What Makes A Bootleg Rare?


New member
Usually if a select few are given the bootleg and don't trade it. OR if the person who bootleged it doesn't trade it.


New member
Exactly ^^ at the end of the day the taper himself gets a BIG say in how rare the boot becomes, we have a thing i like to call "traders trust" where as if someone says DONT TRADE THAT!!! then you dont


New member
Exactly ^^ at the end of the day the taper himself gets a BIG say in how rare the boot becomes' date=' we have a thing i like to call "traders trust" where as if someone says DONT TRADE THAT!!! then you dont[/quote']
Yes, thats a good point. If you break that trust... your trading hobby will become difficult. No one will trade with Haguem now because of what he did.


New member
Exactly ^^ at the end of the day the taper himself gets a BIG say in how rare the boot becomes' date=' we have a thing i like to call "traders trust" where as if someone says DONT TRADE THAT!!! then you dont[/quote']
Except for FRGT10 Live at MFR 05 *cough* lmao


New member
File you got off of a trader- Depending on date and trader it's likely to have trade value!

File you got off of a fansite - No not rare atall


DJ BloodFrost

New member
A bootleg's rarity is a direct correlation to how hellbent a particular trader is on materializing something that has no real worth. For example, the jackass who recorded the Xero show (whoever it is) refuses to release it; therefore, only a few people in the world have seen or heard it. Why? Because the person who recorded the Xero show is a jackass. Most traders are; they think the entire world revolves around a live concert, and as such they have to "increase the value" of the show by NOT releasing it in order to inflate their ego. That's why I no longer trade. LP trading is now nothing more than a ******* contest. These days traders keep their shows locked up more than the Secret Service keeps tabs on the "Football".

(If you don't know what the "Football" is, search on Google for "Football" launch codes.)



New member
I've gotta agree with that Agent. I had one of the best collections a couple months ago (minus Jeff and Simon) until others gained on me. It is indeed a contest to see who can get more and who has the best shows.

However, I don't think there's a way to stop that entirely.



New member
Agent speaks the truth unfortunatly. But there are a few perks to being a trader, even if it is a pain in the *** sometimes. :p It can be fun, but getting a little frustrated is a part of it too, just like anything else in life.
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