We Can't Take Iraq Neat, We Need a Chaser


Gandalf Grey

We Can't Take Iraq Neat, We Need a Chaser

By Russ Wellen

Created Mar 24 2008 - 8:36am

The upcoming presidential election and the economy are pretty poor excuses
for our inability to focus on Iraq. Especially since we've not only passed
the 4,000 mark of American dead, but 25 were killed in a recent two-week

It's frightening how comfortable we've learned to live with the war since
the "surge" supposedly turned things around. The continuing carnage among
those who were supposed to enjoy some of the fruits of our liberation isn't
even on our radar screens.

Not only aren't most of us following Iraq in the news, we turn our backs on
books and movies that dramatize it. Yet our veterans aren't just returning
with problems, but with a whole lore. You can't help but conclude that their
experiences need to be watered down to be made palatable.

Perhaps not -- if folded within another narrative. In other words, instead
of telling war stories, incorporate them into other genres. In fact it's a
time-honored tradition, such as when veterans turn up as law enforcement
agents in books or movies.

Their war experiences, particularly in Vietnam, color their attitude and
affect their performance. No one is more successful at this than the great
crime novelist James Lee Burke with his Viet vet protagonists Dave
Robicheaux and Clete Purcell.

Mark Biskeborn has taken this route with an Iraq vet in his new novel,
"Mojave Winds," which, marketed as a thriller, is garnering attention and
generating sales for Veritas Vino Publishing in Los Angeles. But doing Iraq
vets justice, instead of using them as characters just because they're
current and convenient, requires a different type of thriller -- one serious
about character development. Of necessity, this intrudes on the non-stop
action and displays of technical know-how common to the genre.

In fact, "Mojave Winds" is a thinking-man's thriller. Until he was
dishonorably discharged for failing to follow a foolhardy order and,
instead, saving his men, protagonist Kris Klug was a Green Beret. Upon his
return stateside, he goes through the rocky decompression typical of vets,
especially those who fight in wars with ill-defined goals, like Vietnam and

Klug is fortunate though because his aging Uncle Fred is retiring and
handing him his trucking firm in California. But Klug doesn't realize that
Fred is also giving up the livelihood in which he moonlights --
drug-dealing. It turns out he'd been doing business with Middle-Easterners,
and though he doesn't realize it, they've been using their earnings to
finance a dirty bomb attack on US soil.

A rich-kid cokehead negotiates to buy Fred's client list, but rips him off.
Not only is Fred cheated out of his money, but the Middle-Easterners with
whom he does business are too. Biskeborn leavens his portrayal of the
terrorists as pathological by honoring Islam, which they in turn dishonor.

When his flight to Las Vegas to finalize his takeover of the trucking
business is canceled due to weather conditions, Klug winds up taking
alternate transportation provided by the airline. He's ferried through the
Mojave in a mini-bus on which the rich kid and one of the terrorists
tracking him also ride.

An SUV with the other terrorists pursues the bus -- a veritable ship of
fools -- into the desert. In a kind of low-speed chase, Klug's background is
fleshed out, thanks in part to a burgeoning love interest, a Las Vegas belly
dancer from Iran. The book finally kicks into high gear as the bus
passengers are reduced to pedestrians, who Klug leads through the Mojave.

In keeping with a book committed to developing its protagonist's point of
view, the high body count typical of the genre is mercifully kept to a
minimum. Each time a bad guy is killed, it's the result of a painstakingly
drawn series of action.

It's not only the character development that differentiates "Mojave Winds"
from the thriller pack but the author's knowledge of military tactics, as
well as the Mojave Desert. (Where, as Klug's love interest says, "All the
easy answers, everything falls apart.")

We asked Biskeborn (full disclosure: an email acquaintance of this writer)
how he'd acquired his familiarity with the Mojave desert.

"The Mojave covers large chunks of four states," he replied. "California,
Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. I grew up in California [and] I love to go out
there and take long walks." He's also familiar with the stories about
fathers who took their sons for a weekend hike in the desert. "The search
and rescue teams don't find them."

Who was his source was for the Special Operations background and the
fighting scenes?

"When I worked on [the political website] Intervention Magazine," he said,
"I befriended Stewart Nusbaumer, a former Marine Recon guy with combat
experience in Nam. I learned from him that adaptability was [key]."

Meanwhile, "most guys who've served in the Special Forces are seldom eager
to admit it, much less talk about it." But while visiting friends in Lima,
Peru he met two guys in a Starbucks and asked what they did for a living.
"'We did some security type work,' one of them said. After doing an
eye-to-eye, the [other] finally admitted, 'We did military recon in
Afghanistan, then Iraq.'"

"In the first drafts of 'Mojave Winds,'" Biskeborn continued, "I'd made Klug
a regular grunt in the Army. But after talking about it with these guys who
[had] a certain edge about them, they really opened my eyes as to how to
characterize him and were happy to give me some pointers."

He pointed out that "you go to the shopping malls and see these big,
muscled, tough guys walking around with tattoos and bling, trying to look
intimidating and badass. They wouldn't even recognize a Spec Ops guy walking
by who could do serious damage in the blink of an eye. Appearances are

Klug's disenchantment with the Iraq War is obvious. Does "Mojave Winds," we
asked Biskeborn, have a progressive agenda? "Personally, I'm neither
Republican nor Democrat [but circumstances today] make it difficult for any
forward-thinking American to be anything but progressive or liberal." But,
he added, "the characters have their own political views."

For instance, while lost in the Mojave, one character says: "Kris is our
Moses, leading us out of the desert. You know he listened to a bush and then
walked his people through the wilderness for forty years. The last time
Americans listened to a bush, the sent years wandering and struggling in the
deserts of Babylon."

Political agenda or not, "Mojave Winds" reinforces the notion that Iraq
creates terrorists who are more than capable of finding their way here. It
also makes clear that our Special Forces do the most good when fighting
actual terrorists -- not when they're in Iraq screwing up its citizens'
lives as well as their own. Finally, "Mojave Winds" helps raise the bar on
thrillers by requiring that they not only thrill but engage the heart and


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"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson