What song was stuck in your head today?

I know this is a REALLY silly thread but we all know that there is always a LP song in our head all day and when we finally get home we just blast it on and just jam! So um.. what song was stuck in your head today? (you can post everyday if you wish :D )

Today for me (and yesetrday too) was Somewhere I Belong and Papercut was in my head earlier in the day but mostly Somewhere I Belong



New member
Numb is always in my head. all the dang time im not complaining that is one of my favs but its always up there.


New member
Linkin Park song - One Step Close - Because I am doing a music video of it.

Other song- Metallica- Seek and Destroy - It is a cool song. Close to OSC.



New member
Queen Of the stone age: Little Sister- the school played it this morning and everyone kept staring at me.

Linkin Park: NtrMssion- WHAT?

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