Well, the food industry is still going strong...


New member
I just don't get it.

I think all of you are aware that I run a fast food restaurant during the summer months. Even though I am there 80-90 hours a week, I STILL treat fast food as an occasional treat (it doesn't agree with me at all now post surgery, but that's a different story) and eat salads, grilled chicken and bring my own fruits and vegetables along so I'm not stuck eating junk all day.

It amazes me to see the people/families who eat at the restaurant almost every day. Sure, I can understand single guys on the go who are working long hours and don't have time to cook dropping by frequently, but entire families? Especially ones with kids who are surely old enough to help around the kitchen? Ridiculous.

There is a single mother who eats at my place every night and also feeds her 5 year old fast food as well. Now, she does work full time and I do understand it must be hard for her to run a household by herself, but does she really need to eat out EVERY night? And this kid is being pumped full of garbage and sugar on a daily basis. Give him a vegetable or something once in awhile for crying out loud!

Then there are the lower income families who are frequent customers. I don't know about you folks, but I can't afford to eat out all the time and I have a job. One family in particular has a mother who stays home, the husband only works part time and the 5 kids range from 9 - 17 so I know they are independent enough to help around the house if needed. Amazingly, none of them seem to find time to cook a meal throughout their super busy day of doing little to nothing so she calls me and orders things like hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches, BLTs and other simple foods that can be made at home super cheap. On what level does this make sense????

It's absolutely crazy how lazy people have become. Fortunately for me, I'm currently in the business of lining my pockets with the money they carelessly choose to throw away.


How often do you dine out?



New member
lol, I hit Sonic at least 4 days a week, and am getting to the point where they all know me.

But, in my own defense, I only ever get a 44 oz drink- either tea, Diet Dr. Pepper, or Diet Sprite with one of their flavorings added.

Also, the ladies at the local burrito shop know me rather well too. go figure...




New member
Warning.....Rant ahead:

*** ME!

I take ONE day off to decompress and get caught up on things around the house. ONE. Granted I was at wprk from 4:30 am - 11 am putting away freight, but at least I got to leave during business hours which is nice.

When I went in tonight to lock up, nothing was done. I've got a gal who is having boyfriend troubles so apparently that gives her reason to not give a **** about her job. So guess who gets to stay on an extra hour and do all the piddly **** she just couldn't manage to find time to do? Yeah. Me.

I was actually considering taking one long weekend this summer to get away, but I can see that's going to be impossible. If I have to do twice the work I normally do once I get back, I'll never get caught up.

Eleven weeks left. I just need to keep telling myself that. Eleven weeks.....

I can't WAIT to get the *** out of here.

/end rant.



New member
lol, I hit Sonic at least 4 days a week, and am getting to the point where they all know me.
But, in my own defense, I only ever get a 44 oz drink- either tea, Diet Dr. Pepper, or Diet Sprite with one of their flavorings added.

Also, the ladies at the local burrito shop know me rather well too. go figure...

I wish you were a customer of mine. I bet you're a lot of fun! :)

We have one guy who I give a ton of **** to whenever he comes up. He'll order a medium malt and I'll say, "Stop being a sissy. You're getting a large!". He just laughs and I'm guessing he likes the abuse because he stops by a lot...lol.



New member
Twice a year maybe. I always cook at home. A girlfriend of mine is a nurse and she tells me all about the local food poisoning cases she hears about. It's also nice to be able to grill all year long. My son eats well too. He loves veggies, salads, potatoes, fruits so I'm lucky. My neighbors kids will only eat hotdog rolls.


New member
Dine out rarely...

However...recently every thursday. The kids get home from school and get ready for gymnastics. We are gone from the moment they get home until after 7...we usually grab a pizza on the way home. Technically I could cook and bring sandwiches to eat in the car, but exercise on a full stomach = puking. However, when there are no pressing activities...maybe once every couple months.



New member
Anyone who eats pizza deserves the sh ts
Don't know what kind of low quality, crappy pizzas you eat... My fave lately is California Pizza Kitchen BBQ chicken pizza - yum! I also love Giordano's deep dish pizza - spinach and ground beef...



New member
Don't know what kind of low quality, crappy pizzas you eat... My fave lately is California Pizza Kitchen BBQ chicken pizza - yum! I also love Giordano's deep dish pizza - spinach and ground beef...
I don't eat pizzas !Eating the same thing over and over for however long does not interest me ! But your hostility to me does! Have I offended you ? I hope so ! :eek:

I love interacting with interesting people so why don't you go and put your FAVE pizza .......

.......well did it fit ?



New member
I don't eat pizzas !Eating the same thing over and over for however long does not interest me ! But your hostility to me does! Have I offended you ? I hope so ! :eek: I love interacting with interesting people so why don't you go and put your FAVE pizza .......

.......well did it fit ?
Yes, my fave pizzas did fit nicely up your ***, but there is still LOTS, LOTS more room left.



New member
You have got to realise chinzy that getting your inner karma disturbed over some internet **** like me is not worth it ! It is ALL a game to me and just fun on the interweb! I wish people would understand that ! Silly SOD !

I still have erotic dreams about you Anna dominating me !

I surrender to your every WHIM !



New member
You have got to realise chinzy that getting your inner karma disturbed over some internet **** like me is not worth it ! It is ALL a game to me and just fun on the interweb! I wish people would understand that ! Silly SOD !I still have erotic dreams about you Anna dominating me !

I surrender to your every WHIM !
That's what makes you so pathetic. Why dose it have to be a game? Is your life such a bore that you have to pretend to be somebody?



New member
You have got to realise chinzy that getting your inner karma disturbed over some internet **** like me is not worth it ! It is ALL a game to me and just fun on the interweb! I wish people would understand that ! Silly SOD !I still have erotic dreams about you Anna dominating me !

I surrender to your every WHIM !
Gee, and here I was taking you all serious and what not! I guess I can finally get some rest now... :rolleyes: I do agree you're a **** though.



New member
That's what makes you so pathetic. Why dose it have to be a game? Is your life such a bore that you have to pretend to be somebody?
Dose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -the quantity of something that may be eaten by or administered to an organism, or that an organism may be exposed to. Quantities of nutrients, drugs, and toxins are referred to as doses.

I guess the system you entered and were educated by DOSE not ......

........well best not go into that argument ! SNAFU sure is/was



New member
Gee, and here I was taking you all serious and what not! I guess I can finally get some rest now... :rolleyes: I do agree you're a **** though.

I sure aim to be !

On a dartboard it would be double top ! :cool: :cool: :cool:



New member
Dose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -the quantity of something that may be eaten by or administered to an organism, or that an organism may be exposed to. Quantities of nutrients, drugs, and toxins are referred to as doses.I guess the system you entered and were educated by DOSE not ......

........well best not go into that argument ! SNAFU sure is/was
Good one you got me. I guess you are better than me.



New member
But now that we all know how much smarter you are please try to explain why you need to have a persona and why you must hide your pathetic life. I'm sure as bright as you are you could still comprehend what I asked.
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