what LP songs wud make a good mix

Stuie Boi

Active Member
Mar 13, 2006
just wondering what every1 else out there thinks.... what LP songs wud be good mixed 2gether, any idea's..?
Esual 2 (APFMH DEMO) and A Place For My Head....yeah i know one is demo of other but....

Esual verse1 , APFMH Chorus, Esual verse 2, APFMH Chorus, APFMH verse 1, APFMH Chorus, APFMH verse 2, APFMH Chorus, APFMH Bridge, APFMH ending

longs song but it would own all
hes gotta hav those songs first u know, not EVERYONE owns those EP tracks =P
and he was jus lookin for ideas, not an actual one, he wants ta experiment x]
i recomend u find tracks that have the same vibe, that way they blend nicely, also follow Mikes rules to mashing too songs...find songs with similar beats, this makes it easy for words to flow from one track to the next, example if u want papercut on big pimpin background.and also find songs that say mainly the same things, this makes understanding things a lil easy =D
Hazi[LP]Tonz said:
hes gotta hav those songs first u know, not EVERYONE owns those EP tracks =P

lol, EP tracks are commonly availble all over the net.....

FireHawk said:
Esual 2 (APFMH DEMO) and A Place For My Head....yeah i know one is demo of other but....

Esual verse1 , APFMH Chorus, Esual verse 2, APFMH Chorus, APFMH verse 1, APFMH Chorus, APFMH verse 2, APFMH Chorus, APFMH Bridge, APFMH ending

That would be a awesome remix lol, I loved Don Byers remix 2 Places 1 Haed.


If you want songs to sound good together, a great place to start would be to check the Beats Per Minute (BPM). If the BPM is relatively close, then that saves alot of hassle matching the songs up. Next thing I would do, is check Tempo and Pitch. And last of all, make sure they sound good together.

Ive only remixed a few times, you would be better asking some of the other members on the forum.
thanks for advice guys... im not a total noob i been mixing clubish sort of music 4 my m8 eg. faithless. just wanted 2 to something that i wud like.. i will prob get hold of the EP Tracks and prob c if i can get those 2 mixed 2gether if they similer enuf...

cheers 4 help guys :thumbsup:
That would be a wicked mix m8 if ya pull it off u gotta record it and send me the file m8... :thumbsup: