What kind are you?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
Religious or not, this simple test will give you a reading of your secular beliefs.


It's only twenty questions, but I found it quite interesting.

Post your results. Here's mine. Now I need an interpreter.

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (96%)
3. New Age (92%)
4. Mahayana Buddhism (88%)
5. Liberal Quakers (86%)
6. Theravada Buddhism (76%)
7. Reform Judaism (73%)
8. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (70%)
9. Jainism (67%)
10. Secular Humanism (67%)
11. Hinduism (65%)
12. New Thought (65%)
13. Scientology (63%)
14. Bah'ai Faith (61%)
15. Sikhism (60%)
16. Taoism (59%)
17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (58%)
18. Orthodox Judaism (49%)
19. Orthodox Quaker (42%)
20. Nontheist (42%)
21. Islam (40%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (23%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (22%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (20%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (13%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (11%)
27. Roman Catholic (11%)
1. Nontheist (100%)
2. Secular Humanism (100%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (89%)
5. Liberal Quakers (75%)
6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (75%)
7. Neo-Pagan (62%)
8. New Thought (57%)
9. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (56%)
10. Scientology (50%)
11. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (49%)
12. Taoism (49%)
13. Mahayana Buddhism (47%)
14. Reform Judaism (47%)
15. Sikhism (47%)
16. Bah
1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
2. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (93%)
3. Seventh Day Adventist (86%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (75%)
5. Eastern Orthodox (69%)
6. Roman Catholic (69%)
7. Liberal Quakers (56%)
8. Unitarian Universalism (51%)
9. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (47%)
10. Hinduism (45%)
11. Jehovah's Witness (39%)
12. Orthodox Judaism (38%)
13. Islam (37%)
14. Bah
An orthodox Quaker???? I never would have guessed. :p

Our pretty Muslim friend, AIG, would have a field day with that one.
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Sikhism (96%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (94%)
4. Liberal Quakers (92%)
5. Reform Judaism (91%)
6. Hinduism (87%)
7. Orthodox Quaker (82%)
8. Orthodox Judaism (73%)
9. Eastern Orthodox (68%)
10. Roman Catholic (68%)
11. Neo-Pagan (66%)
12. Mahayana Buddhism (64%)
13. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (62%)
14. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (62%)
15. Theravada Buddhism (62%)
16. Seventh Day Adventist (61%)
17. New Age (60%)
18. Jainism (58%)
19. Taoism (54%)
20. Islam (54%)
21. Bah
And here I was thinking the test was a bit rigged.

That's a good indicator that I was wrong Atlantic.
builder said:
And here I was thinking the test was a bit rigged.

That's a good indicator that I was wrong Atlantic.
I don't think mine was all that accurate either, too hard to tell with the multiple choice thingy, I am not even close to being Pagan or at least I thought. There were some ?s that I was forced to chose an answer that I wouldn't have because what I would have stated wasn't an option.
Yeah, but did you also use the bar that let's you choose the importance you place on each answer?

The default option is set in the middle of course.
1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
3. Liberal Quakers (85%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (82%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (74%)
6. Nontheist (70%)
7. Neo-Pagan (60%)
8. Bah�'� Faith (50%)
9. Taoism (46%)
10. New Age (44%)
11. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (44%)
12. Mahayana Buddhism (42%)
13. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (41%)
14. Reform Judaism (39%)
15. Jehovah's Witness (38%)
16. Sikhism (37%)
17. Jainism (35%)
18. Orthodox Quaker (33%)
19. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (32%)
20. New Thought (32%)
21. Hinduism (31%)
22. Scientology (26%)
23. Seventh Day Adventist (21%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (19%)
25. Islam (19%)
26. Orthodox Judaism (19%)
27. Roman Catholic (19%)

Sounds about right I guess. Nice to see Roman Catholic at the bottom :)
builder said:
Yeah, but did you also use the bar that let's you choose the importance you place on each answer?

The default option is set in the middle of course.
**** no, didn't realize, just kinda blew through it
1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. New Age (80%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (73%)
4. Hinduism (67%)
5. Mahayana Buddhism (67%)
6. Jainism (62%)
7. Theravada Buddhism (59%)
8. Liberal Quakers (57%)
9. Reform Judaism (54%)
10. New Thought (52%)
11. Sikhism (49%)
12. Scientology (48%)
13. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (40%)
14. Secular Humanism (40%)
15. Bah�'� Faith (36%)
16. Orthodox Judaism (35%)
17. Taoism (32%)
18. Nontheist (26%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (26%)
20. Islam (26%)
21. Orthodox Quaker (21%)
22. Eastern Orthodox (12%)
23. Roman Catholic (12%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (9%)
25. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (8%)
26. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (7%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (4%)

I missed the priority ratings first time around-but the first few weren't really affected by that.
1. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers (90%)
3. Neo-Pagan (85%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (85%)
5. Reform Judaism (77%)
6. Mahayana Buddhism (76%)
7. Sikhism (76%)
8. New Age (76%)
9. Bah�'� Faith (75%)
10. Theravada Buddhism (69%)
11. Taoism (65%)
12. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (63%)
13. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (61%)
14. New Thought (55%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (54%)
16. Secular Humanism (54%)
17. Jainism (53%)
18. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (52%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (50%)
20. Scientology (46%)
21. Hinduism (46%)
22. Islam (41%)
23. Nontheist (36%)
24. Jehovah's Witness (35%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (31%)
26. Roman Catholic (31%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (19%)

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