Was Musharraf Behind The Assassination Of Bhutto?



President Musharraf of Pakistan was very quick to point the finger for
Benazir Bhutto's assassination to Islamist groups with no proof
whatsoever, and so was President Bush of the US, but Bhutto's own
allies blame Musharraf. They say the real killer was a sniper on a
nearby rooftop. Bhutto had repeatedly asked Musharraf for an armored
car for protection, but those requests were ignored. The military
elite of Pakistan had earlier hanged her father, and they hated her
party for earlier calls for insurrection from Pakistan's many poor and
oppressed people. See http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/dec2007/bhut-d28.shtml
On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 15:54:58 -0800 (PST), RW <rogerwbovee@yahoo.com>

>President Musharraf of Pakistan was very quick to point the finger for
>Benazir Bhutto's assassination to Islamist groups with no proof
>whatsoever, and so was President Bush of the US, but Bhutto's own
>allies blame Musharraf. They say the real killer was a sniper on a
>nearby rooftop. Bhutto had repeatedly asked Musharraf for an armored
>car for protection, but those requests were ignored. The military
>elite of Pakistan had earlier hanged her father, and they hated her
>party for earlier calls for insurrection from Pakistan's many poor and
>oppressed people. See http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/dec2007/bhut-d28.shtml

Who cares?

Another idiot islamo-fascist has died for the muslim cause...
Zeno wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 15:54:58 -0800 (PST), RW <rogerwbovee@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
>> President Musharraf of Pakistan was very quick to point the finger for
>> Benazir Bhutto's assassination to Islamist groups with no proof
>> whatsoever, and so was President Bush of the US, but Bhutto's own
>> allies blame Musharraf. They say the real killer was a sniper on a
>> nearby rooftop. Bhutto had repeatedly asked Musharraf for an armored
>> car for protection, but those requests were ignored. The military
>> elite of Pakistan had earlier hanged her father, and they hated her
>> party for earlier calls for insurrection from Pakistan's many poor and
>> oppressed people. See http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/dec2007/bhut-d28.shtml

> Who cares?
> Another idiot islamo-fascist has died for the muslim cause...

who cares?...How about a billion pissed off Muslims. They will rightly
blame Musharaf, Bush's fellow dictator.

Bhutto herself warned that she was about to be killed by Musharaf.


"Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."
--- George Herbert Walker Bush, in an interview with Sarah McClendon, 1992
RW wrote:

> President Musharraf of Pakistan was very quick to point the finger for
> Benazir Bhutto's assassination to Islamist groups with no proof
> whatsoever, and so was President Bush of the US, but Bhutto's own
> allies blame Musharraf. They say the real killer was a sniper on a
> nearby rooftop. Bhutto had repeatedly asked Musharraf for an armored
> car for protection, but those requests were ignored. The military
> elite of Pakistan had earlier hanged her father, and they hated her
> party for earlier calls for insurrection from Pakistan's many poor and
> oppressed people. See http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/dec2007/bhut-d28.shtml

An armored car doesn't help when you stick your head out through the
On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:58:42 -0800 (PST), "rbbomber@netzero.com"
<rbbomber@netzero.com> wrote:

>On Dec 28, 11:17
On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 10:48:03 -0600, Zeno <Zeno@home.kom> wrote:

>On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 04:58:42 -0800 (PST), "rbbomber@netzero.com"
><rbbomber@netzero.com> wrote:
>>On Dec 28, 11:17
globalblogorama wrote:
> On Dec 29, 4:54 am, RW <rogerwbo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> President Musharraf of Pakistan was very quick to point the finger for
>> Benazir Bhutto's assassination to Islamist groups with no proof
>> whatsoever, and so was President Bush of the US, but Bhutto's own
>> allies blame Musharraf. They say the real killer was a sniper on a
>> nearby rooftop. Bhutto had repeatedly asked Musharraf for an armored
>> car for protection, but those requests were ignored. The military
>> elite of Pakistan had earlier hanged her father, and they hated her
>> party for earlier calls for insurrection from Pakistan's many poor and
>> oppressed people. Seehttp://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/dec2007/bhut-d28.shtml

> It is an absurd assertion that president Musharraf was in anyway
> involved in the tragic death of Beazir Bhutto. Such senseless
> allegation is a deliberate attempt by some sick ignorant individual
> who has nil knowledge of the ground reality of Pakistan's current
> political dynamics to create internal stife to destabilise the
> country.. Benazir Bhutto was already a failed prime minister two times
> over. She was sacked for incompetence and mega corruption in
> colaboration with her husband Asif Zardari. .Heis also facing murder
> charges of his brother-in-law, Benazir's brother Mutaza Bhutto and a
> Judge of the High Court.. Bhutto family had been a cause of countless
> problem for the people of Pakistan. Benazir, who was convicted by the
> High Court of Lahore for corruption charges left the country and lived
> in self exile in Duabai for eight years until President Musharraf
> passed a special presidential Reconciliation Ordinance which absolved
> all politicians who were facing jail sentences and or were convicted
> for criminal acts and corruption charges until or before 1999. This
> was mainly done to facilitate Benazir to return to Pakistan and take
> part in the upcoming general elctions for National and state
> assemblies.
> It was President Musharraf's hope that he will be able to fight the
> terrorists and religious fundamentalists more effectively with the
> cooperation of liberal minded politicians like Miss Bhutto's PPP
> party..Unfortunately Miss Bhutto who has been famous for her
> autocratic and egocentric ways ignored all advice given to her on
> security issues and continued to expose herself at large public
> rallies. At the same time she continued to accuse the government for
> not doing enough to protect her! Since her return to Pakistan on the
> 18th. of October this year Pakistan had to face horrific terrorist
> attacks which took the lives of hundreds of innocent people. True
> nature and cause of Benazir's demise would have been stbalished
> properly had her family members allowed the doctors to carry out a
> post-mortem. This is a legal requirement. But the Bhutto clans refused
> to give permission to a post-mortem. This would have put to rest all
> these silly rumour mongering .Which has absolutely no bearing on fact
> or circumstance of the tragic occasion.

Musharraf has given Bush everything he asked for, really pissing off his
citizenry. He had to suspend Pakistan's Constitution in order to
forestall a violent overthrow of his government. World opinion forced
him to back off a bit, and allow Bhutto to reenter the country. The
people were rioting in the streets, demanding her return and a return to
full Democracy!

Yeah, it's been claimed in American media that Bhutto blamed al Qaeda
for an October attack that killed 139 and left Bhutto herself seriously
wounded. But beside her hospital bed, her closest advisors had
chanted,"Dog, Musharraf, dog!" The attack gave Musharraf the excuse to
place her under house arrest, "for her safety." The entire world
complained; there was rioting in the streets of Pakistan. So she was
released and began campaigning again for the coming elections. Which she
was certain to win.

Why did Bush give a **** who won? For the answer to that, you have to
look into recent Pakistani history. Musharraf has been sitting astride a
teeter-totter, with the will of his predominantly Muslim population
weighing down one end and George Bush holding down the other. Musharraf
leans one direction, then the other. He would have fallen from power
long ago without George Bush's considerable help.

Musharraf declared a state of emergency on November 3rd after the
Pakistani Supreme Court ruled it would overturn the results of an
illegitimate election that would have extended Musharraf's term as
president. Musharraf quickly fired the entire Supreme Court, and
suspended Pakistan's constitution.

Pakistan's Chief Justice is being held under house arrest, and over 2500
lawyers have been imprisoned. The government muzzled Pakistan's Press
with the the promise that anyone who criticized Musharraf would face
three years in prison.

Obviously, the motivation for Musharraf's declared emergency is to
maintain his hold on power. And his scheme is working. Musharraf's
brand-new, hand-picked Supreme Court recently ruled Musharraf can remain
in power for five more years.

Meanwhile, the Bush Administration is scurrying around in damage control
mode. After all, Bush has been claiming for years that he wants to
spread democracy throughout the world. Oddly, Musharraf's suspension of
civil rights doesn't seem very democratic.

Bush dispatched John Negroponte to Pakistan to talk sense to Musharraf.
Negroponte publicly urged Musharraf to restore Pakistan's constitution.
But Bush's man may have been saying something else in private, because
Musharraf's restoration of rights was hardly worth the paper it was
written on. The lawyers and the supreme court judges are still rotting
in prison; Pakistan's journalists are still afraid to speak out. So much
for democracy in Pakistan, eh, Mr. Bush?

Since her return to Pakistan, Bhutto had been stroking Bush, trying to
keep the man more or less pacified. Lately, she had been blaming al
Qaeda for every evil up to and including an outbreak of the common cold.
But what was she saying privately?

Bhutto Sent Blitzer Security E-Mail

By DAVID BAUDER � 14 hours ago

NEW YORK (AP) � It was a story CNN's Wolf Blitzer hoped he'd never
have to report � an e-mail sent to him through an intermediary by
Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto complaining about her
security. Conditions of use: only if she were killed.

Bhutto, who was assassinated on Thursday, wrote to Blitzer that if
anything happened to her, "I would hold (Pakistani President Pervez)
Musharraf responsible."

Blitzer received the e-mail on Oct. 26 from Mark Siegel, a friend and
longtime Washington spokesman for Bhutto. That was eight days after she
narrowly escaped another attempt at her life.

Bhutto wrote to Blitzer that "I have been made to feel insecure by his
(Musharraf's) minions," that specific improvements had not been made to
her security arrangements, and that the Pakistani leader was responsible.

Blitzer agreed to the conditions before receiving the e-mail. He said
Friday that he called Siegel shortly after seeing it to see if there was
any way he could use it on CNN, but was told firmly it could only be
used if she were killed. Siegel couldn't say why she had insisted on
those conditions.

Blitzer reported on the e-mail late Thursday.

He noted that Bhutto had written a piece for CNN.com that mentioned her
security concerns and that American politicians had tried to intervene
on her behalf to make her feel safer.

"I didn't really think that it was a story we were missing out on," he
said. "I don't think the viewers were done any disservice by my trying
to hold on to this."

Blitzer was the only journalist sent such a message, Siegel said. He
also sent the e-mail to U.S. Rep. Steve Israel, a New York Democrat.

Siegel said he did not believe Bhutto's opinions had changed since she
wrote the e-mail. Her message specifically mentioned she had requested
four police vehicles surrounding her vehicle when traveling; Siegel said
it seemed evident from pictures taken at the assassination scene that
the request wasn't fulfilled.

Her husband contacted Siegel on Thursday to remind him about the e-mail
message and to make sure it got out, he said.

Blitzer said he had no regrets about the way he handled the story. To
report about it while she was still alive would have meant going back on
his word, he said.

"I don't think there is a clear black-and-white in this situation," he
said. "I did what I think was right."

I don't think there are any cut and dried answers, either. You have to
ask yourself: Who gained from Benazir Bhutto's death?

What did al Qaeda have to gain from her death? If they are proven to be
guilty of the murder of a national hero, it'll ring the death knell for
al Qaeda in Pakistan--and they are smart enough to recognize that
inescapable fact.

With the lady's death, Musharraf gained unopposed reelection to power in
Pakistan. With Bhutto's death blamed on al Qaeda, the Pakistani people
will rise up and kick bin Laden and his boys out into the tender embrace
of the CIA. Therefore, Bhutto's death serves Bush far better than her
life ever could.

Bhutto herself didn't believe that Musharraf himself would order her
death. She believed that he would leave "doorways" through her security
coverage so that someone else could get to her. Someone did. Someone
sent by Bush: because Bush & his neo-CON friends had the most to gain
from her death. Bush sent Negroponte. Organizing death squads has always
been Negroponte's specialty, you know.

"Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."
--- George Herbert Walker Bush, in an interview with Sarah McClendon, 1992
"spammer" <serebel1@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Dec 28, 9:49 pm, gringo <gri...@nospam.net> wrote:
> > Who cares?

> > Another idiot islamo-fascist has died for the muslim cause...

> who cares?...How about a billion pissed off Muslims. They will rightly
> blame Musharaf, Bush's fellow dictator.

So really, who cares ?

Why are you posting on any of the listed newsgroups if you don't care?
On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:50:58 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>

>"spammer" <serebel1@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>On Dec 28, 9:49 pm, gringo <gri...@nospam.net> wrote:
>> > Who cares?

>> > Another idiot islamo-fascist has died for the muslim cause...

>> who cares?...How about a billion pissed off Muslims. They will rightly
>> blame Musharaf, Bush's fellow dictator.

> So really, who cares ?
>Why are you posting on any of the listed newsgroups if you don't care?

RW seems to have a muslim agenda.

Bhutto was murdered because she was for the US entering Pakistan and
finding bin Laden and crew.
Zeno wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:50:58 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>> "spammer" <serebel1@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> news:9144b35c-57e9-446f-b9d4-102eb9e48aa5@v4g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>> On Dec 28, 9:49 pm, gringo <gri...@nospam.net> wrote:
>>>> Who cares?
>>>> Another idiot islamo-fascist has died for the muslim cause...
>>> who cares?...How about a billion pissed off Muslims. They will rightly
>>> blame Musharaf, Bush's fellow dictator.

>> So really, who cares ?
>> Why are you posting on any of the listed newsgroups if you don't care?

> RW seems to have a muslim agenda.
> Bhutto was murdered because she was for the US entering Pakistan and
> finding bin Laden and crew.

ridiculous. That bush claim is a gravy biscuit served up to the
American people. The Pakistani people know better; they're rioting in
the streets against dictator Musharraf and America.

"Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."
--- George Herbert Walker Bush, in an interview with Sarah McClendon, 1992
On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:48:30 -0600, gringo <gringo@nospam.net> wrote:

>Zeno wrote:
>> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:50:58 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> "spammer" <serebel1@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>> news:9144b35c-57e9-446f-b9d4-102eb9e48aa5@v4g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>> On Dec 28, 9:49 pm, gringo <gri...@nospam.net> wrote:
>>>>> Who cares?
>>>>> Another idiot islamo-fascist has died for the muslim cause...
>>>> who cares?...How about a billion pissed off Muslims. They will rightly
>>>> blame Musharaf, Bush's fellow dictator.
>>> So really, who cares ?
>>> Why are you posting on any of the listed newsgroups if you don't care?

>> RW seems to have a muslim agenda.
>> Bhutto was murdered because she was for the US entering Pakistan and
>> finding bin Laden and crew.

>ridiculous. That bush claim is a gravy biscuit served up to the
>American people. The Pakistani people know better; they're rioting in
>the streets against dictator Musharraf and America.

Ah, ok. I see that not only does RW have an islamo-fascist agenda,
but so do you...
Zeno wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:48:30 -0600, gringo <gringo@nospam.net> wrote:
>> Zeno wrote:
>>> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:50:58 -0500, "abracadabra" <abra@hotmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> "spammer" <serebel1@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:9144b35c-57e9-446f-b9d4-102eb9e48aa5@v4g2000hsf.googlegroups.com...
>>>> On Dec 28, 9:49 pm, gringo <gri...@nospam.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Who cares?
>>>>>> Another idiot islamo-fascist has died for the muslim cause...
>>>>> who cares?...How about a billion pissed off Muslims. They will rightly
>>>>> blame Musharaf, Bush's fellow dictator.
>>>> So really, who cares ?
>>>> Why are you posting on any of the listed newsgroups if you don't care?
>>> RW seems to have a muslim agenda.
>>> Bhutto was murdered because she was for the US entering Pakistan and
>>> finding bin Laden and crew.

>> ridiculous. That bush claim is a gravy biscuit served up to the
>> American people. The Pakistani people know better; they're rioting in
>> the streets against dictator Musharraf and America.

> Ah, ok. I see that not only does RW have an islamo-fascist agenda,
> but so do you...

Musharraf has given Bush everything he asked for, really pissing off his
citizenry. He had to suspend Pakistan's Constitution in order to
forestall a violent overthrow of his government. World opinion forced
him to back off a bit, and allow Bhutto to reenter the country. The
people were rioting in the streets, demanding her return and a return to
full Democracy!

Yeah, it's been claimed in American media that Bhutto blamed al Qaeda
for an October attack that killed 139 and left Bhutto herself seriously
wounded. But beside her hospital bed, her closest advisors had
chanted,"Dog, Musharraf, dog!" The attack gave Musharraf the excuse to
place her under house arrest, "for her safety." The entire world
complained; there was rioting in the streets of Pakistan. So she was
released and began campaigning again for the coming elections. Which she
was certain to win.

Why did Bush give a **** who won? For the answer to that, you have to
look into recent Pakistani history. Musharraf has been sitting astride a
teeter-totter, with the will of his predominantly Muslim population
weighing down one end and George Bush holding down the other. Musharraf
leans one direction, then the other. He would have fallen from power
long ago without George Bush's considerable help.

Musharraf declared a state of emergency on November 3rd after the
Pakistani Supreme Court ruled it would overturn the results of an
illegitimate election that would have extended Musharraf's term as
president. Musharraf quickly fired the entire Supreme Court, and
suspended Pakistan's constitution.

Pakistan's Chief Justice is being held under house arrest, and over 2500
lawyers have been imprisoned. The government muzzled Pakistan's Press
with the the promise that anyone who criticized Musharraf would face
three years in prison.

Obviously, the motivation for Musharraf's declared emergency is to
maintain his hold on power. And his scheme is working. Musharraf's
brand-new, hand-picked Supreme Court recently ruled Musharraf can remain
in power for five more years.

Meanwhile, the Bush Administration is scurrying around in damage control
mode. After all, Bush has been claiming for years that he wants to
spread democracy throughout the world. Oddly, Musharraf's suspension of
civil rights doesn't seem very democratic.

Bush dispatched John Negroponte to Pakistan to talk sense to Musharraf.
Negroponte publicly urged Musharraf to restore Pakistan's constitution.
But Bush's man may have been saying something else in private, because
Musharraf's restoration of rights was hardly worth the paper it was
written on. The lawyers and the supreme court judges are still rotting
in prison; Pakistan's journalists are still afraid to speak out. So much
for democracy in Pakistan, eh, Mr. Bush?

Since her return to Pakistan, Bhutto had been stroking Bush, trying to
keep the man more or less pacified. Lately, she had been blaming al
Qaeda for every evil up to and including an outbreak of the common cold.
But what was she saying privately?

Bhutto Sent Blitzer Security E-Mail
