What Is The Secret? It's About To Be Revealed


New member
Had to share all this, it's weird and funny and good to look into..


Be sure to click the links...

There is talk of great revelation, and this is a most interesting unfolding.

What is the secret?

Seems that there is some knowledge that was passed down and known by powerful men and then banned by the Church.

There are connections between this and Infinite Play The Movie.

It is thought that the main index tells a lot about what is to come.

It states that these productions are setting the stage.

Celestine Prophecy, Matrix, What the Bleep, and then Indigo, The DaVinci Code, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Illusions, and The Secret

The stage for what? The end of the world as we know it?

What does everyone else think?

What could the secret be?

For too long the few have benefited to the detriment of the many. This why so many of us here are so cynical, we have been abused, stolen from and deceived.

There is a great battle being fought, and the battle field is the mind.

The world is hypnotized by an Illusion, and it is about to be shattered.

Do you all know what happened 4 months prior to the attack on New York the great "War on Terror" diversion. This Washington DC press conference.

Watch this disclosure video now. These are people from inside the government and intelligence industry.

It is time to realize who you really are.

The Disclosure Project

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