What did the option to scan only incoming files disappear, instead now it is scanning incoming and o


Active Members
Before the latest engine update, there was an option in Real Time Protection to change the scanning mode of MSE from scanning both incoming and outgoing files to either just scanning incoming only, outgoing, and even both incoming and outgoing.

I noticed an huge performance issue increase when I set it to scanning incoming files only, which is the way it should be set in my opinion.

Why would anyone want to be double scanning a file after it has been scanned once as it came into the protected file system, scanning a file as it is leaving the system only takes up more resources and performace.

Why could the STUPID Programer that made the program take that option away?

That was the worse decision that anyone could have made on this program, since that option has been taken away the performance on my pc has gone down over 85% and all of my programs are running slow now. 

Will the person(s) that done that STUPID change put it back so people can get their performance back?

Other than that change the MSE program has been working flawlessly and has been a great tool in the arsenal for Anti-virus, Greyware, Spyware and other protection.

Just remember one thing you STUPID people, if you follow one rule you can never go wrong....KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

My motto has always been the same ....  Get it right the first time and you will never have to go back to fix a STUPID mistake!!!!!!!

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