what a depressing time to be alive


New member
I wish i was born a hundred years ago. Life today is garbage. Big business runs everyhting.nobody cares aobut anything but the almighty dollar. we are slowly losing ALL of are freedoms...esspecially freedom of speech. the worlds going to **** in a hand basket. were all becoming paid slaves. and communism is taking over our country.

has anyone seen I,Robot? that movie depressed the **** out of me. I hope more than anyhting that im dead before the world turns into that.



New member
Rest easy !! Land claims can still be made in North Western Canada. I'm not sure of the actual qualifications needed, but it is done. Residing on the property is necessary.

So, what I'm saying is that you can still live as those of past generations. You will live off the land, fish, hunt, farm, trap etc. No roads, no stores, no nothing. Total seclusion and peace. Bush planes are the only way to get in or our of that remote area. HAM rigs are the only means of commucation.

If you can swing an axe and have outdoors savvy, you can do it !

I'm sure ExLaxFlamerGoalie would last maybe a day before he got homesick and wanted his Mommy and his stuffed Smurf :D

I'll go try to find ya some links about living in the Canadian Rockies :cool:



New member
Gotta watch that movie, I liked it. I thought it was gonna be a horror movie and it wasn't, but it does have a very interesting message to it.





New member
yes it does, watch that movie.

like you were saying about living in the middle of no where, sounds like it could be nice at times and hard at other times. living in todays world, it may be worth it.


Mr X

New member
I wish i was born a hundred years ago. Life today is garbage. Big business runs everyhting.nobody cares aobut anything but the almighty dollar. we are slowly losing ALL of are freedoms...esspecially freedom of speech. the worlds going to **** in a hand basket. were all becoming paid slaves. and communism is taking over our country.has anyone seen I,Robot? that movie depressed the **** out of me. I hope more than anyhting that im dead before the world turns into that.

cheer up..you could have been born(100 years ago) just in time for the ww1 and if you survived that, there was ww2 to look forward to.Now that would have helped your depression.

I kinda wish I was born in ancient Rome...but thats just me :cool:



New member
If most of us would just be like Michael Douglas from the movie "Falling Down" then maybe some of these corrupt ***** would ge their head out of their ***. :D

Then again, there is always that one idiot that takes it too far...



New member
Every time in history has its major down side. I would bet everyone from every time has the same thoughts jeep.

Its how you deal with daily life, and who you keep close to you that really counts.

fucktards that have no tolerance to you really dont count, and the satisfaction of knowing that they are morons (no matter how powerful) is the best we can all hope for!



New member
As I recall, public morale, particularly in teens and young adults, was never at a lower ebb than during the height of the Cold war, when Russia was more than a perceived threat, and paranoia was at an all-time high.

Remember the original terminator movie? That coined the feelings of the populace back then. Total annhilation of the human race as we know it.

High school kids were thinking there clearly was no future, with Ronald Reagan at the wheel, and talks of "Star Wars" technology being the only way to make the world safe from a possible "strike" from Russia.

The whole world was on edge, as the two Superpowers battled it out on the propaganda fronts, and the Reds-under-your-beds saw neighbours checking eachother out suspiciously.

I recall one scare, when a massive flock of migratory birds triggered an automatic chain of events that almost saw the US launch a "retaliatory" strike. Very scary times.

Very demoralising times too. I propose that today's throw-away society was born of this paranoia. Why save for tommorrow, when it clearly isn't gonna be long before we are all history.


Chairman Mao

New member
I wish i was born a hundred years ago. Life today is garbage. Big business runs everyhting.nobody cares aobut anything but the almighty dollar. we are slowly losing ALL of are freedoms...esspecially freedom of speech. the worlds going to **** in a hand basket. were all becoming paid slaves. and communism is taking over our country.has anyone seen I,Robot? that movie depressed the **** out of me. I hope more than anyhting that im dead before the world turns into that.
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Active Members
cheer up..you could have been born(100 years ago) just in time for the ww1 and if you survived that, there was ww2 to look forward to.Now that would have helped your depression.

I kinda wish I was born in ancient Rome...but thats just me :cool:
That's right - two world wars would have brought your morale RIGHT up, jeep.

Ancient Rome? Bah - for the time, they were even more corrupt consumer whores than we are now.

I say ancient GREECE. Kickass gods, philosophy, and sodomy for all. :D

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