
Henry Kissinger
Butcher of Cambodia


Pol Pot And Kissinger On war criminality and impunity by Edward S.

President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger gave the go ahead to
Suharto's invasion of East Timor and subsequent massive war crimes
there, and the same Kissinger, who helped President Nixon engineer and
then protect the Pinochet coup and regime of torture and murder, and
directed the first phase of the holocaust in Cambodia (1969-75) ...

The time was September 11, 1973. The country was Chile. The event was
the bloody overthrow of a democratic government. And the criminals
were Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, The CIA, and Chilean Dictator
Augusto Pinochet. Pepsico, ITT, and other large U.S. corporations were
also guilty parties in these crimes against the State and against The
People of Chile. The Pornography of Power


"We also know that Kissinger still runs the show in Washington from
behind the scenes. He recently met on at least three occasions with
Bush at the White House and recently was appointed a Papal advisor to
Pope Benedict XVI.And, he is doing more than advising - he's still
calling the shots."

A chazer bleibt a chazer! - A pig remains a pig!

----- Kissinger Blocks Truth About POWs With Pentagon Appointment
POW activist Bob Dumas says Kissinger twisted hands in Washington to
get 'unqualified lapdog' to head up Department of Defense's POW

By Greg Szymanski

On Jul 29, 4:50 pm, Raymond <Bluerhy...@aol.com> wrote:
> Henry Kissinger
> Butcher of Cambodia
> http://www.zpub.com/un/wanted-hkiss.html
> Pol Pot And Kissinger On war criminality and impunity by Edward S.
> Herman
> President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger gave the go ahead to
> Suharto's invasion of East Timor and subsequent massive war crimes
> there, and the same Kissinger, who helped President Nixon engineer and
> then protect the Pinochet coup and regime of torture and murder, and
> directed the first phase of the holocaust in Cambodia (1969-75) ...
> The time was September 11, 1973. The country was Chile. The event was
> the bloody overthrow of a democratic government. And the criminals
> were Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, The CIA, and Chilean Dictator
> Augusto Pinochet. Pepsico, ITT, and other large U.S. corporations were
> also guilty parties in these crimes against the State and against The
> People of Chile. The Pornography of Power
> http://musictravel.free.fr/political/political3.htm
> "We also know that Kissinger still runs the show in Washington from
> behind the scenes. He recently met on at least three occasions with
> Bush at the White House and recently was appointed a Papal advisor to
> Pope Benedict XVI.And, he is doing more than advising - he's still
> calling the shots."
> A chazer bleibt a chazer! - A pig remains a pig!
> ----- Kissinger Blocks Truth About POWs With Pentagon Appointment
> POW activist Bob Dumas says Kissinger twisted hands in Washington to
> get 'unqualified lapdog' to head up Department of Defense's POW
> office.
> By Greg Szymanski
> ...

Wanted for lunacy all Democrat koolaid drinkers.