What do i do to ignore them?

Blue Sky Turtles

New member
I hate being a victim of bullying and now its getting to my esteem..i dont know how to ignore those people..they taunt me so badly..I dont know what to do..


New member
I've been bullied for a long time, until I came in a new class, new people and I started over new. I guess I was just lucky that I was the only one of my old class doing that level. But if it won't stop, and I know it's gonna sound cheesy, but you should tell someone, i always kept it inside and I can tell ya, that wasn't the best decision I've ever made. and else.. follow up SS1's advice, slap them across the face, let them know no one messes with you!

Goodluck :)



New member
**** them. you should feel very sorry for them because they obviously have some sort of retarded problem. They probably are just jealous of you. don't let them bring you down cuz they're not worth it.


New member
I truely hope you do not go the route that I went. However, I will tell you. Learn from my experiences. When I was younger I was horribly tormented. I did not wear expensive or "cool" clothes. I did not skateboard or think it was cool to disobey authority. My best mate at the school was also obese. One day, (long after going home ****** and bruised, tormented and shamed) 9 kids, NINE KIDS, 9!!! Decided to start "boot-*******" my mate. They pound him down and started kicking the tar out of him. I think they did it to lure me out. Anyway I ran into the fray and jumped on four of them. I got back up and gave a hammer uppercut into a girls gut. She was twice the size of me and weighed four times as much as me. I dropped her in one hit. It was not until later I felt guilty for hitting a girl, but I had 8 other kids to get to. The next guy swung at me. I caught his fist with my right hand and invert forearm smashed him in the elbow. I broke his arm instantly. The next I drop kicked in the stones. I bent down to pick Petr up (my mate, Petr) and I got two guys on my back punching me in the back of the head. I grabbed one of their arms and hip tossed them over my shoulders. They landed pretty rough. The other one got kicked off me by Petr until I got back up and puched this guy in the nose as hard as I could. I swear I heard nerve damage. He began pouring out blood by the gallons basically. He began crying like a baby and ran off to get re-inforcement. I told Petr to run and get help asap. THe other kids all stared at me. I had a nasty-*** cut on my upper cheek and I was the guy who single handedly knocked out the biggest girl in the school, broke an arm, shattered a nose and blacked out another kid. It was like they did not know what to do, and fighting me terrified them. They pushed me over the edge. I went Super Saiyan, into a battle frenzy mode. I remember being hit by 9 kids plenty of times, but I do not remember pain, or it slowing me down. I was a hurting machine. I devastated tose 9 kids. From that day on, I became some sort of Anti-hero. I was the Underdogs Champion. Kids would come to me and tell me that they were being picked on. I became like a one man anti-bullying gang. No one ****** with me. And since I have began meditating and taking kung fu and being military and all, it has only gotten worse. I am far more fast and lethal, yet I can take massive amounts of damage and I try reasoning with them first. I always give them the option to back off first.

My advice to you is one of a few things.

1) Get an older, or even same aged friend who is waaay taller, fatter, generally larger to tell this bully to back off.

2) Tell them off. Outsmart the bully. Make them look bad using words. Tell them something like "you touch me, I tell everyone your dirty secrets".

3) Casually let some authority know. Do not tell your parents. Parents are univerally stupid when it comes to this. Your parent will want to tell the parent of the bully that they are being bullies. Where do you think the bully got it from? THEIR PARENTS!! THat is why telling parents is stupid. Tell someone like a guidance counselor. Or a chaplain. Or a substitute teacher. Or me.

4) Ignore them. You see them coming, keep your head high. Smile, keep talking to your friends. Bullies do not pick on happy and confident people. Nor do they pick on those in groups.

5) Violence is a last resort. Simple as that. I endured 4 years of the torment before I snapped. I sent kids to the hospital. I was going to get sued to pay for damages. Once the parents realized their child was the instigator, and I was fighting back after them doing this to me for 4 years, they were like "aww ****". Basically, there was nothing you can do. This is because both the Constitution and the Charter allow a person to even KILL in self defense. Once again, VIOLENCE IS LAST RESORT!!!!!!!!


Dark Angel

New member
Whoa! Sounds like some fight.

I also had to deal with bullies all my life til I was in 9th grade. They didn't throw punches but what they said really hurt me so when I was in 8th grade, I started to say cold things to them that made them stop laughing almost instantly. Since then, no one's bugged me about anything anymore. So you can try that, and if you have the right way with saying it, they'll leave you alone.

Of course, I did kick a few people in the shins and got away with it... but like Mahl said, violence is a last resort.



New member
yeah =)

but if you are going to slap them or something be like calm about it..

like you know

person: hey ho lets go

you: hehe you so funny *pours water all over them*

dont make it seem like a big deal because bullys usually want whatever attention they can get good or bad.

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