group and articles he had written for a
local socialist newspaper

He fled to Zurich in 1888 to escape possible arrest and when the
time remaining on his permit dwindled down, emigrated to the
United States. It was 1889. Shortly after arriving, he went to
work for Rudolf Eickemeyer in Yonkers, New York and published in
the field of magnetic hysteresis. Eickemeyer's firm developed
transformers for use in the transmission of electrical power
among many other mechanical and electrical devices. In 1893
Eickemeyer's company, along with all of his patents and designs,
was bought by the newly formed General Electric Company.

.." It concerns an engineer, Paul Proteus, who is employed by the
Ilium Works, a company similar to General Electric. Proteus
becomes the leader of a band of revolutionaries who destroy
machines that they think are taking over the world.
"Player Piano" was followed in 1959 by "The Sirens of Titan,"
a science-fiction novel featuring the
Church of God of the Utterly Indifferent.


Iran was a good country when Ford and Rumsfeld and Cheney, along
with General Electric, gave them our nuclear technology in the


AIDS: James Smith, an openly gay electrician for
General Electric Co., led his employer to believe that he had
HIV and claimed he suffered 2 years of harassment as a result.
Because of the harassment, Smith quit his job and sued the
company. At issue was an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC) regulation which states that a plaintiff should meet the
"regarded as" test of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
if the plaintiff was fired based on the perception of being HIV-
positive. A Federal judge in Indiana ruled against this
interpretation of the law stating that the employer must regard
the worker as having an impairment and must act as if that
impairment substantially limits the worker's ability to fulfill
normal job requirements. The employer did not curtail Smith's
responsibilities after he told them he was HIV-positive. The
judge also ruled against General Electric's alternate legal
theory that Smith was trying to create his own disability by
deliberately misrepresenting his HIV status.


Bloomington: College dorm defaced with anti-gay slurs

Indiana University students awoke to find anti-gay graffiti
painted across a campus dormitory.

An Indiana University Police Department lieutenant reported that
vandals had spray-painted "Die Fag," "Die Homo," and other anti-
gay phrases, repeated four or five times and two feet high in
red and blue paint, across a dormitory. University police said
the vandalism might also amount to a hate crime


If any of these "near misses" had progressed to a meltdown, the
government regulators have little confidence that any of the
nuclear reactor containments would survive. In fact, some
containment designs used in General Electric and Westinghouse
reactors are virtually certain to fail after a meltdown of the
radioactive fuel. A nuclear reactor meltdown and the subsequent
failure of containment is an "American Chernobyl."

Most "Near Misses" Since Chernobyl
DC Cook 1 Indiana/ Michigan Power 6 11 miles S of Benton Harbor MI

General Electric Mark II Reactors Licensed to Operate in the U.S.
LaSalle 1 Exelon IL
LaSalle 2 Exelon IL
Limerick 1 Exelon PA
Limerick 2 Exelon PA
A dwarf electrician was mocked
but soon, opportunity knocked

This day they did rue
when payment came due

An electric bill that did shock


Bunker Hill (now Grissom) Air Force Base, [Peru,] Indiana

SAC aircraft were taxing during an exercise alert. As one B-58
reached a position directly behind the aircraft on the runway
ahead of it, the aircraft ahead brought advanced power. As a
result of the combination of the jet blast from the aircraft
ahead, the icy runway conditions, and the power applied to the
aircraft while attempting to turn onto the runway, control was
lost and aircraft slid off the left hand side of the taxiway.
The left main landing gear passed over a flush mounted taxiway
light fixture and 10 feet further along in its travel, grazed
the left edge of a concrete light base. Ten feet further, the
left main landing gear struck a concrete electrical manhole box,
and the aircraft caught on fire

The navigator ejected in his escape capsule, which impacted 548
feet from the aircraft. He did not survive. Portions of the five
nuclear weapons on board burned; contamination was limited to
the immediate area of the crash and was subsequently removed.


Energy Supply risks

The power grid is fragile in the United States, especially on
the east and west coasts

The electrical grid relies upon 4 main elements for its continued operation;

Grid stability control
Power generation
Fuel supply

Nuclear power plants represent an even greater vulnerability as
they can not simply go offline and cool off; there are extensive
procedures to follow in order to bring a nuclear plant down to a
non-operational state. Loss of critically skilled operators can
impact not only continued power generation, but potentially
nuclear plant safety itself. At the time of this publication's
release, Florida Power & Light announced that it had formed a
team to create a pandemic mitigation plan1 to minimize
vulnerabilities to its nuclear plants. While this is a glimmer
of good news, every nuclear plant needs to have not just a plan
created, but one that is completely tested, trialed, and
exercised to be considered prepared.


by Dr. James D. Livingston

Free electrons of course have ability
To move to and fro with agility
But despite being swift
If there's no net drift
It's a clear exercise in futility

Yet all of this random activity
Gives a metal a special proclivity
To amperes provide
When volts are applied
With a property called conductivity

So a fellow named Ohm with felicity
Dreamed up a law of great simplicity
V equals I R
Is what made Ohm a star
It's the basic law of electricity


Probing Dielectric Constant Deep inside a Protein

Probing Dielectric Properties through Electron Transfer
Induced Stark Effect

This local reorganization, along with the redox potential
difference between electron donor and acceptor, is a key factor
in defining the efficiency of electron transfer (Moser et al.
1992). The fundamental constant defining the strength of
electrostatic screening is the relative static dielectric
permittivity (dielectric constant).

Despite considerable interest, the number of direct measurements
of protein dielectric constant and charge screening is
relatively small, as such measurements present an experimental
challenge. Standard experimental approaches to the problem
include measurements of pKa and redox potential shifts due to
point mutations (Russell and Fersht 1987), and measurements of
gas-phase basicities of protein ions (Varadarajan et al. 1989).
Protein function relies on its rich microscopic structure, which
implies that the effective (local) dielectric constant varies
within the bulk of a protein. These variations in the local
dielectric environment may play a decisive role in electron
transfer systems, and can be observed by measuring
electrochromic shifts of spectroscopic probes embedded into the
protein structure

Figure 1. The excitonic energy in the light-harvesting antenna
system is photochemically trapped in the primary charge
separation via the formation of the primary radical pair, which
occurs with ~24 ps effective lifetime


voluptuary who would "destroy religion introduce nnwnuhix,ui
t loosen all the bonds of society" at homo. The Jut-ohm Intdrt
IMS the real debauchee, Federalists whispered, having sired
muulattos at Monticello. Somehow the voters groped their
way through the mm me o a sense of the genuine issues. Thev
faced a real dwue. Jrilnft uas Mill silent as a candidate, but
he had repeated!) made tlo u his siamls tor a frugal government,
a small Navy and Anw\ states rights, thr Hill it Rights
liberties, a small diplomatic establishment The Federalists had
mad ' their positions clear through legislation ihev had passed
or fitni to pass, t'tir election would be a showdown between men,
platforms, and id^olo^s,
Slowly the returns came in as electors met and uurd m thru M.
ties Hit Federalists had a moment, of euphoria UK Adams puked
up somr unrv pected support. By late November the two parties
were uiimmt nr I and neck. For a time Federalist hopes were
pinned on South <l,u hfu, < n whether Charles Cotesworth Piwkney,
Adams nmninu matr, otdd dr-liver that state's eight electoral
votes, But Pimkne\ timlduot ncn drhm all the Pinckneys, least of
all (Iharles Pinckne\, !f%i tn < i thr KrpuMuan branch of the
family, who through generotiH otters ot |ohs iindri a Kepuhh can
administration, managed to persuad< niougii mrmhns n| ihr statr
legislature to choose a pro-Jefferson slate of eirttots. By
late December the total vote was in, It Has JrHrts'on o\r Vduus,
7^ to 65. But it was also Burr over PiwkneN, 7;< to ll|, utth
onr H| FJH kur\'s votes diverted to John Jay, The Republicans
had won, hut Jefferson had not brrii rln frit HIII i had an
equal constitutional claim to the president v, Something nru and
r\-traordinary had happened in American polities: the pai tir
had it tphurd their ranks enough to produce the Jtame cotal !,7;|
i t of the lower chamber vtouid hr juiir tliffrtntf from the
politics of the electoral groups mertu^ srpat.t(ri\ in th - s
43. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the Republicans Betray Our Military:
It is a National D...

We were particularly moved by the testimony of
Major General John Batiste.

.... began and people began showing up dead with
electric drill holes in them.

www.buzzflash.com/articles/editorials/098 [Found on Yahoo! Search
.. We Reported 13 Months Ago Torture Came From Top

In 2005, Dick Cheney tried to amend Sen. John McCain's anti-
torture bill to exempt ... wires to his fingers, toes, and penis
to simulate electric torture;

15. Cheney electric bill sparks a row /
House panel votes to get Navy to pay it

Cheney electric bill sparks a row <BR> House panel votes
to get Navy to pay it ... Dick Cheney is passing on his electric
bill to the Navy.

20. The Works of Voltaire, vol. 1 - Candide:
The Online Library of Liberty

VOLTAIRE , THE WORKS OF VOLTAIRE, A ... but giving way to the
former, bestowed on this shocking ...
The brutal soldier, enraged at my resistance, gave me a


if you listen the words of "The Electrician" it really explains
itself after I've started.' So what meaning does one get from
'The Electrician'? The answers are not pleasant, nor are they
intended to be: The eponymous electrician is a professional
torturer. He uses electricity to break and to kill his subjects ('
if I jerk the handle you'll die'). He drills into their souls,
and possibly literally drills into their bodies. The line, 'he's
drilling through the Spiritus Sanctus tonight' is one of the
most horrific in the song, carrying a number of possible
connotations. 'Spiritus Sanctus' literally means holy spirit,
thus the line could mean the electrician is breaking the spirit
of the person he is torturing. But it has also been used as a
name for God, so the line might be taken to mean that the
electrician is defiling God with his activities. We are left in
no doubt that the electrician enjoys his work ('you'll thrill me,
and thrill me, and thrill me'). From Scott's comments, the
electrician is not to be taken as a fantasy figure but a real
person, the like of whom genuinely exists because the government
of the United States (supposedly 'the land of the free')
sponsors his activities. The electrician is also a human being
who, like any other, has a lover, though it seems his sadism has
overtaken him to the point where it dominates his relationships.
Perhaps the most disturbingly brilliant thing about 'The
Electrician' is that, just after the repeated 'thrill me' line
12. involution : ohmaega : + arkadya's investigation (0)+ ]
In a sense, the Ohm enslaved Homo sapiens, but not in the way of
tyrants. There were no superfluous threats, no tortures; in fact,
the Ohm are loved by nearly all of those who .

22. Pictures of Work'men #2 - Canon Pro1 Camera
Impressive effect of these lines and silhouettes..

In MHO, better in the silhouette project..

7. siemens, or mho, or reciprocal ohm (unit of energy measurement...

A former term for the reciprocal of the ohm is the mho (ohm
spelled backward). It is disputed whether the siemens was named
after the German-born.

3. The Turkish Invasion: Scenes from Moscow (Part 2)
This is the closest I could get to OMOH (Special Police Unit,
rumored to have a license to kill). They haven't killed anyone
yet; but have beaten the hell


00:05 lenoir: abe tori amos yaa bi baska bu hatun.
resmen hipnotize edio adami

00:06 bloodydragon: alttarafi caos lock canim ne olcak

00:09 ekonomist_n: love is like licking honey from the sword
daha uygun sanki ama emin diilim

10:16 treebeard: the welfare of the nation depends on the
richness and power of its economy

10:20 dirhelek: rem gonderiyorum.ohmmmm.arwen bu asiri doz sana
agir gelebilir, fazlasini posete koy serin bi yerde sakla, emi?

10:21 remedios: dirhelek, ohm yazinca aklima direnc lise falan
geliyo ya, hahhaa

10:27 arwen15: sagol remedios heheh biyoenerji yollayin bana ama
bu dirhelek cok yollar muhaaa sensin ohmmm

15:15 arwen15: ok. ama keske plan yaparken bi haber verseniz
yaww. sonucta iki gun kalmis cumaya neyse anlasildi

17:34 jessie: The trading of commodities, contracts, or other
instruments not listed on any exchange. OTC transactions can
occur electronically or over the telephone. Also referred to as
Off Exchange

17:38 replica: the amount of time spent watching tv actually
declined as the student progressed through school,

17:41 troublemaker_: dago replied , this is my last message
2. School of Spiritual Integrity - Aum Om Ohm Article
Article about the Om, Aum, Ohm, the Hindu seed symbol.


This Author is sick and tired of hearing about the brilliant men
of yesteryear! Frankly, who gave anyone permission to change
what is known as a Cycle to a Hertz. It is a Cycle in time not a
hertz in time. I drive a cycle; I don't drive a hertz. And when
I play radio, my frequency is based on a cycle... that is 0-360
degrees X 3,840,000 of them!

Then comes Herr Werner Von Siemens (1816-1892), the German
electrical engineer who invented an electroplating process (1842)
and developed an electric dynamo (1866). Siemen's use of gutta-
percha (a fibrous gum) to insulate cables in 1847 made the first
underground and submarine telegraph cables possible. He was
responsible for both the first telegraph line (1848) and the
first electric railway in Germany, and together with his brother
Sir William Siemens (1823-1883), developed a widely used process
of steel making. In 1888 Siemens was made a member of the
nobility (with the addition of 'von' to his name). The standard
scientific unit (SI) of electrical conductance, the Siemens (S),
was named after him.

Who gave Siemens permission to change the unit of Conductance
from the MHO to the SIEMENS!

Conductance is the inverse of the OHM and it should be the MHO
as it was before! The inverse of SIEMENS is the SNEMEIS ...
should I now say that I'm holding a 10K SNEMEIS in my hand... NO!!!

Ahhhhhh!!! It's driving me mad... Thank you Mr. KA4KOE for
inciting the blood-curdling scream I just let out of my lungs

INDIAN 1: Well, I think it's about time . . . the way the corn's
been growing for the last two or three generations . . .

INDIAN 2: Look at that herd of Buffalo. They're ready.

INDIAN 1: Everything's living the Great Spirit's way. In harmony.

INDIAN 2: He'll be here soon.

The Greek God And The Electrician

If but some vengeful god would call to me
From up the sky, and laugh: "Thou suffering thing,
Know that thou suffering is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate profiting!"

Then would I bear it, clench myself, and die,
Steeled by the sense of ire unmerited;
Half-eased in that a Powerfuller than I
Had willed and meted me the tears I shed.

But not so. How arrives it joy lies slain,
And why unblooms the best hope ever shown?
--Crass Casuslty obstructs the sun and rain,
And dicing Time for gladness casts a moan . . .
These purblind Doomsters had as readily strown
Blisses about my pilgrimaga as pain.

Thomas Hardy 1866

I guess this is something else to reflect on. Yes, we read this
"in school." And when I first took the photo, and the "guard",
the electrician, drove up to check out what this silly amature
was doing, pointing things at "his" building, in the age of
"Homeland Security", I thought of the irony, and remembered this

3. Om Sakthi Spiritual Movement
Ohm Saktheeyei! Ohm Veenaayagaa! Ohm Saktheeyei! Ohm Kaamaatcheeyei!
Ohm Saktheeyei! Ohm Bangaaru Kaamaatcheeyei! Ohm Sakthi!

Find more mantras on Om .

5. FM Transmission Lines and Coupling
If you have a 300 ohm antenna, and 75 ohm tuner, you must use at
least one matching transformer. You might as well take advantage
of 75 ohm cable in the

5. Ohm (Om) Tuning forks & Sound Healing Tools - Massage Therapy and ...
Listen to music composed in the key of Ohm for a deeply relaxing
experience. The Ohm (Om) Tuning Forks resonate with the music,
allowing you to have an


As you tone the following "mantra" envision a bright pink light
in your Heart Center radiating outward from your Heart Center,
down your arms and forming a beautiful pink ball of energy
between your two hands. Envision this energy as a living form,
pulsating, vibrating with The Mahatma.

Ohm . . . Taum . . . Nnnnng

(ohm, tome, nnnnnngggggg)

Continue toning the "mantra" as you envision a beautiful ball of
light blue energy in your Throat Chakra with a small Golden
Light inside of it moving down from your Throat Chakra, into
your Heart Center, down your arms and out into your hands,
merging with the Pink ball of energy. Watch as the colors swirl
and join their energies.

Continue toning the "mantra" as you envision a brilliant ball of
saphhire colored energy moving down from your Third Eye Chakra,
through your Throat Chakra, into your Heart Center, down your
arms and out into your hands, merging with the Pink/Blue/Gold
Ball of energy, merging its energies with the others.

As soon as this happens, all of the energies in this beautiful
ball of energy begin to grow . . . larger and larger and become
more and more clear, like a large glass ball with pink, blue,
gold, sapphire tints. However, if you reach out with your hand
it will go right through the energy ball . . . . Continue
chanting the "mantra" until you and your friends are completely
enveloped in this magnificent etheric energy ball.



Awakening a human who is kind within the one who is wise

The International Action Promoting Positive Ways of
Thinking and Behaving by Means of Advertising and Art


Professional designers, artists and advertisers possess methods
that influence the mass consciousness and can change it. We
suggest these methods to be applied for peaceful purposes. Now
that "kindness" is out of fashion, it is necessary to remind of
it to people. We often get lost in the variety of values offered
these days. Besides, pulling at the spectator's heart strings
to stimulate positive behavior is a highly professional task. It
is much more difficult than manipulating the basic instincts of
people, which modern advertising and art frequently do.


MANDARIN - a creative group which unites professional designers
and advertisers. It was created with the purpose of
noncommercial creative project realization.

Creative coordinator:
Varvara Pomidor

Idea and promotion:
Anastasija Beltjukova

Saint-Petersburg State Art-Industrial Academy
Georg-Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences,
Nuremberg, Germany
