What is/was your Best Subject in school?

Strongest Subject?

  • English/Writing/Reading

    Votes: 24 35.3%
  • Math

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • Science (specify)

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • History/Government

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • Other.

    Votes: 13 19.1%

  • Total voters
my best subject is math.... my teacher is really hard on us so we have to work harder than I ever have this year, but I still have (or did a few weeks ago) one of the best grades.
English, by leaps and bounds. I also love history, social studies, art, and science. I like math too, but I am terrible at it. I managed to fail Algebra I last year, and while I am passing with B-/C+ this year, my skills leave much to be desired. I envy you ShinodaBear.
meh, math's my favorite and best. cuz there's always a definite answer. i'm currently taking a senior level math class as a sophomore at my highschool. my worst is english, even tho i speak it. but thas cuz instead of learning what things mean, i have to learn all this philosophical ****, and it's dumb haha.
Hmmm English and Portuguese were 2 of my strong points. I got the best grades without barely studying lol I guess I was a natural. I also was good at science, but that required a bit more study. Maths was definitely my low point :| I always hated it lol I was good at arts too ^_^
I'm kind a good in Maths, Science and all that Bèta stuff. I'm good at some languages too, but not all ;)
I like Latin, Spanish, Dutch and English. I'm very bad at geography and history and that stuff.