What Role Does Government Play In Enterprise Corruption?



What Role Does Government Play In Enterprise Corruption?

Page Index:

Pretending To Fail
Simple Lies & Complex Truths
Enterprise Ineptitude Or Enterprise Corruption?
Waivers & Exemptions
Underfunded Regulation
The 3 "C's" Of Globalism & Enterprise Corruption
The 3 Branches of Enterprise Corruption
Cooking The Trial
The 4th Branch of Enterprise Corruption
Off-Shore Tax-Havens
Medicare Fraud
Voting Matters?
Honesty vs. Dishonesty
On Again - Off Again; Change Is Good
There Is A Reason For Everything
There Is A Reason For Anything
The Reason For George Washington's Distillery

The reason there are three branches of government is because two
branches is not sufficient to cover-up globalization and enterprise
corruption. Monarchies learned this back in the 1830s.

Simple Lies & Complex Truths

Simple Lie: Failure of government

Every fox that has ever been given the responsibility of guarding the
hen-house.. has failed miserably.

Complex Truth: Intentional failure of government

The primary function of government.. is to pretend to fail.

Government succeeds in doing exactly that which government planned to
do from the onset and then calls it a "failure" to make it seem

Popular announcements of planned failure include:

Failure of regulation
Failure of the system
Failure of the "grand experiment"
It is the best system we have got
Governmental oversight
Underfunded regulation
Unfettered markets
Bank failure
Too many loans
Watchdogs caught napping

How is it enterprise-wide failure occurs so often?

Every time one hears the word "failure" one should replace the word
with "accomplished" because it is not failure of government or failure
of the banking system or failure of regulation it is intentional
business strategy.

A system can't fail if a system doesn't exist.

Economic treason is the failure of government to learn from the
mistakes of history.. on purpose.

Intentional failure of government is.. TREASON

Pretending that economic and industrial treason is illegal is intended
to give the appearance that seeking and acquiring less-expensive labor
around the globe isn't the obsession and ultimate goal of the church
and the state.

The simple lie: Economic and industrial treason is illegal.

The complex truth: Economic and industrial treason provides.. cheap
labor forces.

There is one more thing about intentional failure. If failure is the
goal then coordinating, carrying-out, and covering-up failure would
require the enforcing.. of failure.

If failure is the goal wouldn't one would expect enforcement of
failure to be a rather significant function every branch of any form
of government?

Through something known as a patent system Government monitors
disruptive technologies, sciences, knowledge, and discoveries and
immediately institutes closed door meetings to plan ways to transfer
them offshore.

If you build it - it will be transferred.

If it inflates wages - it will be relocated.

Each and every form of government is nothing more than a regional
human resource department.

The 3 "C's" Of Globalism & Enterprise Corruption

The function of government is to coordinate, carry-out, and cover-up
globalism and enterprise corruption.

When it comes to pulling off the three C's of enterprise corruption in
America.. three branches of government.. works.

This is what de Tocqueville meant in the early 1830s during "a" French
revolution when he proclaimed.. "In America.. democracy works".

What he was actually saying was.. "In America.. pretending to fail..

Each branch takes turns.. pretending to fail.

Failure of regulation:

It is referred to as "failure of regulation" but the truth is..
failure is the goal.

Communism and all other forms of government located on foreign soil
are so evil - that it is ok to cook the books to defeat them.

Most forms of successfully deceptive leadership and government are
based on "one party versus another".

In a monarchy its the "King versus the King's advisor".

King + King's Advisor = Enterprise = Government

Republican + Democrat = Enterprise = Government

In a democracy it is the democrats versus the republicans.

The reality is.. in both a monarchy and a democracy and most other
"them-versus-us" forms of government, one side pretends to be against
what both sides actually want and what both sides eventually get and
both sides blame each other for getting what both sides actually

This "them versus us" thing is instilled into the minds of the
citizenry almost 24 hours a day.

There is so little differentiation between two "opposing" parties that
they have to invent differentiation.

Unlike the church.. the government globalizes behind closed-doors (in
a task-force) which explains why globalization documentation is kept
from public view by executive order for decades if not centuries.

The reason for globalization offered up by the church is "spreading of
the word" which used to be called "enlightenment" a few centuries ago

The reason for globalization offered up by the state: "ending poverty
throughout the world"

Very noble reasons indeed

Free globalization subsidized by the homeland labor force is just not
patriotic and borders on technical and economic treason on the part of
the enterprise behind the closed-doors.

Waivers & Exemptions

Enron's waivers and exemptions: If something is illegal.. why give a
company a waiver to do it?

Strange as it may seem, one of the primary purposes of law is to give
individuals and corporations exemptions.. from law.

And when it comes to the phony debate over small government or big
government, wouldn't a quiet waiver from big government be considered
small government?

Underfunded regulation and quiet waivers and exemptions from
regulation works best when periods of heavy burdensome regulation is
politically popular.

The public gets to hear lectures about the troubles with big
government and the usual comparisons of big government to socialism,
fascism, communism, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Marx.. etc.. etc.. while
big government is handing out waivers and exemptions from big
government at the same time. Even when markets are fettered, the
markets are actually unfettered.. but in a quiet kind of way.

The 4th Branch of Enterprise Corruption

The "moment of truth" for military action is determined by the SEC.

"Moments of truth" can be scheduled to take place at any time but
George W. Bush's "white-collar-crime" task force choose March 18 2003
to raid the corporate offices of the one single Healthcare corporation
that committed the greatest amount of Medicare fraud in the history of
Medicare and the SEC choose March 18 2003 as the day to discontinue
market trading in HealthSouth stocks which provided its own brand of
"shock & awe" for outside investors who owned HealthSouth stock.

In April of 1987 the Fed began "easing depression-era banking limits"
by setting into motion a plan to end communism by tearing down the
accounting walls that were constructed that last the the fed got
caught slaying communism.. by cooking the books.

Off-Shore Tax Havens

America never seems to have ever gained its independence from British
off-shore tax havens.

Medicare Fraud

You cannot defraud a big government program without a big government

Voting matters?

Cooking the laws, cooking the trials, cooking the juries, and cooking
the books is called "conservatism".

Pretending to be opposed to cooking the laws, cooking the trials,
cooking the juries, and cooking the books is called.. "liberalism".

Fighting labor costs is the true purpose of government and military.

War and the military industrial complex is little more than a
pragmatic solution to rising labor costs.

The government legalizes dishonesty for management while punishing
dishonesty on the part of labor and that is how wages are stabilized.

Tax reciepts pay for the expenses of the coordination and coverup of
enterprise corruption.

On Again.. Off Again; Change Is Good

Change.. provides opportunities to place blame. Change provides an
excuse. Change is an excuse.

War & Peace is change
Government is change
Enemies change
Rules change
War is.. big government.

So-called proponents of "small government" love the changeover to "big-
war" because big-war is big government (for war reasons of-course)
which was what proponents of small-government and big government
really wanted anyway.

Big war government can replace small government with three simple time-
tested words: "they hate us"

If they thought they "hated us" in 2001 - just imagine how much they
would have hated us if they had known we had been cooking-the-books
for ten years.. before they attacked us. Ironically, they may not
have been aware that we were cooking-the-books but their attacks sure
did a great job of.. covering it up.

War is the excuse for war welfare domestically and globally.

War permits financial and economic socialism.. in the name of war. The
category of individuals and institutions that usually decry big
government - love war government.

War permits an excuse for every form of social control that was said
be wrong and misguided just prior to war. It is easy to be against
things that you know will eventually transpire due to war.

Historically every time leadership pretended to take the high road and
offered to free the slaves a war followed and a draft followed right

In the game of government and politics you can have it both ways. We
like small government and we like.. war.

Government gets what it wants. Government just pretends it doesn't
want it.. between wars. And war and war government will occur at
least 5 times in the life of every individual. And sometimes war
lasts an individual's entire lifetime.

Big government - small government:

Example: The Public Utility Holding Company Company Act

Legislating to "control corruption" works and it is called anti-
business big government. Quiet waivers and exemptions from the same
big government legislation works and it is called "reigning in big
government" and "pro-business"

Now in the 1940s the greatest generation may have voted for the
legislation to control corporate corruption.. but who voted for the
quiet waivers and exemptions?

History will record the legislation.

History will not record the waivers and exemptions.

The job of a historian is to make it appear that throughout history
labor has ever been affordable.

Communism - democracy

Popular reasons for anything & everything:

archaic law
time passed (we didn't expect or plan on time passing)
the experiment failed

There Is A Reason For Everything

The Reason For George Washington's Distillery

His Scottish business man told him whisky could make money.

Politics; Complaining?.. or bragging?

When you hear a politician or a political scientist complaining odds
are good that the are actually bragging.


Working wages have fallen..
Human rights
Who is the intended audience of the political speach? Management?..
or labor?

The woes of labor is music to the ears of management.

Complex truth: We are now going to pretend to complain about the
effects of the things we just did intentionally. How could we
possibly have done what we just did on purpose if we go on record as
opposing those same things?

Pretending to complain is part of the exit plan.

Since the goal is always global wage stabilization then why complain
about the methods incorporated to achieve the goal?

Every issue a statesman complains about stabilized wages and wage
stabilization is always the primary goal. So what is the point of the

Is the politician warning, protesting, criticising.. or is the
politician bragging, boasting, and advising?

Why would politicians and banks care about working conditions and
human rights in the countries the politicians and banks just
outsourced the jobs to?

Everything the ordinary worker would consider to be a negative a bank
would consider to be a positive.

Who is the intended audience of the political speech? Management?..
or labor?

next: But Isn't Enterprise Corruption Illegal?