Western thinkers talk about eradicating Islam

  • Thread starter simple_language@yahoo.com
  • Start date


Muslims think of only one thing and that is how to kill us. They are
not open to discussions. They are convinced of their belief but you
are not allowed to question their belief.

It is very much like having a pack of ferocious beasts entering your
town to feed on humans. You can't argue or reason with animals. What
would you do?

In my first message in that forum I asked whether it is permissible to
ask questions. One of them said "i think u are allowed to post here as
long as you say nothing bad about islam..." But questioning Islam is
considered bad and you are not allowed to do that.

Muslims are not coming to our forums and we are not allowed to theirs.
Reasoning with them is out of question. Discussions about Islam are
simply not permitted. If anyone writes a book questioning Islam,
there would be fatwas to kill him. All they want to do is to kill

What should we do? It seems that we have very few options:

1. Do nothing and let them kill us.

2. Separate the Muslims. Keep them away from ourselves the way we keep
the ferocious animals away from human populations.

3. Destroy them before they kill more people, or

4. Eradicate Islam.

Are there other options?

My hope is that we eradicate Islam. This is more humane than all the
other options. We may be able to awaken at least a good number of
Muslims from their slumber and bring them to the fold of humanity
before it is too late. If we don't, we may be forced to isolate them
in concentration camps or destroy them. That is not a good solution.
Neither letting them continue killing us is a good alternative.
Eradicating Islam is the best way I can think of. If you know of a
better way, please advise.


This poster asked, " Instead of "eradicating" Islam, then, wouldn't it
be easier to push towards moderation?

The answer is that moderation in Islam means less Islam. How do you
propose we bring about this moderation? Quran teaches murder of the
infidels, chopping hands of petty thieves, stoning adulterers and
beheading apostates. How can we make Islam moderate if we do not
challenge these teachings and tell the Muslims these are wrong? How
can we do that if we do not tell the Muslims that Muhammad was a liar
and not a prophet? To undermine these teachings we have to show that
they are not from God. That is what FFI is doing. We are bringing
moderation by eradicating Islam. That is the only way...

Islamic moderation is a myth. Such thing does not exist just as a
round square does not exist.


Islam can't be reformed, but it can be eradicated. It can't be molded,
but it can be smashed. It is rigid, but brittle. That is why Muhammad
could not tolerate criticism of it. To eradicate Islam, all we have to
do is tell the truth. It's that simple. This was not possible before,
but with the help of the Internet, it is now. The asininity of this
creed is so glaringly obvious that it boggles the mind. All it takes
to see that is to read the Qur'an.


We need to eradicate Islam, but that doesn't mean we necessarily have
to kill Muslims to do it. Separation is an essential step, but we
should follow it up with information warfare along the lines of Radio
Free Europe; pro-Christian and pro-Western Internet radio and
television; attacks on jihadist web sites and communication channels;
setting up Western schools in Muslim countries to counter the
madrassas; and finally sending religious missionaries. None of this
will happen until we achieve a change of attitude on our own side,
regaining our will to propagate our ideas and defend our interests.
Oddly enough, Muslims might be more attracted to Traditionalism than
to our current Western culture.


Islam will not excise the cancer of fundamentalism from itself.

Even self proclaimed moderate Muslims gleefully banter about
fundamentalist atrocities behind closed doors.

Islam is an ugly wart on the face of humanity and, as they won't live
in peace with the worlds other people, the rest of us should band
together, and do now what sooner or later we will have to do:
eradicate Islam and erase all memory of its existence.

We will have to do this sooner or later because else, Islam will
eventually manage to destroy the world, so we should just quit *****-
footing around and get it done.


Let us eradicate Islam and bring mankind together - the way God
intended. Islam is the cancer of humanity. We can get rid of it. There
is nothing we humans can't do. Mountains move aside to make way for
those who are determined.


Muslim control in southern France varied from time to time, as some of
the territories were lost, regained, and then lost. This went on until
975 CE. Muslims also controlled parts of northen and southern Italy
and Switzerland until 1050 in a manner similar to that in southern
France, and these Muslims, natives of Spain and North Africa, were not
allied with either Muslim Spain or any other major Muslim rulers.
Muslim presence in northern and southern Italy began soon after the
control of Sicily in 827. They lost Sicily in 1091 after ruling it for
more than 260 years. About this time, other major islands in the
Mediterranean were lost (Malta and Corsica in 1090), and Muslim naval
superiority in the Mediterranean was challenged. Soon after these
losses and with the fall of Toledo in 1083, a concerted campaign
against the Muslims began with the first crusade in 1095...

Queen Isabella issued decrees for mass conversion of Muslims to
Christianity. Those who refused were either killed or forced to leave
the country. The Qur'an and Arabic texts were burned, mosques were
destroyed or converted into churches, Islamic prayers were forbidden,
and anyone suspected of secretly practicing Islam was persecuted...

The government even set up border stations outside former Muslim
strongholds like Granada where any traveler passing through was forced
to drink alcohol and eat pork.

On Jan 8, 1:11 am, "simple_langu...@yahoo.com"
<simple_langu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Christians and Jews think of only one thing and that is how to kill us. They are
> not open to discussions. They are convinced of their belief but you
> are not allowed to question their belief.
> It is very much like having a pack of ferocious beasts entering your
> town to feed on humans. You can't argue or reason with animals. What
> would you do?

> In my first message in that forum I asked whether it is permissible to
> ask questions. One of them said "i think u are allowed to post here as
> long as you say nothing bad about Israel..." But questioning Israel is
> considered bad and you are not allowed to do that.

> Christians and Jews are not coming to our forums and we are not allowed to theirs.
> Reasoning with them is out of question. Discussions about Truth and Justice are
> simply not permitted. If anyone writes a book questioning Israel,
> there would be CIA and Mossad to kill him. All they want to do is to kill
> us...

> What should we do? It seems that we have very few options:
> 1. Do nothing and let them kill us.
> 2. Separate the christians and jews. Keep them away from ourselves the way we keep
> the ferocious animals away from human populations.
> 3. Destroy them before they kill more people, or
> 4. Eradicate Islam.

5. Join the David Hicks Fan Club and help save the world
> Are there no other other options?

Like Mandella , or like ghandi , once he recovers from the 6 years
in christian and jewish torture chambers

We need leaders like David Hicks who can see who the real terrorists
are and have the guts to have a go

Why not join the David Hicks Fan Club , and see if we can get him
elected as PM


"kangarooistan" <kangarooistan@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jan 8, 1:11 am, "simple_langu...@yahoo.com"
> <simple_langu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> ,
>> Christians and Jews think of only one thing and that is how to kill us.
>> They are
>> not open to discussions. They are convinced of their belief but you
>> are not allowed to question their belief.
>> It is very much like having a pack of ferocious beasts entering your
>> town to feed on humans. You can't argue or reason with animals. What
>> would you do?

> ,
>> In my first message in that forum I asked whether it is permissible to
>> ask questions. One of them said "i think u are allowed to post here as
>> long as you say nothing bad about Israel..." But questioning Israel is
>> considered bad and you are not allowed to do that.

> ,
>> Christians and Jews are not coming to our forums and we are not allowed
>> to theirs.
>> Reasoning with them is out of question. Discussions about Truth and
>> Justice are
>> simply not permitted. If anyone writes a book questioning Israel,
>> there would be CIA and Mossad to kill him. All they want to do is to
>> kill
>> us...

> ,
>> What should we do? It seems that we have very few options:
>> 1. Do nothing and let them kill us.
>> 2. Separate the christians and jews. Keep them away from ourselves the
>> way we keep
>> the ferocious animals away from human populations.
>> 3. Destroy them before they kill more people, or
>> 4. Eradicate Islam.

> 5. Join the David Hicks Fan Club and help save the world
>> Are there no other other options?

> Like Mandella , or like ghandi , once he recovers from the 6 years
> in christian and jewish torture chambers
> We need leaders like David Hicks who can see who the real terrorists
> are and have the guts to have a go
> Why not join the David Hicks Fan Club , and see if we can get him
> elected as PM
> http://groups.google.com/group/david-hicks-fan-club
> kanga
> =====

Yes let's all join the David Hicks fan club -- all three of 'em.
In article
"simple_language@yahoo.com" <simple_language@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Muslims think of only one thing and that is how to kill us.

Please provide proof or retract.


On Jan 8, 12:34 pm, Neolibertarian <cognac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In article
> <02505ff7-9f0a-4155-88d3-3daba043c...@l1g2000hsa.googlegroups.com>,
> "simple_langu...@yahoo.com" <simple_langu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Muslims think of only one thing and that is how to kill us.

> Please provide proof or retract.
> --
> NeoLibertarian
> http://www.elihu.envy.nu/NeoPics/UncleHood.jpg

There are christian and jewish churches and synagogs in all muslim
counties and they have been there for over 1000 years , saudi Arabia
has the harshest rules regarding christians and jews and supplied most
of the 9/11 alleged hijackers , but the best access to government in
the west .

step one

List the numer of times muslim armies invaded christian countries +
death toll

Then list the same for christians " "'
"' " "

Sit down and re read the results several times

Step 2

2. Join the David Hicks Fan Club and help save the world

> Are there no other other options?

Like Mandella , or like ghandi , once he recovers from the 6 years
in christian and jewish torture chambers

We need leaders like David Hicks who can see who the real terrorists
are and have the guts to have a go

Why not join the David Hicks Fan Club , and see if we can get him
elected as PM


The French have the incentive as well as the political scientists to
solve the problem.

Bret Cahill

"France is every American's second country."

-- Jefferson
In article
kangarooistan <peramangk@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jan 8, 12:34 pm, Neolibertarian <cognac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > In article
> > <02505ff7-9f0a-4155-88d3-3daba043c...@l1g2000hsa.googlegroups.com>,
> >
> > "simple_langu...@yahoo.com" <simple_langu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > Muslims think of only one thing and that is how to kill us.

> >
> > Please provide proof or retract.
> >
> > --
> > NeoLibertarian
> >
> > http://www.elihu.envy.nu/NeoPics/UncleHood.jpg

> There are christian and jewish churches and synagogs in all muslim
> counties and they have been there for over 1000 years , saudi Arabia
> has the harshest rules regarding christians and jews and supplied most
> of the 9/11 alleged hijackers , but the best access to government in
> the west .
> step one
> List the numer of times muslim armies invaded christian countries +
> death toll
> Then list the same for christians " "'
> "' " "
> Sit down and re read the results several times
> Step 2
> 2. Join the David Hicks Fan Club and help save the world
> > Are there no other other options?

> Like Mandella , or like ghandi , once he recovers from the 6 years
> in christian and jewish torture chambers
> We need leaders like David Hicks who can see who the real terrorists
> are and have the guts to have a go
> Why not join the David Hicks Fan Club , and see if we can get him
> elected as PM
> http://groups.google.com/group/david-hicks-fan-club
> kanga
> =====

A) There's a billion Muslims on the earth. These men, women and children
don't "think of only one thing; and that is to kill us."

Islamic scholars overwhelmingly agree that terrorism is completely
incompatible with the teachings of the Qu'ran. You seem to be wrongly
associating Sayyid Qutb with mainstream Islamic thought.

That is bald faced fallacy of the worst kind.

B) I'm unaware of any reliable casualty figures for either the Crusades
or the Moorish Conquest of Spain.

As for the Barbary Wars, there are more reliable figures, but they are
rather light. And a true invasion of Islam was never mounted by
Jefferson, anyway.

The Ottomans don't count, one supposes, and the French and British
Colonial periods were mostly devoid of major casualties as well.

C) Your point, whatever it may have been, is not well taken.


On 7 jan, 16:11, "simple_langu...@yahoo.com"
<simple_langu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Muslims think of only one thing and that is how to kill us. They are
> not open to discussions. They are convinced of their belief but you
> are not allowed to question their belief.

My turn, my turn!!!!!
Americans think of only one thing and that is how to **** up the
planet even more. They are not open to discussions. They are convinced
of their belief but you are not allowed to question their belief.

How's that for generalizations?
<parsifal222@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On 7 jan, 16:11, "simple_langu...@yahoo.com"
> <simple_langu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Muslims think of only one thing and that is how to kill us. They are
>> not open to discussions. They are convinced of their belief but you
>> are not allowed to question their belief.

> My turn, my turn!!!!!
> Americans think of only one thing and that is how to **** up the
> planet even more. They are not open to discussions. They are convinced
> of their belief but you are not allowed to question their belief.
> How's that for generalizations?

At least in the US we have elections, unlike every Islamofacist theocracy
on the planet. At least in the US we allow people to choose their faith
and even change their faith. At least in the US, no one is arrested for
blasphemy, heresy or apostasy. In the US women aren't put to death
for adultery.
Doug wrote:

> <parsifal222@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:5473c0cf-a03b-48d1-b418-19c8e2086be1@l32g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
>> On 7 jan, 16:11, "simple_langu...@yahoo.com"
>> <simple_langu...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Muslims think of only one thing and that is how to kill us. They are
>>> not open to discussions. They are convinced of their belief but you
>>> are not allowed to question their belief.

>> My turn, my turn!!!!!
>> Americans think of only one thing and that is how to **** up the
>> planet even more. They are not open to discussions. They are convinced
>> of their belief but you are not allowed to question their belief.
>> How's that for generalizations?

> At least in the US we have elections,

That is a disputed claim.

> unlike every Islamofacist theocracy on the planet.

Such as those the US has funded, supported, and or put into place? If those
camel jockeys did happen to have free elections the CIA would make damn
sure their guy won, or that would be the end of democracy for the

> At least in the US we allow people to choose their faith and even change
> their faith.


"Haeresis est maxima, holocaustum non credere"

> At least in the US, no one is arrested for blasphemy, heresy or apostasy.


> In the US women aren't put to death for adultery.

Virtus Tutissima Cassis