what is the one thing u wish u had never done?

Let's see... One thing I wish I had never done?

Honestly, there's nothing I'd take back. Like if I really think about it, everything I've done has put me where I am and made me the way that I am. I love who I am right now and I love where I'm at. So there is not one thing I wish I had never done. In other terms... It's all good in da hood.
Good topic :) But I agree with LPpinkfreak, I don't regret anything. I try to learn from my mistakes, and they make me a better person in the long run. To me, mistakes help build character. But, then again, if I was in a really bad place in my life right now, I would probably have a different view on this whole subject.
hearts prolly addicted like me XD

I only wish I wasnt such a brat to my mom I must have drove her crazy with all the crap I did by the time I was eight. its an intresting story, now I wish that I had waited till after she died to do that ****
hmmm....i guess i never answerd my question
i dont realy have any regrets but if i had to pick on thing i guess it would be cutting only cause of all the scars i have now people are like omg girl what did u do? so yeah i guess that would be it.
There is countless things from last year alone, mostly a bunch of things i shouldn't of said.

But what can i say...with honesty comes some things people just don't want to hear.

If i started thinking about what i shouldn't of done i would probably get down about the past which is unchangeable so i guess i won't bother
Vash_the_Stampede said:
I agree with Twisome.
I regret nothing in my past, but learn from it.
Everyday is a new day, and a new chance to do something.
Yes and no - in essence all that we have done and such makes us who we are, whether we chose to learn from the experiences or not remains to be seen. Everyone's different. You learn as you get older to accept yourself better for who you are and become more comfortable, as corny as it sounds, with just being yourself.

Having said that the main thing I'd still take back if I could was trusting my uncle (and the two after him) so implicitly. Losing your trust along with a lot of other things as a child still screws you up forever, regardless how 'content' I am with who I am today or not. That's what I'd take back.