Wants Vids


New member
I just got iTunes 4.8 WHICH HAS MUSIC VID SUPPORT!!! I'm tryin to fill it up with vids as much as i can. i got bjork, evanescence, the corrs, gorillaz, nightwish, eminem, seether. but its missing LP. does anyone have any LP videos in either mpg/mpeg or mov/quicktime format.




New member
yeah!!! but it has to be quicktime for it to work. i have a mpeg to quicktime converter so both vid formats are fine


New member
the vids are embedded in html stuff. i need the vid file alone. if someone has a single which has a vid on it those are usually mpeg's. pleez uplaod those.
Do you have an Instant Messenger program? If so, I could be able to help you some more.

Hit me up with a PM & we can talk some more too.

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