What do you think about Collision course and when do you think anew album comes out


New member
Hey guys!

I bought Collision Course before a few weeks and I love it :p

I heard news about their new album, they are going to make a break, because they´ll need alot of time to prepare their new album, ahwww how can i live one year without LP, thats terrible :(

they said that it be different to their other albums. I have the opinion thatv they can make new things, even if they would make country pop, i would love them :D




New member
Well the "CC" is so-so.It's got some nice stuff,but as a whole - non special.

Dunno bout you but I expect the new album very soon,and just can't think bout waitin for a year, or more....



New member
i havent bought CC.......yet......but will do soon. i'm listening to Dirt off your shoulder/lying from you......which i downloaded and its real cool!! so im gona get it soon....

all i know is that the next album is due in 2006!!



New member
i like collision course, but it isn't the best album i've ever heard

and i don't hope they do something like that again...

it was pretty cool though



New member
Hibrid Theory is the best

I hope they´ll go on with their style of music. I think Hibrid theory is the best album of them, but meteora is also good ;o)



New member
Collision course was okay, I mean the mash-ups were really good, but I like LP by theirselves better. Like I think Meteora was the best CD LP has made, or maybe I should just say the best CD in the world. Anyway, I think CC is okay.


New member
Don't do it again!

I could be the biggest Linkin Park fan out there, but I really hated their new CD with Jay-Z. It's not that I hate rap, but I really, really hope they never make this type of music again. Please, stay with what got you where you are today.



New member
Rock Rulez!

I think it´s ok to test other tings but rock is the best music on the world :thumbsup:

LP Rulez!

See ya in the end :D



New member
Hey guys!I bought Collision Course before a few weeks and I love it :p

I heard news about their new album, they are going to make a break, because they´ll need alot of time to prepare their new album, ahwww how can i live one year without LP, thats terrible :(

they said that it be different to their other albums. I have the opinion thatv they can make new things, even if they would make country pop, i would love them :D

Im not to keen on CC...cause im not a big rap fan



New member
I like CC. I think LP did a good job collaborating and experimenting like that. Even though its an ok CD, I wouldn't want them to do it again. With rap in there you just imagine it like "CRAWLING IN MY MOTHER%%%%ING SKIN THESE F%CKING WORDS WILL NOT F%CKING HEAL!!" or something.

I'm pretty nervous about the new album, especially with Mike doing a solo album. They said they might have it out by the end of the year, which would be amazing.

I like CC. I think LP did a good job collaborating and experimenting like that. Even though its an ok CD, I wouldn't want them to do it again. With rap in there you just imagine it like "CRAWLING IN MY MOTHER%%%%ING SKIN THESE F%CKING WORDS WILL NOT F%CKING HEAL!!" or something.
I'm pretty nervous about the new album, especially with Mike doing a solo album. They said they might have it out by the end of the year, which would be amazing.
Lmao.. nice one.. :thumbsup:

Yea it will be amazing. I am a bit nervous too but we'll just hope and pray nothing bad will happened.



New member
Hey guys!I bought Collision Course before a few weeks and I love it :p

I heard news about their new album, they are going to make a break, because they´ll need alot of time to prepare their new album, ahwww how can i live one year without LP, thats terrible :(

they said that it be different to their other albums. I have the opinion thatv they can make new things, even if they would make country pop, i would love them :D

I c what you mean... Yeh though new stuff would be cool.



New member
'CC' was a wicked album and i loved it... but y did it have to SO differnet from the origonal songs :S

anyways this was the first LP album i had and listening to the origonals was so good... Meteora all the way :D



New member
I swear I've posted in a million threads just like this one. But I'll repeat myself anyway =D You guys should buy it! It's really good and I especially still like Numb / encore. Buy it!


New member
Numb/encore is the best song on the album... but for a full price album with only 6 songs on :S

maybe u might consider buying it late lol

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