What Would You Do Thread


New member
Okay, so i couldn't really think of a game because I'm not fond of playing games that I have to make up *cries*. I don't know what I'm doing here so correct anything I shouldn't have done. This thread is for how evil/kind are you. There is no quiz to take, for I know some quiz for like "how nice are you" or what type of red are you, etc.

Here is how you can start off with:

You see someone walking down the street, and a burgular comes up to them and tries to take their money and the victim is helpless.

What would you do?

And then after that, you answer this and give someone a descision kind of thing.

~have fun~

xoxo \m/



New member
I would most likely act against the burglar.

Unless he is a 2.5meter long guy with a pistol/knife, then I'd call 112(national alarm number..)



New member

An alien breaks into your house... and then it stares at you and says "..can I use your phone?"

What do you do?

(It's 7AM and I'm really tired.....I need to go to bed...)


Shadowed Heart

New member
Haha, it's only 6 am here Ryan. XD

Err... If he's cute I'd let him use it. :D lmao

What would you do if you saw Mike making out with one of your teachers?



New member
I would kick the burglars head out with a phone in my hand calling umm 112.. (are u from LT?)


New member
mike making out with one of my teachers? i didnt know mike was gay!!!

what would you do if you saw ur mum naked?

i suck at this game


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