I'm going to bump the thread PRETTY WOMANPART 12INT. PENTHOUSE - NIGHTThey enter. Edward switches on a light. Vivian comes down thesteps into the room. Edward follows after her.EDWARDYou're awfully quiet. You haven'tsaid a word since the party.As Edward touches her shoulder, Vivian suddenly spins andexplodes with anger.VIVIANYou *******! I can't believe whata --!EDWARDVivian, what the --Tears well in Vivian's eyes as she yells at him.VIVIANClean the **** up, take her out,huh?! What are you trying to prove!? I'm not a piece of meatfor you to offer to your friends!EDWARDI don't know what you're talkingabout.VIVIANI've been with stinking old menwho've made me want to puke butI've never had anyone make me feelas dirty as you did tonight.EDWARDWould you please calm down. Tellme what happened.VIVIANStuckey! He wants an"appointment" with me after youleave. You my pimp now or didhe think that up on his own?Edward looks guiltily away.EDWARDWhat was I supposed to do?(a beat)I told the truth. Why should thetruth upset you? It's not as ifyou're from a convent.VIVIANI want my ******* money. I'mgetting out of here. I don't wantanything more to do with you.EDWARDCan we talk about this? Can youjust try to calm down?VIVIANYour ********* friend, he thinksthe only reason I'm with you isfor the money.A tear falls from Vivian's eyes.VIVIAN(defiantly)Well, it's true. Just pay mewhat you owe me and I'm gone.EDWARDVivian...VIVIANPay me! Before I pick up thischair and smash your face in.EDWARDFine. I'm only here a coupleof more days and I'm not goingto spend them fighting with you.VIVIANFuck off.EDWARDI'll call you a cab. If you wantthe clothes, pack them up.Vivian stands quietly for a moment. And then she turns andwalks into the bedroom.INT. PENTHOUSE BEDROOM - NIGHTVivian starts roughly picking up her clothes in the dim lightof the bedroom. As she does she starts crying. With each itemof clothing the tears come down harder. Edward appears at thedoorway. His face is genuinely concerned.EDWARDVivian... I'm sorry. I wasn'tprepared for questions about us.It was an idiotic and insensitivething I did. I should have knownthat it would hurt you.VIVIANI'm not hurt. It doesn't hurtyou when somebody ****** on you,it just ****** you off.EDWARDI really am sorry.Vivian lets the clothes fall from her arms. Sobbing, she standslimply.VIVIANYou hurt me.Edward goes to her and wraps his arms around her shoulders.She touches his hand. He sits on the bed. He pulls her to himand wraps his arms around her, holds her tight.EDWARDI'll make it up to you.INT. BROKERAGE HOUSE - DAYEdward, carrying a briefcase, moves jauntily down a longhallway. Stuckey trails after him.STUCKEYThis is no time to disappear.We're in too far.EDWARDBill? Stop panicking. Krossisn't going anywhere and I don't need to spend the rest of the daywatching his stock go down. I'llbe in the office tomorrow.STUCKEYPromise me you'll read thosecontracts by then.EDWARDGoodbye, Bill.Stuckey stops. He calls after Edward.STUCKEYShit... By tomorrow, Edward!Edward hurries on.EXT. REGENT BEVERLY WILSHIRE - DAYEdward exits out of his limo and walks to the front doors.INT. HOTEL LOBBY - DAYEdward smiles, moving jauntily to the elevators. Mr. Thomasat the front desk notices Edward's happy mood.MR. THOMASGood afternoon, Mr. Harris.EDWARDAfternoon.Edward's attention is taken by the glittering jewelry displayin the hotel jewelry store window. He detours from theelevators and moves to the window for a closer look. He thinksa moment and enters the jewelry store.INT. PENTHOUSE - AFTERNOONVivian comes out of the bedroom into the living room wearingan elegant red sequined evening dress. She looks incrediblybeautiful. She sees the phone. A thought occurs to her andgoing to it, she picks it up. Waits.VIVIANC'mon, Kit...No answer. She hears someone at the door. She hangs up.Edward enters. He is carrying a small case. He stops at thesight of Vivian.VIVIANDo I look okay?EDWARD(a small smile)Hmm... let's see... no, there'ssomething missing.He holds up the small case.VIVIANWhat's that?EDWARDI don't want you to get tooexcited... these are on loan...however...Vivian's jaw drops. Edward is holding a diamond and rubynecklace in his hands, holds it as if it might melt if hebreathed too hard. Edward behind Vivian, fastens thenecklace around her neck.EDWARDThis is made for a princess.I think she'd approve of youwearing it tonight. There. Come look.He leads her to a mirror. She stares at her reflection.VIVIANEdward, I can't.EDWARDShush. Of course you can.VIVIANWhat if I lose it?EDWARDYou won't.VIVIANWhat if someone tries to stealit?EDWARDI'll guard them and you with mylife.EDT. BURBANK AIRPORT - DAYA limo pulls onto the tarmac at Burbank Airport. A PILOT ina leather jacket and sunglasses hurries forward to open the limo door. Edward -- now wearing evening clothes -- and Vivian climbsout of the limo.PILOTYour plane is ready to go, Mr.Harris.EDWARDVery good.VIVIANPlane?Taking her arm, Edward leads her across the tarmac.EDWARDYou don't want to go all the wayto San Francisco in a limousine,do you? I don't.VIVIANWhere are you taking me!?EDWARDTo meet some friends. Rudolpho,a poet... Benoit, a landlord...Mimi, a flower maker...VIVIANHuh?EDWARDThe opera.Up ahead is a waiting private jet, its engines already HUMMING.She is speechless. Edward grins, loving the look on her face.EXT. BURBANK AIRPORT - DAYThe corporate jet takes off down the landing strip.INT. CORPORATE JET - DAYEdward and Vivian are alone in the passenger lounge of the jet.Vivian can't believe the cabin. It is a comfortable roomfeaturing a long couch that curves across two walls, built inbar, television and stereo. Edward is once again, going overpapers.VIVIANI've never been on a planebefore.EDWARDI'm glad you like it. Now bequiet, I've really got to readthese.Vivian fluffs her hair up. She makes a happy, excited growlingsound -- Rrrrr! A wicked gleam comes to her eye.She walks over to Edward and stands in front of him. He looksup. She parts the thigh high slit in her gown to expose silkenquarters. She begins to unfasten the garters one at a time.EDWARDVivian, what do you think you'redoing?Edward watches silk stockings slide down Vivian's lovely legs.VIVIANBeing quiet.She reaches out and gently caresses Edward's face. Edward setsdown his papers. Most of us take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future, when we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it.
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