Walk the Line


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
Ok I tried to post and hope I did it right.

Walk the Line staring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon chronicling the love of Johnny cash and June carter. Though nothing can BE the original I think this came as close as it could. I would have like to see even more music in the movie (they skipped "Boy named Sue" for cryin out loud) but I am just a bit biased. Overall, if you like Cash this was well worth the $4.29 rental fee.
tizz said:
Ok I tried to post and hope I did it right.

Walk the Line staring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon chronicling the love of Johnny cash and June carter. Though nothing can BE the original I think this came as close as it could. I would have like to see even more music in the movie (they skipped "Boy named Sue" for cryin out loud) but I am just a bit biased. Overall, if you like Cash this was well worth the $4.29 rental fee.
They skipped"Boy Named Sue"?! What were they thinking. Did they at least include "Folsom Prison Blues"?
Well ya they got folsom prison in there a few times. I actually wouldn't mind hearing Pheonix and witherspoon spew out few more hits!!!
tizz said:
Well ya they got folsom prison in there a few times. I actually wouldn't mind hearing Pheonix and witherspoon spew out few more hits!!!

I saw the movie in the theatre and loved it. I came home and downloaded some of the songs in the movie. Whee.
Nothing an ever beat the real thing, but those two DId sound damn good together!
tizz said:
Ok I tried to post and hope I did it right.

Walk the Line staring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon chronicling the love of Johnny cash and June carter. Though nothing can BE the original I think this came as close as it could. I would have like to see even more music in the movie (they skipped "Boy named Sue" for cryin out loud) but I am just a bit biased. Overall, if you like Cash this was well worth the $4.29 rental fee.

Awesome tizz ,thanks for the review. We have the movie coming on netflixx. :D
I watched Walk the Line this weekend. I like most documentaries and had high hopes for this film. So I was a little disappointed.
I knew Johnny Cash had drug problems but not to the extent they portrayed.
Like tizz I really wished they would
I was talking to my mom, thinking that his drug problem couldn't have been that bad. She has been a mad Cash fan since the beginning of his carreer and she said that sure enough he was probably WORSE than they portrayed him. She got to watch him perform trashed twice LOL

Anyway, I had to buy a best of in the store yesterday just to introduce my daughter more to the man in black
I loved this movie. I thought it was very well done - and it stuck with me, and that doesn't happen often with movies - books, yes, movies, no.

I liked it enough to zip over to the library and get 2 autobiographies of Johnny Cash, and a DVD of his music.

Well worth the time spent watching it!
oldschool said:
I thought this movie left alot to be desired as far as the life story of J.Cash.

I agree i would have like them to run more of his life, not just till he made it. Besides Reece is HOT would always like to see more of her. Maybe they'll come out with a #2, they will have to get the same people to make it any good.
It was a damn good movie, and I dont say that about many movies. The actors didn't suck, and it actually had a story I gave a damn about.
I saw this movie in a plane, but couldn't really make it through the entire thing. Mind you, this was a 6-hour flight with nothing else to do, and it just drove me crazy. The plot was just so goddamned boring and tedious, and that Witherspoon bitch whose ****teasing skills cannot, thankfully, reach self-respecting human beings who have seen an actual attractive girl.

I swear to God, there has never been a more boring movie ever made.The music wasn't all that ORGASMIC either, just some of the same boring rock and roll bullshit, but this time... on the big screen!

I would love to watch this movie again, if by "watch" you mean "**** on" and by "movie" you mean "this pile of smegma".

'nuff said.
This movie was gay. Ghey!

Reece Witherspoon as a spearheaded chin. Look at it. Couldn't follow the movie for the damned thing. She's ugly as ****.