What kind of a monster would you have to be....


New member
...to kick your wife and twin daughters, who are not quite 2 years old, out of the house?

My friend is a wreck. She's been married for 3 years and she just informed me that her husband has kicked her and her daughters out of the house, changed the locks, turned off her cell phone, cleaned out their joint bank account and has taken her car.

Her car was missing the other day when she was leaving work and she figured he must have come and gotten it (forgetting to tell her because he's an *** like that) so she caught a ride to her house from her co-worker. There were a couple of small bags with some of her clothes and some clothes for the girls sitting on the porch. Her keys didn't work in the lock, as he'd already had them changed.

She was the only one in the relationship working. He was dismissed from the Air Force and collects disability. From what I can gather, she had to put the girls in daycare while she worked because it was "too hard" for him to watch them while he sat at home smoking pot and watching internet **** all day.

Thank *** her parents could take her and the girls in. She's living an hour and a half away from her business and is currently borrowing her dad's car to get back and forth in order to make a living.

I talked to her this morning and she's heartbroken. I sympathize with her, but I also told her she needs to be strong and get a lawyer right away to protect her and the twins. I know for a fact she's going to slip into anger mode soon and hopefully having legal counsel will prevent her from doing anything rash.

You know, if he wanted out of the relationship, fine. But HE should be the one to leave since it's easier for him to uproot and find an apartment for himself. To kick his wife and baby daughters out of their home when winter is setting in is completely heartless. A real man would have let them stay, even if he wanted out himself.

What an piece of ****. :(



New member
It's amazing how much more free and open your life becomes when you let go of people who only serve to bleed you dry and continuously suck the life out of you. One sided relationships stink.

Believe me.

Hopefully this break up, as difficult as it will be, will open the door for my friend to find a man who will treat her better and not be such a selfish, demanding child as her current husband is. That's my wish for her, anyway.

This is completely awful... That guy needs to have his *** kicked. I hope the legal system does that *** kicking...

I'll never understand people like this...



New member
...to kick your wife and twin daughters, who are not quite 2 years old, out of the house?
My friend is a wreck. She's been married for 3 years and she just informed me that her husband has kicked her and her daughters out of the house, changed the locks, turned off her cell phone, cleaned out their joint bank account and has taken her car.

Her car was missing the other day when she was leaving work and she figured he must have come and gotten it (forgetting to tell her because he's an *** like that) so she caught a ride to her house from her co-worker. There were a couple of small bags with some of her clothes and some clothes for the girls sitting on the porch. Her keys didn't work in the lock, as he'd already had them changed.

She was the only one in the relationship working. He was dismissed from the Air Force and collects disability. From what I can gather, she had to put the girls in daycare while she worked because it was "too hard" for him to watch them while he sat at home smoking pot and watching internet **** all day.

Thank *** her parents could take her and the girls in. She's living an hour and a half away from her business and is currently borrowing her dad's car to get back and forth in order to make a living.

I talked to her this morning and she's heartbroken. I sympathize with her, but I also told her she needs to be strong and get a lawyer right away to protect her and the twins. I know for a fact she's going to slip into anger mode soon and hopefully having legal counsel will prevent her from doing anything rash.

You know, if he wanted out of the relationship, fine. But HE should be the one to leave since it's easier for him to uproot and find an apartment for himself. To kick his wife and baby daughters out of their home when winter is setting in is completely heartless. A real man would have let them stay, even if he wanted out himself.

What an piece of ****. :(

She needs to get her paper work in. :p



Active Members
There is almost always fault on both sides of the issue, but he should have at the least made sure they had somewhere to go or gotten them an appartment or something. He knew he did not want to be with her long before this happened so he should have taken steps to at least be sure the kids were taken care of.

I am assuming the kids are his kids and if so, I have never known a Judge that would let something like that go without some serious penalty. He will most likely end up on the street himself, maybe he already knows that and is trying to do it to her before it happens to him......some people are just crazy but he has to know that the Judge will rip him apart.



New member
There is almost always fault on both sides of the issue, but he should have at the least made sure they had somewhere to go or gotten them an appartment or something. He knew he did not want to be with her long before this happened so he should have taken steps to at least be sure the kids were taken care of.

I am assuming the kids are his kids and if so, I have never known a Judge that would let something like that go without some serious penalty. He will most likely end up on the street himself, maybe he already knows that and is trying to do it to her before it happens to him......some people are just crazy but he has to know that the Judge will rip him apart.
They are his biological children.

She will be the first to admit she hasn't been easy to live with since the girls were born, but she says she has a lot of resentment built up because he refuses to help her with them. She's never cheated on him nor does she use drugs.

It doesn't sound like they had the most harmonious relationship, but what bothers me is that he feels it's acceptable to be a selfish and remove his daughters from their home.

I don't know why he thinks he should get to keep the house anyway. He won't find a part-time job as it is and it will probably go into forfeit. And right before this stunt, he took his disability check and some cash they had set aside for home repairs and bought himself an '81 Cadillac....that doesn't run. WTF?



Active Members
They are his biological children.
In almost every state this is all that really matters to the courts.

Unless he can show the home has been in his family for several generations of something like that, he will lose the house, the best car, and even part of his disability check because to the courts, taking care of the child is first. Being as he will not have much to live on once the divorce hits we can assume he will have to move in with his family or be in a shelter because there is no way he will be able to afford to pay rent and utilities on 50% or less of his disability check.

Your right Ali, he is a scumbag even if his wife was a monster because he put his daughters out too but tell her to hang in there, the guy will have 16 years of living like a refugee to pay for his mistakes.



Active Members
Ali, just curious, this sounds very familure, is this the same girl you talked about before at the Jungle about a year ago?

She was having issues with him kicking her out then too right? They spent some time apart and she got back together with him after that? Correct me if I am wrong...........



New member
Ali, just curious, this sounds very familure, is this the same girl you talked about before at the Jungle about a year ago?
She was having issues with him kicking her out then too right? They spent some time apart and she got back together with him after that? Correct me if I am wrong...........
Nope. Different friend.



New member
argggg.... old news but my daughters boyfriend did this once. He kicked her out of the house with Kandyce in the dead of winter and in middle of the night with no phone, no money and no keys. He got the riot act from both grandparents.

PS: Make a note to get police report for custody battle in the future..



New member
argggg.... old news but my daughters boyfriend did this once. He kicked her out of the house with Kandyce in the dead of winter and in middle of the night with no phone, no money and no keys. He got the riot act from both grandparents.
PS: Make a note to get police report for custody battle in the future..
It's sickening, isn't it????? :(



New member
She's my joy, she's my life.. and when I ask her she knows to say I'm..... ^^
lol, When I ask my nephew why he is so cute, he knows the right answer is "'Cause I get it from my Uncle Eddie"

It's so cute. :)

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