What I've Done (AUDIO) *Main Discussion*


New member
Yupp ... finally, it is announced by Warner Music 'GERMANY' that the single CD for What I've Done will be released on 27th April 2007 (in Germany) but more importantly the cover of the new single is also released .. which looks terrible in my view :'( !!


You can view the official page (HERE)



New member
ya see this on LPU but me was to lazy to post it here :>

i kinda like it but i would like to see more art covers for MtM



New member
i hate it! i cant stand looking at it, ther worst single cover yet!

well dunno for sure about that... ... ...since i cant reember half of them...

but i still realy hate it



New member
alot of single covers are different for different countries...like i remember a japanese cover of a single was different from an australian one? but yea, i mean its only a SINGLES cover...i dont buy singles....so pfft yea, its still alright, although i dont recognise who it is...is it brad?

or...maybe its just a teaser cover...like its just there while mikes painting stuff? i mean when we got the new logo...new band photo...and new styles, i pose we had to expect new album art. hopefully we still get a painted cover...those were awesome



New member
who is on the front of it?

it doesnt really look like brad or mike, infact, doesnt really look like any of the band members...



New member
hmm it doesn't look much like him but somehow I think it's brad

anyway this cover reminds me of something from a band like...uh, the killers or something



New member
I dont like it either, youre right, it DOES look like the Killers or some indie-rock band.

U sure thats brad? reeeeealllly doesnt like like anybody.



New member

havent seen anybody that really likes it...

i can do that in photoshop... i mean i kinda like it but mike and joe both have degrees in art...

i wonder what songs will be on it other than what ive done!!!!



New member
I'm not sayin it's definately him...but if it isn't brad (certainly not mike) why put a pic of some random guy playin guitar...

maybe it's a statist for brad lol that they meant to look more like brad, but kinda failed in that

it's a thought



New member
At first it was like : HUH? is this LP?

But when i got a better look, i noticed i really love it! :)

It's different, but LP is different now, so i wasn't expecting a single cover to be the same as the old ones but i really like it:)

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