Actually, TH, he doesn't have ****. I do know of a socialist country that is working, but I'll have to double check the name as well as my facts. I'll get back to you on that.
Show me a democratic country that is working. I mean really working--where the people are happy and their needs are being taken care of, crime is at a minimum, the government is doing its duty instead of getting rich. Not even my beloved Canada is making democracy work--and if we can't, damned if you idiots can. People not only don't vote, but when they do, they don't know what they're talking about anyway. You can't trust the masses; people in general are morons.
You can't blame the government for abusing a system: it isn't the fault of socialism that it doesn't work. It isn't the fault of the government that democracy doesn't work--it's everyone's fault. If you can't put your faith in everyone, who do you put it in? If your fellow citizens are ******** and idiots, why should they decide things for you? I'm not saying that socialism would definitely work, or that it's necessarily the BEST way to run things, but democracy has had it's chance and it isn't working. In theory, they are both equally apt systems. But you need the right people, and THAT is the problem. It says nothing about the system.
So democracy has never had the right people, and by my reasoning I should have no beef with it. However, it isn't the government that's the real problem with democracy. Actually, the problem with the democratic system is RELIGION, but I won't get into it.
And of course people don't want the government to tell them how to run their lives, and obviously it never occured to you that people don't KNOW what's best for them. They want their freedom--**** I want my freedom--but that isn't necessarily what's best for everyone. A few people do well with it, but most of us get screwed.
Neither, of course, am I saying I would necessarily ENJOY socialism, but it might be capable of producing a better country, on the whole.