what da best song from linkin park

Hmmm...this is a list of my LP faves.

Forgotten - Hybrid Theory
Pushing Me Away - Hybrid Theory
Pts. Of Athrty - Reanimation
1 stp Kloser - Reanimation
Session - Meteora
Numb - Meteora
Part Of Me - Hybrid Theory EP
A Place For My Head - Hybrid Theory
PTS. OF. ATHRTY. - Reanimation
Hit The Fllor - Meteroa
Esual and Part Of Me (Demo) - Demo
HTEP - And One (changes from And One to Step Up a lot)
Hybrid Theory - Papercut closely followed by APFMH
Reanimation - FRGT/10 closely followed by Enth E Nd
Meteora - Breaking the Habit
Collision Course - Numb/Encore
Live - APFMH/OSC followed by one another
Other - Home Sweet Home with Chester
HT EP - Carousel
HT - One Step Closer
LIT - Pushing me Away
Meteora - From the inside
Reanimation - FRG10

I actually like all songs, but those are my fav.

And One and Part Of Me - Hybrid Theory EP
Papercut, Points of Authority, Forgotten, Runaway, and With You - Hybrid Theory
FRGT/10, Enth E Nd, PPR:Kut, and WTH>You - Reanimation
Lying From You, Nobody's Listening, Faint, Hit The Floor, and Don't Stay - Meteora
Numb/Encore, and Lying From You/Dirt Off Ya Shoulder - Collision Course
One Step Closer, P5hng Me A*wy, A Place Foy My Head, and Pushing Me Away - Live