What pisses me off


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
You know what really chaps my hide? This site... When I first logged on, at any point during the week, you would find 1 or 2 REALLY interesting debates going on between people who actually wanted to debate the issue... And at least 4 times a week, you would find a NEW POST that was insightful, though provoking, and in most cases well tough out...

I have been watching this site for a week know waiting for someone to post something of consequence, or for some people to actually debate something...

This is the part that gets me in the idiot box!

I though a job of the Mods was to keep it lively and keep the debate flowing and not sidetrack... I have seen little of this, and I have actually participated in threads that have turned into prolonged chat sessions... If you want to chat... go into chat... Hell, I'll even debate you in chat... But these threads that have come out lately are weak to put it mild!

But in the interest of being part of the solution, and not just the problem I will make a few suggestions for actual debate..

1.. Everyone knows that ALL the holy books in use today have inconsistencies! So how about a thread that 'discusses' the parts of the holy books that actually synchronise with today or parts of History... Now that is something you won't find anywhere else on the net being debated!

2.. How about a thread called 'Truth in History'... it can be a learning point for people of all cultures about stuff that is misrepresented in our history books... EG.. The US's treatment of the Natives, and how it fueled Hitler's treatment of the Jews... Or maybe someone can do a little research and give an abbreviated lesson on Saladin, and how he effected Arab/Christian relations over the years...

We have lots of Arabs, and Xtians on this site and I think it would be a VERY lively discussion...

I've been trying to fuel the debate since I got here... and for about 2 weeks now, I have been trying to post the most controversial **** I can think of! And yet no one bites!

Cmon People.... I have gone just short of calling Jesus Christ a Satanic Messiah and yet I still don't get any argument....

Are we all that mentally exhausted that we can't even fight a NAZI?!
I kinda see what you mean. How some of the good debates just turn into chat gibbrish. If ya notice, whenever it is a post I am not fresh on, I just toss in my two cents or I won't say anything at all. It maybe a mod's job to keep things in check as far as the site goes but at the same time we don't want to be Nazis about it and let people say what is on their mind. This is everyone's site as well. If you feel as if a good thread is starting to turn into mindless chat, speak up! By all means, shift the direction of the posts back to the topic. Hell once in a while I pop in and try to get things back on track after a long "chat" session as do a few others. So I feel kinda the same way as you do. So if you want me to pop in more often and try to get things back on track, I will be glad to be of help.

As far as the religious theme goes, that really isn't my cup of tea. I don't bother with those too much. :)
The fact that I am stumped and really don't feel like I have anything to say is obvious proof that you're right. Certainly I'm not doing my part. I dare someone to show me a useful post I've made recently (and yes, I have made some, so you can't call me on being totally useless!).

Alot of the reason I don't have anything to say though is because it's the same old ****, recently. Muslim this, muslim that, it's tiring. And it's not just Islam, but pretty much anything that has been posted hasn't been of interest to me.

Then I wonder, "where can I make myself part of the solution?" and then I realize that I can't! Why? You see... I don't really care about much. I discuss for the sake of discussing, so to become intrigued, I need the amusement to already be there. I'm not self-sustainable! aaaaagh. -sigh- Kids these days.

Wow.. this post is.. yeah.

Well. I got a new book!

The End.

//edit// Another thing I do.. I tend to have full posts typed up, and then I never click submit. I just decide not to say it. I probably do this 3-4 times a day. I guess I'm sparing others from teenage Canadianness.
Why don't I bite?

1. The religion thing doesn't really float my boat and it doesn't get anywhere. Not to mention I've heard enough about it to last a lifetime

2. The political crap. This stuff is another example of a goes nowhere topic. No one is going to change anyone's views on anything, ranting on a board won't do anything other than create a pointless never ending pissing contest, and not to mention...I've heard enough of it to last a lifetime. I'd much rather find a bunch of tweens/teens/kidults fighting over how goths/preps/punks/rivetheads/posers suck than sit through another thread about how much everyone hates dubya.

3. Current issues: YAWN!!!
Full Auto is right, i'm afraid. When I first joined this board in july, I made a post regarding derailing threads and was quickly shot down by many folks. When a thread makes a topic transition it actualy helps keep the thread fresh and intresting. However when it gets diluted into chatroom fodder, well that pisses me off.

The more intresting threads often drop off the page in lew of topics about muslims/terrorist or Goerge Bush. So I just go with it anymore, whats the use of bitching? I have noticed that when someone either has no point or is just simply losing the debate they turn to personal insults or just simply ignoring you. Reminds me of my ex-wife.
What prevents me from really getting into lengthy discussions and hot topic debates, is the fact that I'm at work for twelve hours a day. I try to read everything, but some things I don't get to. If I post a reply, I'm short and to the point. I don't dilly-dally thoughts back in forth in a post.

The most I get to post is on the weekends, Saturdays and Sundays are perhaps the best time to catch me online. Unfortunately, there are very few people mixing it up on here over the weekends. Its relatively dead. So I logout and go out for a while, come back log back in... nothing.

I can't stand looking in the usenet forums, alt.politics etc. I'll scan the topics to see if anything worthy of "Rants and Raves" is out there. Never. Same old bullshit... price of gas, Bush, terrorism, and Islam. And if there is anything interesting, you have to wade through the muck to find decent replies on the topic.

I wouldn't say that I'm part of the problem, I'd like to be part of the solution.
It also may be a cyclical issue. Three other boards I visit are as slow as a wet week right now.

One is bogged down in this ridiculous rant about speed cameras.

I wait with baited breath for the next brilliant reposte on that one. :rolleyes:
If you also notice, ocassionally I try to dig up old topics, even if they have nothing to do with "pissing someone off", if it was interesting and just suddenly dies, I will try to resurrect it. Then again let's take into consideration, today's news isn't exactly anything interesting.

If I have more time on my hands, I'll go digging through old threads again, especially since most new members won't go far into the archives to find a topic, I figure if I bring up an old one, it'll tickle their fancy.
I think one of the key problems, is we are all pretty much friends, so arguing is taken over by chatter. It's what happens when a BBS turns into a community. And I would agree, the REAL fun is getting into it with the new guy. I don't have the time that I used to last summer to be on GF to rant on a storybook bitch session since I work 3 jobs. I probably have at least 40 topics in my head, but I need to be in "MY ZONE" to go on a bitching rant, and oddly enough, for me to go on a long rant, I need too much time on my hands.

Statistically, you can now expect GF membership to slow down for a while and with that, fresh topics will be few and far between. This is mainly because we have bitched and complained about alot of **** in the world and now resort to bitching about each other. While that does have an amusing effect, it gets old quick.

Basically, the world is gaining ground when it comes to peace, so there isn't much in the world to bitch about if you think about it.

At least nothing political or religious anyway that we already haven't bitched about. But, as it always does in this world, that will change and everybody will be on a ****ing rant again taking sides.

Until then, MODS please read this post: http://Off Topic Forum.com/showpost.php?p=496829&postcount=1
Might as well just have a good ol' fashioned flamewar....

Phreak, you're a stupid faggot and your mom is so flat I could fax her

And Builder is just a flat out dumbass

Fullauto is an even bigger faggot than Phreak, who he sucks off for busfare and still walks home

Hey RO, How's your cousin's ass you inbred hillbilly ****.

And Outlaw, Id think you're cool, but too bad you're too much of an assclown

So Jenn, How's the street corner been treating you. Are the old men satisfied with the blowjobs you've been giving them? ****ing whore.

And Jhony, you're nothing but a bitch.

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Might as well just have a good ol' fashioned flamewar....

Phreak, you're a stupid faggot and your mom is so flat I could fax her

And Builder is just a flat out dumbass

Fullauto is an even bigger faggot than Phreak, who he sucks off for busfare and still walks home

Hey RO, How's your cousin's ass you inbred hillbilly ****.

And Outlaw, Id think you're cool, but too bad you're too much of an assclown

So Jenn, How's the street corner been treating you. Are the old men satisfied with the blowjobs you've been giving them? ****ing whore.

And Jhony, you're nothing but a bitch.

And with that...This thread has officially been hijacked.

I admit I have been avoiding the deep conversations lately. I simply have not had the time to post much of anything requiring thought and research. Another problem is we can only debate issues so long before we begin running them into the ground. I think after twenty threads about Islam and six about religion in general, almost everything that can be said has been said. We have already debated the most common and most controversial issues and frankly the board is running out of topics. I have seen so many duplicate threads with the same issues and the same arguments. I have also noticed as we run out of issues to pick apart and debate, we turn to picking apart the people on the site for entertainment. I agree, we need some new material. We need some new thought provoking threads.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Hey RO, How's your cousin's ass you inbred hillbilly ****.

Sorry. I don't speak retardese. Can you get someone to translate into meaningful English before you post, please? Your post is an orgy of stultifying cacophonous verbal depravity; an exercise in literary impotence, and an offense to all of good taste and decency.

Oh yeah... and eat the peanuts out of my ****, commie *******.
RoyalOrleans said:
Sorry. I don't speak retardese. Can you get someone to translate into meaningful English before you post, please? Your post is an orgy of stultifying cacophonous verbal depravity; an exercise in literary impotence, and an offense to all of good taste and decency.

Oh yeah... and eat the peanuts out of my ****, commie *******.

Its SUPPOSED to sound stupid.
Not really pissed off... Just wanted to shake it up a bit... it was getting a little stale... Sorry if it seemed like I'm an incredible asshole.... actually, I am an asshole, but not this time... just trying to move some things....
When I first joined last year with the rest of all of the California kids, there were topics popping up right and left for debate.
I think I repeated myself so many times when it came to religion that I just started referring people to my previous posts.
When someone brings up a topic nowadays we all agree and it's just repetition for a hundred posts, or when a decent post does come up, no one cares to reply.