well i know where u can listen to LPU 6 in


New member
well its a chinese website..... XD and the songs are Bullshit... nothing good in em only has Announcement in public service, Qwerty, Qwerty live, Pushing me away live, Reading my eyes Live, Breaking the Habbit live) http://www.sing8.com/cd/9/7968.htm <<<<< heres the link u cna play the songs by simply clicking the songs, ( use IE) dunno if its all the songs there are in LPU 6.0... XD


New member
yea thats all the songs in LPU 6.0....i really like Qwerty(normal) and announcement in public service and even though its not good as the album version..i like the intro for breaking the habit live


New member
thats not cool at all, these songs shouldnt be on any site, it's copyrighted

someone who can read this should email them



New member

the LPU tracks are only for us in the LPU >.> no one else should be listening to stuff that we LPUers paid to get to hear. someone please delete the link =/

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