What Ive Done Vid On Youtube!!!!


New member
i loove the concept of where they show a starving african and then a fat american , as well as someone trying to skinny themselves down...shows how sad we are


New member
the video has excellent political power, i must say although, i didn't expect something like that.


New member
So if anyone hasn't realized what the song is about, this is my interpretation.

It is saying how America has to much, power I suppose, and how we live carefree while other countries have a hard time making it through one day. Showing the clips of the Anoxeria, Fat Guy, and Starved child is a great example of what I am trying to say. We are all fight amonst each other, when the real problem is out there.

I don't know if that's right but, that's my intrepretation.



New member
Why? The video is on TV now, so we can watch it for free anyway.
It all has to do with ratings you know, if you can watch it on Youtube channels like MTV and so on will lose viewers and viewers stand for money.

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