I have WHS on HP MediaSMart Server, low-end model, but with 3 HD. The first two are fine, but the 3rd drive just failed. I have duplication set on all of my folders (that I care about). I have the messages saying "Storage Status: WDC xxxxxx SCSI Disk device
has failed. Ensure it is connected. If this problems continues, add a new HD and then remove the failed drive from your server storage using the console". There are some other messages, about backup service not running and the backup DB has errors, but
those are a result of the failed HD. <br/>
My question then is since i have duplication on, what do I need to do to fix this problem? Can I just remove the failed HD, and because duplication is on, WHS will repair itself and have my files back? Or do I need to have a new drive to make it work? Or what?<br/>
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has failed. Ensure it is connected. If this problems continues, add a new HD and then remove the failed drive from your server storage using the console". There are some other messages, about backup service not running and the backup DB has errors, but
those are a result of the failed HD. <br/>
My question then is since i have duplication on, what do I need to do to fix this problem? Can I just remove the failed HD, and because duplication is on, WHS will repair itself and have my files back? Or do I need to have a new drive to make it work? Or what?<br/>
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