Want to share


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
I just got this from a friend and thought I would share. It's nice


The soldier stood and faced God,

Which must always come to pass.

He hoped his shoes were shining,

Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, you soldier,

How shall I deal with you ?

Have you always turned the other cheek ?

To My Church have you been true?"

The soldier squared his shoulders and said,

"No, Lord, I guess I ain't.

Because those of us who carry guns,

Can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,

And at times my talk was tough.

And sometimes I've been violent,

Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny,

That wasn't mine to keep...

Though I worked a lot of overtime,

When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,

Though at times I shook with fear.

And sometimes, God, forgive me,

I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place,

Among the people here.

They never wanted me around,

Except to calm their fears.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,

It needn't be so grand.

I never expected or had too much,

But if you don't, I'll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne,

Where the saints had often trod.

As the soldier waited quietly,

For the judgment of his God.

"Step forward now, you soldier,

You've borne your burdens well.

Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,

You've done your time in Hell."

~Author Unknown~
Good poem.But what?No question on the innocent men,women & children he's killed? :rolleyes: I wish it was really that easy to get to heaven.
Grunts are grunts. They follow orders.

AIG, I understand what you are saying, but soldiers are doing a job. They often question what they are doing. They don't get anywhere questioning with their overseers.

builder said:
Grunts are grunts. They follow orders.

AIG, I understand what you are saying, but soldiers are doing a job. They often question what they are doing. They don't get anywhere questioning with their overseers.


Yeah maybe a few do question their job.But I will never believe that anyone can force you to pick up a weapon and take a life.It's a choice you make.
I feel kind of the same way, but at the same time you are not told for what country he was a soldier, and throughout history there have been times that such actions are necesary for a given country (I am personally torn between knowing people fron the US in Iraq and feeling complete empathy for the resistence fighters). I think you mightbe missing something in this. I am a pacifist and even I know that the world will never exist without war and with war comes great tragedy of life. (and sometimes great heroism)
This is more of a joke than anything, but having close relationships with teachers in the public school system here, I thought it was funny. here it goes!

Jesus was walking down a quiet path in the park. He came across a man sitting on a log, who had his head buried in his lap sobbing. Jesus asked the man "Why are you crying my son?" The man replied "Father, I went blind, and would give anything to watch a beautiful sunset. "Fear not my child" said Jesus as he touched the man's hand. The man opened his eyes and sure enough he could see again. The man hugged Jesus and went on his way.

As Jesus walked down the path some more, He came across another man in a wheelchair with a look of depression on his face. "Why do you appear to be so sad my son?" Jesus asked. "I recently lost my ability to walk, and lost my job. I can no longer support my family." sobbed the man. "Fear not my child" said Jesus as he touched the man's hand. The man looked at Jesus as he nodded and smiled. The man moved his foot, then his leg, and realized he could again walk. The man thanked and hugged Jesus and went on his way.

Jesus was approaching the end of the path, which opened up to a beautiful view of a sunset. There was yet another man crying staring into the sky. Jesus asked "My son, why are you crying?" The man looked up at Jesus with tear filled eyes and said "Jesus, I work for the DC Public School System!" Jesus then sat down and cried with him.
Good poem.But what?No question on the innocent men,women & children he's killed? :rolleyes: I wish it was really that easy to get to heaven.

If that soldier wasn
I heard that poem on that Extreme Home Makeover show last night. You know, that Ty Pennington twit needs to have that bullhorn of his shoved up his candy-ass!

Yes, I watched the show. Girlfriend now remember?
For ME?! I would never want anyone to murder innocent people for me.
I'm not reaping anything.What benefit do you get from children being blown up?Oh wise one,do tell me.

Oh go join the peacecorp!
AIG...you have little common sense. You might be HIGHLY INTELLIGANT but you have VERY LITTLE COMMON SENSE!!!! You know not everyone is innocent just because they dont have a gun in his hand. And yes not everyone is EVIL but some people are put into situations and are to make THEIR best judgement, so sometimes innocent people are killed but that is NATURE!
Gray~Gal said:
AIG...you have little common sense. You might be HIGHLY INTELLIGANT but you have VERY LITTLE COMMON SENSE!!!! You know not everyone is innocent just because they dont have a gun in his hand. And yes not everyone is EVIL but some people are put into situations and are to make THEIR best judgement, so sometimes innocent people are killed but that is NATURE!

So it's not avoidable at all? Yes,Iam ''intelligent' :p ,but why exactly don't I have enough common sense,for knowing that pushing a button/trigger that is gonna kill an innocent person is indeed highly preventable?

I think you're the stupid one,for blindly praising your troops,even when you see the distruction they have caused!
Answer me gray gal,what if it was your child that got caught by a bomb/bullet,would you think of the killer as someone who's just doing his/her duty?
I really want your answer to this question pleeaaaaase.
So it's not avoidable at all? Yes,Iam ''intelligent' :p ,but why exactly don't I have enough common sense,for knowing that pushing a button/trigger that is gonna kill an innocent person is indeed highly preventable?

I think you're the stupid one,for blindly praising your troops,even when you see the distruction they have caused!
Answer me gray gal,what if it was your child that got caught by a bomb/bullet,would you think of the killer as someone who's just doing his/her duty?
I really want your answer to this question pleeaaaaase.

Innocent person ,you say that alot. Do you believe that when someones time has come, that maybe its time? No one is innocent as far as this world is concerned. I don't hear you bitching about all the americans kiled by storms latly! No its your people, your people ........and your people. A shallow mind makes for a stupid Radical!
For ME?! I would never want anyone to murder innocent people for me.
I'm not reaping anything.What benefit do you get from children being blown up?Oh wise one,do tell me.
