

John Winston

Subject: News From The Agents Of Light. April 2, 2008.

This talks about a friend of mind, who is trying to
make the world a better place.


Agents of Light Newsletter


March 2008

Welcome to the Agents of Light newsletter.
The purpose of our monthly newsletter is to establish
contact and support for Lightworkers and their
families, as they in turn access h-aling Light energy
for themselves, Mother Earth and all other life on this
planet. There are hundreds of practical uses for Light
energy, and it can serve us and our children in any
manner we can conceive, while also helping raise the
Earth's vibration. Our goal is to help create a
critical mass of higher frequency energy that will
raise the planet's vibration and lead us all into the
New A-e.

In this issue, Prime Source discusses how each person
can do their part to prepare for ascension. And by
ascending, we receive our inheritance.

In the Nether Worlds, over 32 million souls have now
been reclaimed as part of D-vine Mother's Reclamation
project. At this rate, we are on schedule to complete
the project by August, 2008.

The G-lactic Federation continues to help prepare the
planet for ascension by selecting and working with
world leaders. This month, they began supporting Koila
Mara N-ilatikau from Fiji, Prasad K-riyawasam from
Sri Lanka, Marie-Josephine 'Mara' T-ompson from
Barbados, and Kim John C-rr from Australia.

Next we share the top 12 most interesting things that
we learned from the Ga-actic Federation in 2007. Many
of these may be a r-velation to our readers as well.

As we did last month, we thought it would be
interesting for readers to share a reading that was
given by a person's e-heric teachers through my
daughter (Katherine) during their Chakra
Expansion/Frequency Acceleration activation.

In love and Light,

Bryan J-mes


Messages From Prime Source

"We Can Prepare For Ascension By Sending Light"

As we get closer to ascension there will be many
opportunities prepared for my children.
For those who are interested in serving their planet,
they can expect plenty of opportunity.

One of the ways that my children can serve is to
support the new leaders we provide you. Their role will
be to help prepare the planet for ascension. You can
expect to see many changes on your planet in the years

Another way you can help to serve as we draw near to
ascension consists of sending Light. By accessing the
Light each planet can increase its frequency.

"Support To Complete Ascension"
One thing that my children need to learn before they
can ascend includes accessing the Light. When you do so
on a regular basis you can increase your frequency.

When you prepare for ascension you should work with
your etheric teachers. They will support you by being a
liaison between you and me. Use them to guide you in
everything you do.

As we get closer to ascension my children can expect
their frequencies to increase considerably. All
obstacles to you and your planet ascending will be
removed. When the time comes those that are ascending
will receive their inheritance.

"Those Who Give Up Their Lives Will Ascend"

There are going to be major changes within each
nation as we select new leaders for you. This will lead
to peace and prosperity for all.

As we work with those that are seeking ascension you
can expect to see persecution throughout increasing.
When this occurs you will be persecuted by lovers of
Do not be deceived by them.

Each person will be tested soon. No one will be able
to ascend without first committing themselves beginning
with sacrifice. Only those who are willing to give up
their lives for the Light so that others can live will
(Prime Source's messages c-anneled by Bryan James)

Nether Worlds Project Update

Divine Mother's project to reclaim so-ls stuck in the
Nether Worlds continues to do remarkably well, as now
over 32 million souls have been transitioned to their
home on the astral planes through March, 2008.

As of March 31, 32,655,544 have been escorted home to
their loved ones on the astral planes. The sou-s that
haven't transitioned yet are still attending schools
that Divine Mother has set up throughout the Nether

Several thousand of these -ouls have already begun to
r-incarnate again to continue their sp-ritual
e-olution, and in February they also began to in-arnate
on other planets within our universe.

Volunteers are still welcome to participate and help
staff these schools, although the majority of help has
been coming from other planets and universes.

With so many of the H-ly Ones and Lightworkers from
all over creation participating, we expect to return
each of these s-uls to the astral planes by August,


Federation Continues Support Of World Leaders

As part of their ongoing strategy to prepare the
planet for ascension, the Gal-ctic Federation has
selected four more leaders from various nations around
the world to provide special support. Each of these
officials had their frequency raised to 1,000.

Koila Mara Na-latikau is an attorney, a career
diplomat and p-litician in Fiji.
She is married to Epeli Nai-atikau, who had served as
Commander of the Royal M-litary Forces, as a diplomat,
as Deputy Prime Minister, and as Speaker of the House
of Representatives. Her father (Ratu Sir Kamisese M-ra)
was considered the founding father of the modern nation
of Fiji, serving as their first Prime Minister, and
later as P-esident. Her mother (Ro Lady Lala Ma-a) held
the title of Paramount Chief.

Prasad K-riyawasam serves as Sri Lanka's Ambassador,
Permanent Representative to the U-ited Nations in New
York. Prior to this assignment to New York he was
Director G-neral of the Economic Affairs Division and
an Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. He has worked for the Sri Lanka Foreign
Service since the early 1980's, and has held diplomatic
assignments in Geneva, Riyadh, New Delhi and Washington
He has also served as Sri Lanka's Ambassador,
Permanent Representative to the Un-ted Nations in
Geneva, Consul Ge-eral of Sri Lanka to Switzerland and
Personal Representative of the Head of State of Sri
Lanka to the G-15 (group of 18 developing countries).

Marie-Josephine 'Mara' Th-mpson is the first lady of
Barbados, and is married to Prime Minister David John
Tho-pson. Mara grew up in public service, as her father
was heavily involved in Barbados pol-tics. Besides her
duties as First Lady of the country, she also works as
a paralegal in a law office.

Kim John Ca-r from Australia is the Minister for
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. He is the
leader of the Victorian Labor Party's S-cialist Left
Prior to his appointment, he has represented Victoria
in the Australian senate since 1993.

C-rr taught school for nine years before getting
involved full time in poli-ics.
He has also held positions as a Shadow Parliamentary
Secretary, Manager of Opposition Business in the
Senate, and numerous other s-adow ministry positions.

You can expect the Federation to begin working with
additional world leaders in the months ahead as we draw
closer to ascension.


The Top 12 Things I Learned From the Gala-tic
Federation in 2007

12. The people of Earth have finally reached a
significant level of dissatisfaction with their
g-vernments that will allow the Federation to help
bring about significant change. After many hundreds and
thousands of years of pain and strife, the level of
dissatisfaction was still only 10% in 1990. But the
B-sh presidency helped raise it from 14% in 2000 to
72% by December 31, 2007. Please review the April 2007
newsletter for more details on this phenomenon.

11. Most spir-tually aware people know they have a
sp-rit guide, but less than 5% are familiar with their
et-eric teachers. These are ascended beings that have
already lived a number of lifetimes. Everyone has a
minimum of 12 etheric teachers, but they can earn up to
58 through their hard work and efforts to grow

If they appear to you they may do so dressed in
robes, and I can recall one of my teachers being a
dolphin dressed as a monk.

We cannot ascend if we don't seek out and learn from
our ethe-ic teachers. Most likely, we will get
ourselves in trouble by getting involved in spirit-al
practices that are harmful or not useful to us. Our
teachers are with us to keep that from happening, but
they can't help us if we don't know they exist or we
choose to ignore them. For more information on your
etheric teachers, please review Working With Your
Etheric Teachers in the November 2007 newsletter.

10. The Federation expects the nations of Europe to
unite together as a pol-tical and economic union of
nations by 2012. In the planning stages for over 50
years, this union will include a common currency, open
borders and compromises concerning each nation's
sovereignty. The Federation expects this union to
become more powerful than the Un-ted States of America
in a very short time, which will be shocking to the

9. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Osama Bin Ladin are not
t-rrorists. Despite the unceasing efforts by the
mainstream news media and the U.S. Gov-rnment to
convince the world that Iranian P-esident Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad and Osama Bin Ladin are terrorists and
threats to democracy and freedom around the world,
their frequencies and Light ratios indicate otherwise.

Part 1.

John Winston

Subject: News From The Agents Of Light. Part 2.
April 2, 2008.

I will have to admit that Byran gets a little
carried away when he states that we each will be given
a Universe, but you never can tell. I guess you have
to think big in this work.


Most people (95%) are born with a frequency of 200
and a Light ratio of 70%, and then it goes up or down
from there (note 200 is considered a 'good' person).
Many people remain at that level through out their
lives, and this score is an indication that they lived
a good life. A small percentage are given more to start
out with (Je--s was born with a 1,000 frequency and was
100% Light, while his parents both started with 200 and
70%) if they have a special mission.
In the U.S. press, A-madinejad is condemned for
sponsoring t-rrorism, plotting to develop a n-clear
bomb, denying the holocaust ever occurred to the J-ws,
selling weapons to te-rorist organizations, and
threatening the nation of Israel. He has also been
mentioned as a possible participant in the 1979 Iranian
hostage situation.

At this writing, Ah-adinejad is at 200 and 70%. When
the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis occurred, he was at the
same levels. If Ahm-dinejad really had participated, he
would have dropped to a 90 frequency and 50% Light.
Osama bin L-din is another case in point. On
September 11, 2001, he was also at 200 frequency and
70% Light. If he had participated in the destruction of
the Twin T-wers, he would have gone down to 0%
frequency and 0% Light. He was still at 200 and 70%
when he passed away in April, 2003. At this time, he is
working from the astral planes to try and help bring
peace to Afghanistan. The man you see in the videos is
a f-ke.
To learn who was really complicit in the 9/11
attacks, please review the article Discerning the Good
Guys vs. the Bad Guys in the September 2007 newsletter.

8. Buddha's 8-Fold Path Score determines our
s-iritual gifts. How well we apply Buddha's 8-fold Path
in our life, is one of several ways we're evaluated to
determine what sp-ritual gifts we're given during our
inc-rnation (other considerations include our current
life mission and track record from past lives). We are
born with a rating of 70%, and based on how we live our
lives, it can go up or down from there, from 100 to 0%.
Our e-heric teachers use this as a measure because it's
an accurate reflection of our spir-tual character, and
an excellent indicator of how much they can trust us
with spirit-al power.
As an example, Sai Baba has been given some special
gifts that could only be given if his teachers were
sure that he wouldn't misuse them. The same was true
for J--us, and this policy applies to us as well.
Spiritu-l gifts are considered a privilege that we can
earn or lose, and are vetted against our life mission.
So those with a higher Buddha score are given more
latitude than those with a lower one. Please review the
October and December 2007 newsletters for information
on how to apply these concepts in your life.
7. The G-lactic Federation used the mass media of
television to reach out to the planet through the
Academy Awards and American Idol programs. During
the Academy Awards, they raised the frequency of
the telecast to 1,000 (normally, it's around 180)
to place emphasis on the our global environmental
crisis, which was trumpeted through former Vice
P-esident Al G-re's Academy Award winning
documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.

More than one billion people around the world
were treated to the highest frequency telecast
ever produced on our planet up to that time.
While Global Warming is a very controversial
subject, with 'experts' making convincing
arguments for and against, the Federation revealed
that the problem is actually about 10% worse
than even the believers realize.

The Federation acted again through the popular
American Idol program, during their special Idol
Gives Back event. The Federation wanted to make
sure that people got to see just how bad
conditions were for many of the poor and
disadvantaged people on our planet, so they were
able to raise the frequency of the program to

Consequently, a world record was set when 70
million people called in to lend their support
to the cause. The Federation tells me that for
this year's Idol Gives Back, they will be aiming
for a frequency of 50,000.

6. Most people lack adequate sp-ritual protection.
Only 5% of those who consider themselves 'spi-itual'
have appropriate protection, and yet 40% engage
in 'unsafe' practices. They assume that their
angels or Archangel Michael will be able to protect
them at all times, not realizing that this is
either insufficient or their spir-tual habits render
the protection null and void.

A person who lacks adequate spirit-al protection
runs the risk of losing most if not all of their
frequency and 'Light.' If a person does lose their
Light and falls below 50%, they will automatically
trip the Bad Seed, which means their current aspect
(although not their s-ul) is lost forever.
The Federation recommends a combination of Light
energy, shields and a-gelic bodyguards to provide
us the protection we need. Please review the
article Prayer For Protection in the June 2007

5. The Bad Seed explains why some choose the Dark
side. If we are deceived into making poor choices
on 's-iritual' matters, we can trigger a virus
that corrupts our consciousness. It's activated
automatically when the level of darkness surpasses
the level of Light (51% in humans and 10% in
spirit beings). Here is an excerpt of what Prime
Source revealed about the Bad Seed in the March
2007 newsletter:
This seed was placed at conception by those
wanting to control you. .. The Bad Seed causes
some to choose the Dark . . .This occurs as s-uls
have sp-ritual decisions to make. . . Once it's
activated, it can't be stopped by any means known
to us.

The Seed becomes activated when you choose to
live your life contrary to mine. . .
My purpose was never to create a duel path,
which has caused many to lose their inheritance.

4. The Ga-actic Federation has begun preparing
world leaders to help facilitate the ascension
process. Thus far, leaders have been chosen from
16 nations to receive special support. Prime
Source has also mentioned on several occasions
that he will select leaders for us that will
help save the planet:

I would like to speak about the coming changes
in your g-vernments. We will begin to work with
you through leaders that we have selected. . .We
will evaluate the leader of every nation to
determine who should serve there.

We will begin to start working with a new group
of leaders loyal to the Light oversight. These
leaders will have our support as they help
transition the planet.

This is a good time to discuss how we will
support the new leadership throughout the Earth.
We will work with them by providing them with
sufficient Light energy beyond the normal person.

This will allow them to interact with us as
we work toward ascension. . . Our next step will
be to work with these leaders to prepare those
who are seeking ascension so they can make it

During the ascension process you can expect
to see how much your gov-rnments have failed you.
It is our intention for you at this time that
we provide you with righteous leadership.

We will select new leaders for you loyal to
the Light. With our guidance and support, you
can expect these new leaders in the next few

Throughout the Earth, you will see many
changes that will help prepare the planet for
ascension. We will work closely with your
leaders to ensure a smooth transition for
those seeking to ascend. And we will help make
sure they succeed.

You will see the beginning of a new era of
peace on Earth within your new leaders.

3. While we often hear about 'thinking
outside the box,' we are actually programmed to
stay within the box, i.e., our 'comfort zones.'
Prime Source said this concerning the Comfort
Zone Program:
The Comfort Zone is another program that was
insidiously placed within your DNA to hold you
back and keep you from achieving your ascension.
This occurred during the time of Mu, and was
placed there by the Anunnaki.

The program sends you 'danger' impulses when
ever you venture into any activity that would
increase your vibration, reveal truth or
prepare sou-s for ascension.
You were not meant to have these restrictions.
You must choose to have this removed to achieve
your full potential.
Interestingly, a handful of famous
industrialists, scientists and businessmen never
received this programming. They include Andrew
C-rnegie, Henry F-rd, J.P. M-rgan, John D.
R-ckefeller, Nikola T-sla and Albert E-nstein.
In modern times, Warren Buffet, Bill G-tes and
Stephen H-wking are three rare individuals
free of this programming.

2. Much has been written about the ascension
of planet Earth and its inhabitants, but only a
small fraction knew that this ascension included
all creation throughout the 780 universes. What
was also not known was the criteria required
for ascension.

A person must hold an individual frequency of
1,000 (most are 200 at birth), a Light ratio of
at least 80%, (we're 70% at birth), and a person
must have committed to the Light before the time
of de-th or ascension. When so-ls in-arnate, they
do so as part of the Light, the Dark, or a group
that has not yet decided. But no one can ascend
to a higher level unless they're loyal to Prime
Source and the family of Light.

Part 2.

John Winston.

Subject: News From The Groups Of Light. Part 3.
April 3, 2008.

Here is some more information about getting your
own Universe. If my be too good to be true.


1. The inheritance we receive for ascending to the
Fifth Dimension is the opportunity to have our own
universe. In mid-December, Prime Source told me:

After ascension they will work with us while we
prepare. We plan to multiply the universes so that
everyone will have their own. Every one will have
an opportunity to experience being like me. All
will become creators.

And then on Christmas Day, he said:

After ascension everyone will have an opportunity
to work with their own universe.
You will all become creators like painters
painting a canvas. We will create together.

He later mentioned that creation of the new
universes would begin in about 100 years, and
he plans to provide one for everyone who
ascends throughout his entire creation of 780
universes. (JW Please don't feel like the
Lone Ranger if you don't believe that.) To
give you an idea of how many new universes
that entails, the average planet has about
6,000,000,000 people on it, and there are
an average of 2,500 ZEROS worth of planets
in each one of the 780 universes.
Reading From A Chakra Expansion Activation

I thought readers might enjoy a reading for
a lady from Europe that her e-heric teachers
gave her through my daughter (Katherine)
during her Chakra Expansion and Frequency
Acceleration activation.
As I do the activations, my Daughter
Katherine serves as an observer, and is given
a story that is part metaphor, part reality
that is relevant to what the person is going
through in their s-iritual lives.
Session Notes
Now opening your D-vine Masculine Chakras.
We see you having a dream, and you appear
to be a maid for a wealthy family in
They are in the process of leaving to
attend a party, and they gave you a list of
chores to accomplish while they're gone.
Before you looked at the list, you decided
to surprise them by making them a pie.

After you placed the pie in the oven, you
looked at your to-do list. The first item
was to change the towels in the bathroom.
So you went into the bathroom and thought
"These towels are perfectly fine, why do
they need changing?" But since they asked
you to do everything on the list, you
decide to follow their directions.

So you got some scissors and cut the
towels into geometric shapes which made you
very happy. You said to yourself, "There,
now they're changed."

Chakra check - 8 million Di-ine Masculine
chakras now open.

Now activating your Div-ne Masculine Chakras.
Next you looked at item two on your list,
which said to 'draw the drapes.' So you drew a
picture of the drapes and set it down on a table.
The next item called for you to dust the furniture.
So you went into the bathroom and found some
face powder, and you put it all over the
furniture. You then thought to yourself, "This
is confusing, because I usually un-dust the

Chakra check - 8 million Divi-e Masculine
Chakras now activated.
Now opening your Divine Feminine Chakras.

Then the couple came home from their party.
They checked to see how you were doing and
they started screaming and saying, "Oh no!!"
Chakra check - 10 Divi-e Feminine Chakras
now open.
Now activating Divine Feminine Chakras.

The lady was about to fire you when her
husband suddenly stuck a piece of your pie
in her mouth. It tasted so good that she
forgot about firing you. She determined that
she should keep you.
Chakra check - 10 Divine Feminine Chakras
now activated.
Frequency check - 1,000

This is a dream that you had a couple of
weeks ago, but you may not remember it.
The lesson you can learn from this is that
no one is perfect, but everyone is capable of
doing something well. Your teachers want you
to know that when you need their help, they
will be there for you.
What's New With Circle of Lights

We are happy to report that people from at
least 134 different countries are accessing our
message about the Light. Our publications have
now circulated to over 10,000 readers, and over
18,000 articles have been downloaded from our
website. Our goal is to share knowledge of the
Light energies with as many people as possible
in order to help make a difference for the

Children of the Light is now being published
in Germany under the name Kinder des Lichtes.

We're offering training for those interested
in learning Extreme Lightwork, which will allow
participants to greatly impact the planet and
grow their frequencies exponentially. Other
services we're now providing include Bad Seed
Removal, Comfort Zone Removal, Ego Program
Removal, Implant/Matrix-type Gear Removal,
Kundalini Activation, Negative Programs Removal,
and Past Life Interventions.

Questions/Comments From Readers

Topic - Chakra Expansion/Frequency Acceleration
Dear Bryan and Family, I am (finally) writing
to thank you for providing the Opportunity of a
lifetime in the services you make available to
the World.

Back in November, 2007 (has it really been that
long?) I decided to have the Frequency Acceleration
done by you which you subsequently did. Based
upon the feedback and information you provided, I
decided to go for the 'whole enchilada' and have
all the Programs work done that were recommended.

Upon completion of this, I felt 'lost' as though
I was missing something vital from my being and
it took me about two weeks to really 'get it.'
What I was 'missing' was the Ego Program! Oh my
goodness! How could anyone miss that?

I have been fairly consistently doing Extreme
Lightwork and have noticed many positive changes
in myself. For instance, I truly 'know' the power
and effectiveness of the Protection P-ayer, and
have all the support and protection I need. I
feel blessed to know I am always protected!

Many b-essings and gifts are coming forth to me
.. . . I feel that these Wondrous Opportunities
would not have come forth for me without the
services that you provided to me. It truly
ACCELERATED my Sp-ritual progress and so now I
am inquiring about the Kundalini activation. I
do remember reading that there is now a safe
way on activating this. With great love and
respect, Marlene S.

Topic - Ascension
Editor's note: One reader requested information
on what the "ascension" was, and how it affects
our physical body.

Dear Mary J., Prime source is going to take
each planet within each universe to the 5th
dimension. A third dimensional version will
still exist. Each person who seeks ascension and
has the necessary Light will also get to go. The
body is supposed to transition to the 5th. Those
that ascend have to have a minimum frequency of
1,000, a Light ratio of 80% and have to be
committed to the Light. I help people with the
frequency and Light ratio, but their commitment
is something only they can do.

Topic - Et-eric Teachers

Editor's note: One reader requested information
on how they can receive help from their guides.

Dear LaNiece, You can do a few things to receive
guidance from your eth-ric teachers (you have 12).
You have to give them permission to approach you,
because they won't unless you ask them to.
One, you can seek their guidance during a quiet
meditation. In this method you can try to get
into an alpha state by taking deep breathes, and
after you ask your teachers a question you can
listen for their answer, or perhaps you'll receive
a vision.
You can also ask your teachers to take you to
the learning temples at night before you go to bed.
While you're with them you can ask them for
guidance and then the next day their answer will
come to you intuitively.
A third method would be to use kinesiology
(muscle testing) to ask questions and get your
Topic - H-aling
Hey Bryan! Just wanted to thank you for putting
my husband on your p-ayer list after his terrible
car accident, in which his car was almost totaled!
I also asked you to put me on the Prayer List
also, since I was under so much stress. You had
e-mailed me back, stating that John would be okay.
Just want to let you know that he is now fine
(after having been in Intensive Care in critical
condition for three days, in the hospital twice
and in the ER three times)!! THANK YOU SO VERY
MUCH for your help, it is SO APPRECIATED!!! Have
a fun filled E-ster with your family! Love &
Light, Carole D.
I feel much better till this morning, very
clear and motivated! I am sending you a great
heart for doing this! G-d bless you too!
Ronald H.

Hello Bryan, thank you for the message and
advise to call upon my Ethe-ic teachers.
I sure hope it helps! In December of '06 I was
diagnosed with MS. They said I had it for 10
years. The worst part were these tremors in my
legs. It was maddening for 10 years. I started
the shots but the tremors did not improve. I
wrote to you for a he-ling request on this
issue. I am happy to say that the tremors are
completely gone. I stopped taking the pills for
it. I just had my second MRI and I am expecting
there to be healing evidence. I do hope, and
intend to give it my best pra-er to the E-heric
teachers for help in my current situation. Thank
you for caring. I am certain that you are one of
the hea-ers who helped me. Gratefully, Mary J.
Beautiful Beings, thank you very much for the
hea-ing I receiving last month. I felt many times
hot and warm rays, now I order the package of
Chakra Expansion Frequency Acceleration. I will
go total for it. I am grateful and thank you.
Blessed you are.
- Diane D.

Topic - Safe Spir-tual Practices
Wow! I have no words to express what I am feeling.
Thank you so much, Bryan, for taking the time out
of your very busy day to support me with valuable
In loving light, G.K.


Heal-ng Requests

Please feel free to send us your healing requests
for general healing, and we'll send you Light
energy every day for 30 days. Some requests require
extensive support, such as Ego Program Removal,
Implant (Matrix-type Gear) Removal, Negative Programs
Removal, or a Past Life Intervention. You can
register your request through our website or by
emailing us directly.
Mailing Address:
Bryan James
Circle of Lights
6520 Platt Ave.
P.O. Box #516
West Hills, CA 91307

Circle of Lights website



Children of the Light

It's an uplifting story of the personal experiences
of a father, son and daughter, as they explore the
realms of higher universal consciousness, the realities
of a-gelic support and the growth-accelerating
qualities of the Light. Seen through the eyes of Kevin
and Katherine, we are exposed to the multi-dimensional
aspects of Crystal Children and how every day their
experiences are life-altering. While one child
entertains guests from the 'other side,' the other travels through swirling
that go back in time to the Knight Templars - and even
to the dinosaurs! A-gels appear with crowns and blazing
swords, and in one instance as a musical ensemble.


Part 3.

John Winston.