

New member
Hi all!

Been missin J5? Me neither.

Been out of prison for awhile now. Life is good, reconnecting with the various vestiges of my former life. I wasn't in too long, 18 months of that sh t has taken its toll and I hope to never go back.

Apparently work boots are considered a deadly weapon when you use them to stomp a creeps head while he lay unconscious. The brain swells and can bring one to the brink of death after size 11's take a walk on a human skull. OOPS!

My Ex-Wife was smacked around by her boyfriend in front of my daughter. She failed to report it due to threats he made to turn her in for various welfare frauds she had been engaging in. I came over to help her pack up while he was at work. He showed up early, apparently a neighbor called him, tipping him off. He got all johnny-bad-*** on me and I, in turn, went all devil on him.

Screaming "DIE mf'er" while you stomp a man is a bad idea as it shows intent. Hard to hide ones intentions when numerous witnesses make statements of my vocalized desire to kill. I honestly had no intent to kill the guy. I was just trying to leave a mark on the fella. I thought I would get away with it due to my squeaky clean record. I was wrong. The cops ****** with me at the station. They said he died just to get a reaction out of me, I thought my life was over. He didn't die but apparently he came pretty close and suffered permanent damage to his left eye and he required surgery to repair the bone structure to his orbital.

I'm not a violent man, never been arrested before. I just kinda lost my sh t and couldn't reel it in. The whole thing was surreal to say the least. Having to be away from my daughter was the real punishment, and sad to say, she had to serve that sentence right along side me. For that I cannot forgive myself. But what is done is done and we've moved past that.

ANYWHOOOO......hope to hear from some of my 'ol fellas here.



Active Members
At least you came through it. I will say any man that beats a woman deserves just what you gave him.


New member
JHONY5. Wow, I'm conflicted here. I am a victim of a terrible assault that left me unconscious for hours, a concussion for quite some time, eye damage - not too bad, after 1-1/2 year visits with specialist able to not have to wear the pirate eye patch. I didn't deserve mine however; I simply went out with a girlfriend of mine for a couple of hours after work; and my boyfriend at the time didn't approve. Turns out he had MedulaBlastoma, and he died of brain cancer.

I will say however, the best thing for all parties involved would have been to call the police. He won, you went to jail, your daughter didn't have you; and I'll bet he still reported your ex-wife. Life with bad people is always a chess game, you must think several moves ahead to protect yourself from these ********.

I am surprised you got so much time though, my old bf who beat me nearly to death only got 6 months, and required mental health evaluations. I didn't provoke the beating either.

Your ex-wife put your daughter and you in a bad position, I hope she really learned from this, and won't repeat it again, sadly I don't trust her though. There are other agencies who could have helped CPS for example. So she was commiting welfare fraud, shacking up with an abuser, and you ended up paying for it.

I'm sorry you had to pay for her mistakes.

The only time a head stomping is justified imo is if some perp hurts your child physically, or takes them from you - then imo eye for an eye and NO MERCY!!!!! and anyone who knows me, knows I would come back from the grave if I had to, to avenge my chilld.

Too bad you didn't get the Casey Anthony jurors :(



New member
JHONY5. Wow, I'm conflicted here. I am a victim of a terrible assault that left me unconscious for hours, a concussion for quite some time, eye damage - not too bad, after 1-1/2 year visits with specialist able to not have to wear the pirate eye patch. I didn't deserve mine however; I simply went out with a girlfriend of mine for a couple of hours after work; and my boyfriend at the time didn't approve. Turns out he had MedulaBlastoma, and he died of brain cancer.

I will say however, the best thing for all parties involved would have been to call the police. He won, you went to jail, your daughter didn't have you; and I'll bet he still reported your ex-wife. Life with bad people is always a chess game, you must think several moves ahead to protect yourself from these ********.

I am surprised you got so much time though, my old bf who beat me nearly to death only got 6 months, and required mental health evaluations. I didn't provoke the beating either.

Your ex-wife put your daughter and you in a bad position, I hope she really learned from this, and won't repeat it again, sadly I don't trust her though. There are other agencies who could have helped CPS for example. So she was commiting welfare fraud, shacking up with an abuser, and you ended up paying for it.

I'm sorry you had to pay for her mistakes.

The only time a head stomping is justified imo is if some perp hurts your child physically, or takes them from you - then imo eye for an eye and NO MERCY!!!!! and anyone who knows me, knows I would come back from the grave if I had to, to avenge my chilld.

Too bad you didn't get the Casey Anthony jurors :(
Attempted murder can get you 25 to life. I was also charged with aggravated battery and assault with a deadly weapon. I pled out on the first two charges and they dropped the third (assault with a deadly weapon....that being my boots). The fact that he started it didn't wash because when a man goes down, you have to stop the beating. Essentially, defending yourself only goes to a point whereas the threat has subsided.

As I said in the OP, shouting "Die m'fer" repeatedly was my coffin nail. Poor choice of words, I suppose. I have an open carry permit (or at least I did). I had a loaded pistol in my jeep but didn't think to even get it. Frankly, I was foaming at the mouth to get a few licks on this punk. "Calli the police" were my first words when he was seen speeding up to the house. My Ex was screaming "Stop you're going to kill him" while on the phone with 911. Her written statements to the police painted me as a murderous villain that had planned the act all along. She even moved back in with the guy for about 6 months while I was in the clink.

It all happened so fast and when given time to reflect, I couldn't believe how foolish I was to continue the beating to such an extent. We've all heard people say "I was out of my mind"....well...I was out of my mind.

CPS....lol don't get me started on that. I tried to go that route with her last boyfriend, a chap that was a far worse human being than his replacement. CPS doesn't respond to calls made by 'baby daddy'.

I was always the hard working family man. I stayed away from hard drugs and alcohol. Never arrested, kept my nose clean. Yet more than these white trash drug addled scumbags (My Ex and her associates/friends/boyfriends), I was made to pay more than any of them.

I don't blame anyone but myself. I'm far smarter than that. One would need to consider ten years of extenuating circumstance and repeated torment by my Ex, her "friends" and the family court system to understand how such an explosion could occur.



New member
I can't remember what Steve was actually charged with. I don't remember the whole attack, as I was coming in and out of consciousness; but I guess I blocked alot out, or simply just can't remember. My situation was totally different than yours. Your ex actually went back to that guy? It always seems the neglectful parents get away with everything, but trust me, someday they have to face ***. Do you have any other family members who could call cps? Whatever you do in the future, do not let her involve you with her problems. If your daughter is in danger, get it on video, pictures, whatever you can. Document everything. I understand what 10 years of constant torment can do to a person, I do. I'm sorry these people drove you to the brink. I hope you are rebuilding your life and continue to do so with good people in it.

Screen Ranger

New member
Going to prison sucks. I spent a few months in when I was young for kicking the **** of my mothers ******* insane boyfriend. ********** had me arrested. My crack ***** old lady didn't even speak up in my defense.
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