What if *** and Satan, made up after all these years ??


New member
Hypothetically speaking of course, and this is going by the assumption that both exist, so please, no **** ATHIEST commentary needed here.

The point I am trying to make is this...

Is *** ONLY PURE GOOD and is satan ONLY PURE EVIL ?

Is there a middle ground, or in some ways, ARE WE LIVING THAT MIDDLE GROUND ON EARTH ??

Anybody care to draw the line between good and evil ??

I think for the most part, the MAIN deeds that man follows amongst each other ARE INDEED the 10 commandments. Doesn't really matter which religion, actually religion is not a factor, its just common sense.. Don't kill people, don't steal ****, don't **** your neighbors *****, respect your elders and those in a higher position then you and all that ****. Then of course, you have the 7 DEADLY SINS... but then... what else is there to define good and evil in this world ??





New member
Is *** ONLY PURE GOOD and is satan ONLY PURE EVIL ?

Absolutely.All *** wants for us is Good and satan is not like a red man with horns carrying a pitch fork,It is a constant whisper of chaos,causing more and more hate in this world.



New member
Absolutely.All *** wants for us is Good and satan is not like a red man with horns carrying a pitch fork,It is a constant whisper of chaos,causing more and more hate in this world.
Ya now, I like how you described Satan there. That makes more sense than a dancing, cackling red guy with a forked tail and a pitchfork.



Active Members
Assuming that both of them exist... I think that there is a balance in between them, and that's what earth is.(Agree with you, Phreak) "***" and "Satan" are just names for what we perceive as the two forces that make up reality.

Though, personally, I think *** and Satan are symbols for different things than really 'good' and 'evil'. *** is the 'herd animal' force, that makes us want to follow social laws, get along, and create harmony with others of the species; wheras Satan is more of a 'solitary animal' drive. Less evil than acting on your own with no will to get along with a group. I think these make sense, taking the commandments of the various religions.

And on a completely different note... Lucifer of christian-y lore is one of my favorite literary chracters. XD heh.



New member
This is a very interesting question posed...is there such thing as PURE good and evil. My answer to this is NO !!! Is shooting a man in the head PURE EVIL? What if this man molested your son or daughter...most people would think he deserves to die. So good and evil are relative to JUSTICE. Justice is an absolute, and the terms good and evil describe what justice is (or should be). Good and evil are used to describe different points of view.


New member
I wouldn't say justice is an absolute.

Here is my view.

In the begining, *** made a bet with Satan. He said "Lucifer, my good man. I will bet you that you can't be evil forever. I have foreseen it, and it can't be done by thee."

Then Lucifer says "Your on. I have to find myself a new home though." Then he tripped over a small rock and fell below the Earth. (*** had made earth flat at the time as a joke on the first people.) So Lucifer had his new post and everything was happy.

Then Christ, not quite understanding the terms of the bet, told everyone that Lucifer was pure evil, not just mischeviously evil.

Then people started blaming the devil for the **** that went wrong in their lives. The devil DIDN'T make them do it. The Devil figured this out, and made the yeast not rise on their bread. Consequently, the Jews were

A. NOT the chosen ones.

B. Running from the Pharoh.

Years later, after being utterly annoyed by people praying to protect them from the devil. He said "**** this ****." Then he created Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich.

This, ironically, worsened the problem. And the world is still in termoil.



New member
But his evil plot wasnt finished.....He created a man who was hollow inside....the body and especially the mind.....He created the ultimate weapon of mass destruction...

He created George W Bush......and allowed him to rise to power despite all his inadequacies.......and even dumbed down the population of the United States to get him to last for a second term

The devil is quite clever..and is aparently winning against "***"



New member
so if we are crafted in his image how do we explain Richard Simmons...

the devils work is obviously in play here....

but then agian he does give obese women power to try and change themselves so perhaps thats gods work

but the sequind shorts shorts on his jello legs, yes the exercize guru's jiggly legs that should be tight and muscular, must be a crafting of satan........

perhaps he isnt even from earth..and ***/satan had nothing to do with him.....maybe he was crafted out of stonehenge or something!



New member
Love the topic.

I haven't a clue as I don't have a religous background.

I do think you could make a cult out of this line of thought, though.

Wouldn't that be great? Bringing Satan and Geezus together?

I'll be there if you do it!



Active Members
Hmn, Satan and Jesus together.. I'm getting a thought.

If you REALLY wanted to **** people off with a new cult, just say that the two have been secretly dating all along. Or maybe not a religion, just a hit TV show.

"It could be a whole series.... with MANY complaints."



New member
Absolutely.All *** wants for us is Good and satan is not like a red man with horns carrying a pitch fork,It is a constant whisper of chaos,causing more and more hate in this world.
No I'm not......... :D



New member
Hmn, Satan and Jesus together.. I'm getting a thought.
If you REALLY wanted to **** people off with a new cult, just say that the two have been secretly dating all along. Or maybe not a religion, just a hit TV show.

"It could be a whole series.... with MANY complaints."

Lets call it The Real Road Rules World Apprentices Top Amercian Idol Amazing Race for Good And Evil!

**** id watch that ****....id even switch my cell phone company to vote! Especially if nuking were involved!



New member
But his evil plot wasnt finished.....He created a man who was hollow inside....the body and especially the mind.....He created the ultimate weapon of mass destruction...
He created George W Bush......and allowed him to rise to power despite all his inadequacies.......and even dumbed down the population of the United States to get him to last for a second term

The devil is quite clever..and is aparently winning against "***"
You're an idiot...



New member
You're an idiot...
How so? I find nothing idiotic about the post your rant referrs to.

The dumbing down of the voters is a worldwide phenomenon attributable directly to the manipulation of news sources by the corrupt govs of the west; that's all of them, not just the US.

The devil is not winning against ***, he's playing ***, and you've bought the ploy. Don't feel shamed, because you're not on your pat malone. This is clearly indicated in the bible, if you're religiously inclined. :)

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