What Palin Really Did To the Oil Industry


New member
The real comparison is not between Mr. Obama's windfall profit tax and Mrs. Palin's risk-and-profit-sharing plan. It is between Alaska's constitutional rule -- that the people must share directly in the state's mineral wealth -- and Mr. McCain's proposal that coastal states should share in federal offshore oil revenue. His plan is for the funds to be used for public purposes like roads, schools and conservation. A share of royalties dramatically improves the coastal states' incentive to support drilling. But if Mr. McCain offered every individual American a royalty check too, he might find it easier to sell his program.


New member
*** bless Sarah and may the nation follow your lead!.
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New member
*** bless Sarah and may the nation follow your lead!.
Obama is following her example. Has not socialized the nation's mineral wealth yet, but he is socializing healthcare and the auto industry.

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New member
Drinking in the morning is a new hobby of mine. Then it's off to the shops to buy some stripper boots for me and the girls...weeeee!
Make sure to buy the girls edible panties.



Active Members
Well snaf, it is like the point we made on this before and hugo dodged it, all the States use their National resources to help the public in one way or another. Texas gets a huge amount of money they steal from the oil companies, I posted a very long list of direct taxes the State imposes on the oil companies. That tax revinue is used to fund State functions, functions that each resident would have to pay himself if the State did not tax oil. At the same time Alaska pays way, way more for basic goods and services than people in Texas, so if we were to adjust the scale based on cost of goods, I would bet a considerable amount of money that the average Texan gets more out of the oil money then an average Alaskan resident. Sure, a Texas resident might not get a check, but they do get Government services and lower tax rates on their property etc.... because of the oil taxes, it all balances out.

Here in Florida we get tourists, we tax the **** out of them and let them go home while we enjoy the benefits of not having a State income tax.

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