What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?


Live. Love. Laugh.
Jan 8, 2004
Under Your Bed (or Orlando, FL)
What do you want to do for a living? Why?

And if you're already 'grown up' what do you do?
Do you wish you could do something different?

And if you could have any profession and be an automatic expert at it, what would it be?
I want to be ----

> A freelance photographer pref. for the National Geographic magazine
> Own a graphics/animation company like Pixar
> A published writer

Any of above will do me just fine (already on my way to becoming all three of them to be honest).
I want to be a professional guitarist or song writer but no there is a very little change for either.

I am going to study Industrial Technology this fall. I can get an administration job at a factory if I get this but I may switch to Computer Information Technology and specialize in Network Security.

If I could be an expert in anything it would be playing guitar...
I want to do something to do with History, maybe a museum curator or an archaeologist.
Failing that I'll become a History teacher, a nice one of course =)
If I could choose I would be a psychologist

it's just dope to get into the minds of people
I'd like to be a published writer. I'd like to travel. See the world and just... write. That would be the life for me.

But since I have grown up (figuratively speaking) I am a cook. Again. I don't like it. It's... *shrugs*

Automatic expert? FBI criminal profiler. Why? Why not, I say :D
donno i would like to help poor people in africa but with that a billion dollar account for aid and a armour suit that cant be destroyed lol... land mines and stuff -.-
cause the people helping ATM are so corrupt