Wexler Calls For Cheney's Impeachment



Wexler Calls For Cheney's Impeachment

By John Bresnahan

Jan 15, 2008

(The Politico)

Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) is urging the House Judiciary Committee to begin
impeachment hearings against Vice President Dick Cheney, despite opposition
from House Democratic leaders.

Wexler, who first gained national attention for defending former President
Bill Clinton during his impeachment in 1998, said Cheney has to be ousted in
order to restore the balance of power between the executive and legislative
branches, which in his view, has been eroded by an ever-expanding claim of
authority under Cheney and President Bush.

"There's a litany of issues that need to be heard," Wexler said. "This
administration has abused the power of executive privilege. This
administration has completely avoided testifying before Congress on any one
of a host of six, seven, eight issues.

"Whether we are talking about the manipulation of intelligence on Iraq," he
went on, "whether we are talking about the outing of a covert CIA agent,
whether we're talking about the illegal use of torture, whether we're
talking about the potentially unlawful firing of U.S. prosecutors - on all
of these issues, the administration has thus far successfully used the power
of executive privilege."

But impeachment hearings would be different, Wexler said, since the White
House could not raise a privilege claim in order to avoid answering
questions from lawmakers.

"In an impeachment hearing, the administration does not have the power of
executive privilege," Wexler said, noting that the secret tapes that helped
bring down President Richard Nixon did not surface until the House Judiciary
Committee began impeachment hearings.

The House voted on Nov. 6 on a resolution by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)
to bring articles of impeachment against Cheney for pushing for the 2003
invasion of Iraq, repeatedly suggesting that there ties between al Qaeda and
the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and advocating military action to
overthrow Iran.

When Republicans, in a bid to embarrass House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other
Democratic leaders, voted for the measure, the House was thrown into a brief
deadlock. The measure was eventually approved and sent to the Judiciary
Committee, where Chairman John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) has declined to take
action, despite pressure from Wexler and liberal activists outside Congress.
<primordial_ylem@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Jan 15, 7:10 pm, "Sid9" <s...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> Wexler Calls For Cheney's Impeachment

He should be tried for treason. And for "canned hunting".


Deadeye Dick has moved Halliburton headquarters to Dubai.


He'll likely be seeking political asylum there as well.
I think Wexie should go ahead and make a fool out of himself - just so
everyone can see just how anti-American the lib dems have become.

Plus, think of all the liberal Democrat pols that will be exposed for the
treasonous crooks they are once Cheney dumps on them.
"Docky Wocky" <mrchuck@lst.net> wrote in message
>I think Wexie should go ahead and make a fool out of himself - just so
> everyone can see just how anti-American the lib dems have become.

Really? That must explain the 2006 election results and the 2008 polls.

> Plus, think of all the liberal Democrat pols that will be exposed for the
> treasonous crooks they are once Cheney dumps on them.

Name some.
"Docky Wocky" <mrchuck@lst.net> wrote in message
>I think Wexie

how long have you been under the delusion thaat your perverted, diseased
brain was capapble
of coherent thtought ?

should go ahead and make a fool out of himself

- just so
> everyone can see just how anti-American the lib dems have become.
> Plus, think of all the liberal Democrat pols that will be exposed for the
> treasonous crooks they are once Cheney dumps on them.

cheney isn't dumping on democrats, he's dumping on you stupid hillbillies,
how many more cross eyed, non spelling, retarded goobers are going to die
his fat ass ?
What a show it would be to see him marched out in an orange jumpsuit!

It would go a long way to cleansing corruption in Washington.
robbin gator sez:

"how long have you been under the delusion thaat your perverted, diseased
brain was capapble
of coherent thtought ?..."
Apparently, a bit longer than your's.

"H... thaat...thtought ?"

When you get that invincible feeling next time, maybe you should consider
laying down and waiting until it goes away before making a fool of yourself,
Docky Wocky wrote:
> robbin gator sez:
> "how long have you been under the delusion thaat your perverted,
> diseased brain was capapble
> of coherent thtought ?..."
> ______________________
> Apparently, a bit longer than your's.
> "H... thaat...thtought ?"
> When you get that invincible feeling next time, maybe you should
> consider laying down and waiting until it goes away before making a
> fool of yourself, again.

Where jr and Cheney have taken the Republican Party:


By CHARLES HURT (from Murdoch's NYPost)

January 16, 2008 -- WASHINGTON - With this field of losers, it's no wonder
the race for the GOP presidential nomination remains completely up for
The only common bond among the Republicans running is that each one has
managed to humiliate himself with disastrous defeats at some point or

These guys have no running game, no passing game, no nothing.

Mike Huckabee got the ball in Iowa and promptly dropped it. John McCain got
it in New Hampshire and fumbled it last night in Michigan.

Now Mitt Romney has the ball and is destined to drop it in South Carolina on

But there's only one GOP candidate that beats all the rest at being a loser:
Rudy Giuliani.

He has perfected the art of underperforming to the point that his campaign
now insists it was all part of his game plan.

He's been reduced to watching from the sidelines and praying for other
people to lose - like McCain in Michigan so his momentum would be stalled -
rather than getting in the game and winning himself.

In fact, Rudy's campaigned so badly that the latest poll shows him losing
New Jersey, which had a front-row seat for his shining moment during 9/11.

Even fringe candidate Ron Paul - the million-to-one long shot everybody
picks on to make themselves look good - is beating Giuliani.

Paul, who finished ahead of Giuliani in Michigan, currently has twice as
much claim on the Republican nomination as "America's Mayor."

He's picked up two delegates.

Giuliani? He's got just one.
"Docky Wocky" <mrchuck@lst.net> wrote in message
> robbin gator sez:
> "how long have you been under the delusion thaat your perverted, diseased
> brain was capapble
> of coherent thtought ?..."
> ______________________
> Apparently, a bit longer than your's.
> "H... thaat...thtought ?"
> When you get that invincible feeling next time, maybe you should consider
> laying down and waiting until it goes away before making a fool of
> yourself,
> again.

you missed capable gomer,

so, is that the best a retarded,cross eyed, bow legged, losing, failing,
hillbilly piece of **** can do ?

of course it is, you're just another simple and feeble minded hillbilly,

and you hillbillies are going DOWN

think I'll E-mail Hillary and Obama and suggest we slap a war "supporter"
tax on ignorant gutless
goobers like you so you can pay for 5 years of those baby killing, non
fighting abilities retards and the bush ****up
My response is go for it. Let the chips fall where they fall. We will see
how the American people react if they do impeach the President. But one
word of caution, remember what happened to republicans when they tried to
impeach Bill Clinton....

"LJay" <lejordan@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> They are both ready for impeachment:
> http://www.cafepress.com/fartotheleft.33874435
> Larryjay
Jerry Okamura wrote:
> My response is go for it. Let the chips fall where they fall. We
> will see how the American people react if they do impeach the
> President. But one word of caution, remember what happened to
> republicans when they tried to impeach Bill Clinton....

There are a couple of differences. Clinton's approval rating was about 65% -- Bush's is 30%. The public was against the
impeachment of Clinton. It is split on the impeachment of Bush. Clinton was impeached for a blowjob. Bush would be impeached for
what would be felonies in a court of law and crimes against humanity in a world court.
aol@aol.com wrote:
> > There are a couple of differences. Clinton's approval rating was
> > about 65% -- Bush's is 30%. The public was against the impeachment
> > of Clinton. It is split on the impeachment of Bush. Clinton was
> > impeached for a blowjob. Bush would be impeached for what would be
> > felonies in a court of law and crimes against humanity in a world
> > court.

> Kent, you're either with Bush or with the terrorists.


Thanks, I needed that.
"Kent Allard" <Kent.Allard@FickleFinger.com> wrote in message
> Jerry Okamura wrote:
>> My response is go for it. Let the chips fall where they fall. We
>> will see how the American people react if they do impeach the
>> President. But one word of caution, remember what happened to
>> republicans when they tried to impeach Bill Clinton....

> There are a couple of differences. Clinton's approval rating was about
> 65% -- Bush's is 30%. The public was against the impeachment of Clinton.
> It is split on the impeachment of Bush. Clinton was impeached for a
> blowjob. Bush would be impeached for what would be felonies in a court of
> law and crimes against humanity in a world court.

It still boils down to how the American people would react to such a move.
"If" we impeach ANY President based on their approval ratings, then we can
impeach ANY President when their approval ratings are low. As for the
crimes against humanity argument, that depends on whether is was a crime
against humanity. Wars are all about killing people. It is rather
difficult to wage a war without killing people. So, by definition the
simple act alone, is a crime against humanity. "If" we use that as
justification for impeachment, then the same should have been the case when
Clinton sent our military to fight in Yugoslavia.
aol@aol.com wrote:

>> There are a couple of differences. Clinton's approval rating was about 65% -- Bush's is 30%. The public was against the
>> impeachment of Clinton. It is split on the impeachment of Bush. Clinton was impeached for a blowjob. Bush would be impeached for
>> what would be felonies in a court of law and crimes against humanity in a world court.

> Kent, you're either with Bush or with the terrorists.

I'm a redneck hillbilly translator, I can help Kent understand :

Yer either fer US er agin US!

That should do it.