What is wrong with racial and ethnic profiling if it will prevent a terror attack?

well, racial profiling will force terrorists to convert people of other races, what we need is background profiling
IM FOR RACIAL PROFILING. If it helps keeps them out and makes me happy, why not? Racial profiling doesnt effect me being that Im white and well, I look American. Not that Im racist or anything, I just hate ****ing terrorism. If will improve our way of life by keeping them out, Im all for it.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
and terrorists can have more causes than Islamic Jihad.

unfortunately, most people are too close minded to realize that Islamic extremists are not the only terrorists, but keep in mind that they are the only ones i know of that fly planes into buildings
racial and ethnic profiling has a proven history of USUALLY eliminateing 80% of the suspect right out of the gate... It wasn't usefull in the Oklahoma city bombing, but that is the ever present exeption to the rule... When the FBI where looking for John Wyne Gayce... They weren't looking for a young black man... They were looking for a middle aged white man who probably lived a double life... The FACT that led them to this profile is that 99% of ALL serial murderers are white people... That is the prevailing FACT that leads police to look at the white people FIRST... not only... but first... by looking at the most obvious groupings first, you severly cut down on the amount of footwork you need to do per case...

My questions is this... Why is it not only ok, but taught in Crime investigation shows to profile white people to find a serial killer, but not ok to profile muslims as the MOST LIKELY suspects in a terrorism case... I though all men were created equal? In this case, It's the liberals who are shitting on the constitution...
This is one of the stupidest subjects to come from the left. Political bullshit once again.
Ya lets protect the rights of ethnic profiling so we don
Check the whites and the Arabs for bombs. Whites bomb buildings (McVeigh) and Arabs hijack planes (9/11). Go figure...
fullauto said:
racial and ethnic profiling has a proven history of USUALLY eliminateing 80% of the suspect right out of the gate... It wasn't usefull in the Oklahoma city bombing, but that is the ever present exeption to the rule... When the FBI where looking for John Wyne Gayce... They weren't looking for a young black man... They were looking for a middle aged white man who probably lived a double life... The FACT that led them to this profile is that 99% of ALL serial murderers are white people... That is the prevailing FACT that leads police to look at the white people FIRST... not only... but first... by looking at the most obvious groupings first, you severly cut down on the amount of footwork you need to do per case...

My questions is this... Why is it not only ok, but taught in Crime investigation shows to profile white people to find a serial killer, but not ok to profile muslims as the MOST LIKELY suspects in a terrorism case... I though all men were created equal? In this case, It's the liberals who are shitting on the constitution...

Yep. Profiling is a fact of life. They have this group of people who work for the FBI...know what they're called? PROFILERS. And yes race is involved when they profile the perpetrator, in any case, murder, serial killer, serial rapist, terrorist.... Fact of life. Let it go.

I cannot help but think back to the days when innocent blacks were lynched in the south (not that far back!). If the law enforcement had to be as politically correct as they do now, they would have had to investigate other blacks because to only look at white folks who wore bed sheets on their heads as potential murderers of blacks would surely offend their sensibilities and be unjust.

Pardon me while I barf.

We all profile each and every day. It's a fact. If I have to fly on an airline, I want to know what 'Mohammed' over there sitting next to me, is doing on that plane. I hope that somebody has asked him the nature of his business and searched both him and his luggage accordingly.

News Flash! Flying on an airplane is NOT A RIGHT, IT'S A PRIVLIDGE so the next time you are detained and searched, or the guy in front of you is, SHUT THE HELL UP AND BE HAPPY; the Homeland Security Department is doing its job trying to make safety a priority!
angie said:
Yep. Profiling is a fact of life. They have this group of people who work for the FBI...know what they're called? PROFILERS. And yes race is involved when they profile the perpetrator, in any case, murder, serial killer, serial rapist, terrorist.... Fact of life. Let it go.
The FBI does not have a position called Profiler. They have Special Agents that work at the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime. Just thought I would clear that up.

Britain is now profiling as are most other countries. We seem to be the only country that is so submerged in the politically correct movement we are drowning in bull sh-t. When profiling is in effect it is true that some individuals will slip through the crack, but you can not honestly use the few that get a way in defense of those caught.

Eventually, we will probably search everyone, however, our technology and resources are limited. For now it is best to search in the most likely places.
Make every body board the planes nekkid!

yes I know, this could end up being very disgusting.....however it would be hard as hell to sneak a bomb or scissors, or boxcutters on the plane.

Also...screw this carry-on-luggage crap! Put it all under you lazy shits!
Spleefman said:
Make every body board the planes nekkid!

yes I know, this could end up being very disgusting.....however it would be hard as hell to sneak a bomb or scissors, or boxcutters on the plane.
Then they would have to start profiling Gay men. :D
8_BALL said:
IM FOR RACIAL PROFILING. If it helps keeps them out and makes me happy, why not? Racial profiling doesnt effect me being that Im white and well, I look American. Not that Im racist or anything, I just hate ****ing terrorism. If will improve our way of life by keeping them out, Im all for it.

Are you sure it does'nt affect you?...being white and American

Here's a funny story for you
Afganistan(way before the Americans arrived)
...A well known Northern alliance field commander named massoud thought he was being interviewed by western jounalists...being white an all, and sporting appropriate accents.Little did he realize that they were suicide bombers sent by The taleban/Al-Quaeda BOOM!!! :eek: end of story

Massoud was buried with full military honours

Good luck with racial profiling ;)
...sorry a bit more on this massoud story

The suicide bombers were posing as western jounalist...in this case from belguim...they were originally of morrocan descent and spoke english with french accents.

Ahmad shah massoud's death was two days before 9/11...very significant.

I read this as....the taleban/Al qaeda knew the americans were going to be in town after 9/11 given the intelligence on Osama bin laden...so it was better to get rid of massoud knowing he might become a usefull tool for them.And frankly the Northern alliance only controlled 10% of the country..situated in the the North(hence the name)..a place called marzar e sharif.But with American backing...this would be a God send.

What the Taleban did not count on was pervaz masharaf in pakistan cutting full ties with them..when bush put pressure on him.This is why the Americans were succesfull in afganistan.The taleban started in pakistan(the madrasses)...but funded by the pakistan govt tacitly indirectly(although they would deny this)
The talebs(Islamic students)took advantage of the feuding warlord situation in afganistan and gained a foothold there...eventually through various methods.. eventually 90% of the country.Musharaf once had a proxy force and influence in afganistan...and it must of been a real head ache to lose it all hahahaha.

What is in Afganistan now is the Northern alliance in control...but with an american approved president...Kazai.

Well I should not call them Northern alliance..since they not situated in the North.
I have never been against racial profiling as long as it is instituted and acted upon with some level of responsibility attached. Law enforcement needs to be better trained to act and above all help accountable when it goes wrong. If certain crimes are being commited by a certain group in a given area, logic dictates that that is the group that should be watched more closely than others, BUT, there needs to be somekind of watchdog making sure law enforcement does not abuse it's policies
I'm so sick of pretending to be politically correct. Where does it get us? No where. We get kicked in the asses by our desire to kiss other's asses and save some money so they won't sue us. Well, **** that. The fact is that certain cultures are more prone to terrorism than others. I care a bit more about my life than someone else's feelings.
Spleefman said:
Make every body board the planes nekkid!

yes I know, this could end up being very disgusting.....however it would be hard as hell to sneak a bomb or scissors, or boxcutters on the plane.

Also...screw this carry-on-luggage crap! Put it all under you lazy shits!

So you're saying you don't want the mothers of small children to carry diaper bags with them when they bring thier babies on board?

Now THAT Is disgusting