What Bible-Thumping War-Mongering Hate-filled republicans must believe...


Jul 25, 2006
What Bible-Thumping War-Mongering Hate-filled republicans must believe

It is very tough to be a Republican in 2006, because somehow, (through all the distortion) you have to believe concurrently that:

1. Jesus loves you, but shares your deep hatred of homosexuals, liberals, Muslims, Bill and Hillary Clinton.

2. The United States should get out of the United Nations, but our highest national priority is enforcing U. N. resolutions against Iraq. (No WMD
Where did you cut and paste this from?



Shame on you, Bushtard!

Develop some of your own opinions and then create a post. You previous posts have been ill-devised insults, curses, idiotic taunts, and schoolyard name calling.

Despite your effort at an opinion, a backbone, your own stance; I will Box you indefinitely.

Prove to me that you have an original thought in that hollow noggin.
What complete ****ing retards must believe

It is very easy to be a Retard because you don't have to think:

1. Jesus loves you, homosexuals, liberals, Muslims, Bill and Hillary Clinton... but you think that conservatives hate these people because you're retarded.

2. The United States should NEVER get out of the United Nations, we should bow, cowar, wimper and totally submit to the U.N. unless they want to oust a tyranical dictator with proven ties to Al Queda, then we should wimper and submit to Al Queda and the dictator that supports them.

3. "Standing Tall for America" means when a company can longer support it's stupid, incompetent and lazy workers and seek workers with a real work ethic over sees, they must be denounced as un-american. God forbid that the retards should actually have to produce, work or even be on time... That's why we have FMLA.

4. A woman should be able to kill her children as long as she doesn't use a handgun.

5. Being a drug addict is an illness and billions of tax payers dollars should be spent and wasted on them because they need to be healthy when the terrorists kill them since no money should be used combatting terrorism.

6. The best way to improve military morale is to cut military funding.

7. Group sex and drug use are protected lifestyles, but saying a prayer at a football game is a hate crime violating evryonme's right to free speech.

8. If condoms are given out like candy as part of our never-ending social welfare state, AIDS and unwanted pregnancies will disappear, deer will eat out of hands.

9. A good way to fight terrorism is to cowar and grovel at never-ending and useless U.N. security counsel meetings. We should always remember to suck Kafi Annan's dick prior to any proceedings.

10. Governement sponsered Health Care as another money pit is much more effective than the current health care system. The current Health Care system is far worse now than it was before all the regulation... But as retards no one can see the connection, so soviet style health care MUST be implemented, after all the governement beurocrats know more about medicine than doctors anyhow.

11. Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer should be top priority, while nuclear technology in the hands of Al Queda is secondary as public risks.

12. It is NEVER okay do do business with someone and then they turn on you! Shame on you for not being able to predict the future!

13. Again, when someone behaves, you should be able to look into (your governement provided) crystal ball, and see that they will soimetime in the future harbor terrorists, gas civilians, SET UP ENTIRE INFRASTUCTURES to the manufacture of WMD's, and sanction them prior to their crimes... It is possible because every retard as seen "Minority Report" and the technology exists!

14. A president lying under oath in court of law should not be considered purjury, but a president who was given mis-information from spies working out of an extreamly hostile country and reports that information should be summarily executed.

**** it, 14 is enough....
Bushtard said:
What Bible-Thumping War-Mongering Hate-filled republicans must believe

It is very tough to be a Republican in 2006, because somehow, (through all the distortion) you have to believe concurrently that:

1. Jesus loves you, but shares your deep hatred of homosexuals, liberals, Muslims, Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Got that wrong. Jesus doesn't hate ANYBODY. You do though.

2. The United States should get out of the United Nations, but our highest national priority is enforcing U. N. resolutions against Iraq. (No WMD
I can't help myself... retards are such fun.

15. Government should expand beyond realistic control, regardless of what the constitution says... unless that expansion includes "banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet".

16. The public does not have a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but George Bush's Harken Oil stock trade should be opened because it is our business.

17. What Bill Clinton or John Kerry did in the 1960s was of no importance but what Bush did in the 60’s, 70’s & '80s is relevant.

18. Trade with Cuba is right because we need "MORE OUTSOURCING PLEASE!”

19. Affirmative Action is great, but it if I don't get a job because a minority gets if to fulfil a quota then ... I don't know, my brain will melt ...

20. Fiscal policy needs to be provided by us retards who can't even spell "supply side economics" and socialize everything!
Yay! Jesus loves me. :D

Never should religion be mixed with politics. I wouldn't mix what the Qur'an, Bible or Torah says with a government system, EVER.

Global Warming IS hapenning and it IS destroying our earth.

But I can also agree with the likes of Kryptonite Man and MRIH on abortion. I don't think it's right.

Why can't we just have the best of both worlds instead of two extremes?
Hamza123 said:
Yay! Jesus loves me. :D

Never should religion be mixed with politics. I wouldn't mix what the Qur'an, Bible or Torah says with a government system, EVER.

Global Warming IS hapenning and it IS destroying our earth.

But I can also agree with the likes of Kryptonite Man and MRIH on abortion. I don't think it's right.

Why can't we just have the best of both worlds instead of two extremes?

Because too many Atheist Liberals on GF are too consumed with hate. That's why they are the ones that keep making hate-filled Threads like this one.
wolvesslasher said:
Because too many Atheist Liberals on GF are too consumed with hate. That's why they are the ones that keep making hate-filled Threads like this one.

You're an Idiot. You can call them Liberals all you want, they will just call you Christian-Republican-Neo Conservatives... Yes, I know, it is stupid, but it's the circle of politics thats been weaved into our society.

You just don't get it. It's both sides that pick at the scab of politics, and it's both sides that play the game of politics.

The point is. You have to take a step back from where you stand and just look at the bigger picture. Realise what is actually right and what is actually wrong. Not what a book tells you or what other say is.
Hamza123 said:
The point is. You have to take a step back from where you stand and just look at the bigger picture. Realise what is actually right and what is actually wrong. Not what a book tells you or what other say is.
You oughta take some of your own advise there, Ham.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You oughta take some of your own advise there, Ham.

Yeah, I won't let a book tell me to hate Christians or Jews... I don't hate any of them! And I don't want them dead.

I know the Bible doesn't tell you things like that for Muslims but FOX News sure does! :D
Bushtard said:
What Bible-Thumping War-Mongering Hate-filled republicans must believe

It is very tough to be a Republican in 2006, because somehow, (through all the distortion) you have to believe concurrently that:

1. Jesus loves you, but shares your deep hatred of homosexuals, liberals, Muslims, Bill and Hillary Clinton.

2. The United States should get out of the United Nations, but our highest national priority is enforcing U. N. resolutions against Iraq. (No WMD

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